Hello, everyone. Linda here from ITTT. Welcome to another live session this week. Thank you for joining and taking time out of your day to spend it with me. I'm very happy about that. Today, we have a very exciting topic. We are going to talk about teaching off the beaten path. 10 alternative TEFL destinations. I'm very excited always when I do live sessions about destinations. It's like a little bit of a virtual tour around the world. I really enjoy these types of live sessions. I thought we haven't had one of those in a while, so why not bring that on today. We are live on Facebook and YouTube. If you're watching this for the first time, very welcome. Welcome to join us. Maybe get a beverage, get some snacks, settle in. These live sessions usually take about 45 minutes to an hour. You don't have to watch the whole thing if you have other things to do. I'm not mad about that. You can always come back and watch the replay. As always, we have people coming in and coming out all the time throughout the session. That's perfectly normal. You can also ask your questions about today's topic, about anything related to TEFL or TESOL, teaching English abroad, anything like that. Also, please let me know in the comments right now if you're watching this, if you can see me well, if you can hear me clearly. And I always start off by asking you guys where you are right now. So, where are you watching from today? I'm in South Korea and it is 10 a.m. Friday morning.
Where are you right now and what time is it? Don't forget to like and subscribe. We go live every week and these are free live sessions. Join if you're interested in TEFL and TESOL, teaching English abroad or online. We have a lot of regular viewers who come to soak up information. I appreciate you. Oh, we have Pedro back. Hi, Pedro. Nice to see you again from Costa Rica. What city are you in? Not that I know any cities in Costa Rica. What's the capital city? I forgot. We have a TEFL in-class center in Costa Rica, I think in Manuel Antonio. We also have a comment from Marina. Hi, Linda. This is Marina. Very interesting topic. Thank you. When you go live, it's very early morning in my city. So, I usually watch the recording. When you're watching the recording, feel free to leave any comments or questions. Even if you're watching the replay, we will still get back to you. Thank you for watching the replay and for tuning in as a podcast.Thank you so much for tuning in.
We always turn our live sessions into podcast episodes after, so if you enjoy podcasts or like audio-only formats, you might want to check it out. You can search for it on any place where you listen to podcasts. It's still early in the morning. So, anywhere where you get your podcasts from, you can search for the TEFL and TESOL podcast for ITTT and you'll find us there. So, maybe that's something you're interested in as well. Then we have Simon here. Hi, how are you doing Simon? Where are you watching from? Pedro says San Jose is the capital. Yes, of course, I forgot and Manuel isn't on the Pacific coast. Nice. And Pedro is from the countryside called Turielba. Turi Alba is that how you say it? Nice. That's a really nice name. I like that. Probably pronouncing that wrong, but I apologize.
And then we have John Michael here from Bridge Town Barbados and it is 9:00 p.m. over there. Nice. Awesome. Thank you all so much for joining today. We're going to go on a little bit of a world tour today. So, we're going to cover 10 destinations that are a little bit off the beaten path. Okay. And so what that means basically, when we talk about teaching English abroad, there are certain countries that are very popular, that are very common destinations for teaching English abroad. Like China, South Korea, Japan, France, Italy, Mexico. Those places are very popular destinations for teaching English abroad. So, today we're going to cover 10 countries that are not so popular yet. Maybe, but they should be. They should be on your radar. So, definitely, if there's one or two countries you're interested in, check it out.
And we're going to cover a bit about why these countries, or what the demand in these countries is like for English teachers, the salary, a little bit about the hiring, how you can find a job there and the requirements. That was the fourth part. Great. Simon is watching from South Africa. Oh, it is 3:00 a.m. in South Africa. That is crazy.
Thank you, Simon, for being online. I have a question for you: Do you need a degree to teach English abroad? It depends on the country. For the countries we're discussing today, I'll mention whether or not a degree is required. Don't worry if you don't have a degree, as there are still many destinations where you can teach English. In fact, your South African citizenship may give you an advantage in some cases, as some countries are selective and only accept candidates from certain native English-speaking countries. South Africa is one of those countries. In this section, we'll also discuss the requirements for teaching English abroad. Stay tuned for more information.
And thank you for your question. And then we have CB here watching from the UK. Hi, CB. What time is it there also? 2:00 a.m. or something? 2:00 a.m. in the UK or something like that?
Thank you so much for being here with us today. If you are not yet TEFL or TESOL certified, you can use this link. You can sign up and you can get a 30% discount. So take advantage. If you want to teach English abroad, start about one year before your desired start date with your TEFL journey because it takes a couple of months to finish the course. Especially if you are already working. It just depends. A general rule of thumb is to start about one year before your desired start date abroad with your TEFL course because that's one of the first steps that you need to take before you can move abroad and teach. My name is Linda. I am a travel writer and content creator, and I'm also TEFL/TESOL marketing professional for ITTT. I'm also an English teacher. I've taught in class and online. I do many different things. But these are the two main things that I do. My travel writing and content creating is very passionate about that. I love sharing my experience living in Korea, living in Asia, teaching English abroad. If you want to learn more about that, I recommend checking out Linda goes East.com or also on Instagram @lindagoeseast. East because I live in Asia and I'm very interested in Asia and Asian countries. I'm originally from Germany and the USA. So, my mom is German, my dad is American.
USA so my mom is German, my dad is American, that's why I teach both German and English and I am based in South Korea, I've been here for seven and a half years but I also lived in China before and I taught English there and it was a great experience and that's a little bit about me and then the other side the TEFL and TESOL marketing side that I do for ITTT, which is why I am here for you today, which is why I am here for these live sessions. So if you don't know if you're completely new to this, ITTT stands for international tefl and tesol training and our website is tefl course.net and you can find us also on social media at International tefl training and what is ITTT if you're asking? We are a leading TEFL and TESOL course provider worldwide, so we offer a wide variety of different TEFL and TESOL courses is online courses, in-class courses, also combined courses. So, and these are courses for people who want to teach English professionally, so if you take a tefl or tesol course from us, you can go abroad to teach English, you can also teach English online, or you can also teach English in your home country. It is a certification that certifies you that you are an English teacher, you know how to teach English, basically that's what we do and I know that many of you watching are already tefl and tesl certified by ITTT or or also maybe a different company, no problem and if you are not, again I recommend taking advantage of the 30 off deal that we have which is here in the comments this link, you can just click on that, copy paste, fill out your application and you get a 30% discount. So, all right okay, Laverne from South Africa, staying in South Korea, okay nice, I also live in South Korea, where do you live in South Korea?
Awesome, all right then we have Chandra here, good morning all, hello, how are you doing, what city are you in, is that prakash chandan is that the city Mahatma Gandhi Central University Motihari Bihar India, or is that the city? I don't know many cities in India, I apologize but okay, India Chandra, thank you so much for being here, I appreciate that [Music] good, oh I'm in Gwangyang-si, oh nice, yeah I've been there, nice, very nice, I am in Cheongju-si, that's near Daejeon, if you know, maybe you know you probably know Daejeon, you might not know Cheongju, but anyway so let's get back to today's business as always feel free to leave comments throughout this live session, you're very welcome to do so, and we also have a Q&A section at the end that is dedicated for only questions, so let's just kind of get into it, this is what we're going to talk about today, so teaching off the beaten path 10 alternative tefl destinations, so we're gonna go on a little bit of a journey, a trip to 10 different countries today. So Daniel says hola Linda, hola, the facts you shared about the ginkgo trees is just mind-blowing, yeah, so this is on my Instagram because it is or it's kind of ending now but it is fall Autumn season in Korea and we have a lot of ginkgo trees and the ginkgo tree, this is what I shared on my social media, what Daniel is referring to is actually a living fossil. Considered a living fossil, they have been around for millions of years and these trees have never really changed or evolved. So that's one of the only trees that have never really changed and evolved. So they are the same today as they were when they were dinosaurs, for example. So, I think that's what Daniel is referring to. If you also want to learn more about that, go to my Instagram at Linda goes east, and you can find that out. Thank you, Tanya. All right, good.
Teaching English in Kazakhstan
Let's have a look at these destinations and I think we're jumping right into number one, yes. Okay, so we're gonna jump right into number one. Wait, before we talk about Kazakhstan, just one more minute. Like I said, so what this means, if you just join and you don't know what I'm talking about, 10 alternative TEFL destinations. Basically, when we talk about TEFL destinations, countries that are very common for teaching English as a foreign language are considered to be like China and Korea also maybe France or Italy in Europe and Mexico in North America. These are very common places a lot of people go there, also Japan and the competition is very fierce there, but they also have good salaries, typically, and really good benefit packages. That's why they are so popular. Some of them also have teaching programs like the EPIK program in Korea, the JET program in Japan, and so on but today we're really going to focus on some lesser-known destinations that are still worth talking about. And if you're someone who is looking for something a little bit different then I recommend you checking out these 10 destinations. All right, and as we just saw a couple seconds ago, the first one we're going to talk about is actually Kazakhstan. And I'm going to make myself smaller here so we can read better what's on the slides. Laverne says I'm interested in your courses, yeah. Please check out the link I shared. This one because this will also get you 30% off. And at the end, in the Q&A section, you can also ask more questions about the courses. If you're interested in a specific course, I can answer that for you there. So that will be at the end after we talked about all of these places. First, so Kazakhstan is the first one on the list. Again, these are 10 countries that I've picked, and they are in no particular order. They're also not alphabetically sorted or organized. This is just a random order and no particular reason for that. So, first off, Kazakhstan. And the demand in Kazakhstan, let's have a look at that. So, actually, a lot of people don't know that Kazakhstan is the largest and richest country in Central Asia, right.
That's why this country should be definitely on our list. And also the government in Kazakhstan is investing heavily into private language schools, so they're currently pushing English language education, which is really, really great for us English teachers. The demand is definitely the biggest usually in the biggest cities, which is why I named them right under the country for every slide. So, and sometimes the cities are hard to pronounce, so please, don't judge me. I'm trying my best. So, the biggest cities for Kazakhstan are Almati, which is I believe the capital city or it is Astana, Almati, Astana, and Shimkent, I believe, is how you say it. So, those are the three largest cities in Kazakhstan, and they have usually the biggest amount of language schools and the highest or the most opportunities. The requirements for teaching in Kazakhstan, you need to have a TEFL certificate of at least 120 hours. That's very important, but a University degree is not required to teach English in Kazakhstan. So, this is good news because in the beginning, who asked, here Simon asked about the degree. So, Kazakhstan, for example, you do not need to have a degree to teach in Kazakhstan.
Salary and benefits, so this really is a big range here. I, I know that 350 to 1250 US dollars per month is a big range. I think it depends on you know the type of school you work at, which city you work at, and also how many teaching hours you have per month or per week, per month, also. And they also provide free accommodation and paid airfare in many cases, so that's also really, really great news. Then about the job hunt, a little bit, you can never go wrong and this is a theme throughout these slides, with recruitment companies and online job boards and other teaching related websites. So, these are usually the standard things for a job hunt for teaching English abroad. They're just recommended, either you use a recruiter, you use online job boards, your own search, or other teaching related websites. So, yeah, that is because it's not the first one and a lot of questions are coming in right now and I'm just gonna answer that. Basically, Simon is asking how much is the TEFL course. So, this depends on the TEFL course. So, please go to, please click the link that I shared and you'll see the different options there. You're gonna see, so the 120 hour, this one is usually the one that we recommend for people who are completely new to this and this one starts at 249 US dollars.
With this link, how do we apply then? Simon says, do you perhaps have the links to apply Kazakhstan? So, what you can also do is, yes, we have a jobs section on our website. Let me share that with you too, and you can filter by country, and then you can just pick Kazakhstan, for example, and look for jobs. And for everyone who's not aware, so if you are if you take an ITTT TEFL course in TESOL course at the end, you will have access to Lifetime job support. So, at the end, we will help you find a job in the country where you want to go to. So, Simon, if you sign up for one of our courses at the end, you will receive that support. You can let us know, for example, I want to teach in Kazakhstan, or hey, I am from South Africa, but I don't have a bachelor's degree, for example. But, so, where can I teach? Let me know where I can teach, and we will help you with that. So, that is also included and free of charge and Lifetime jobs assistance. But anyway, this is the jobs link that I shared. So, this goes for all of the countries. You can go here, TEFL-jobs on our website, and filter for the country you're interested in, and check out the most recent jobs.
Teaching English in Brazil
Brazil is actually more of an up and coming destination for sure, especially in recent years. So, Brazil is the largest country in Latin America. It's actually one of the largest countries in the world, so there are a wide range of opportunities for TEFL qualified teachers. The demand for teachers in Brazil is especially high in major cities like Sao Paulo, Rio, and Salvador, many other cities as well and popular tourist destinations. So, thanks to the rapidly growing tourism industry and a booming economy, that's why Brazil is also investing heavily in English education, which again is really great news for us English teachers, and you can find a lot of opportunities there. The requirements for teaching English in Brazil is, you need to have a bachelor's degree, so that is a four-year degree or a three-year degree in the UK. It depends. So, a University degree, you also need to have a TEFL certificate of at least 120 hours, and you need to be you don't need to be a native English speaker, but they are preferred, and it's even better if you have Portuguese language skills. That is a huge plus, but again, that is not necessary.
Language skills are a huge plus, but again, that is not necessary, so anybody can apply. And I think with any of these really large countries, I think in the larger cities, the requirements are maybe more strict compared to if you move further out of the city. So, if you're interested in Brazil and you are not a native English speaker, perhaps you can find a position outside of one of those bigger cities in a smaller city where the competition is certainly much, much lower, but still it's a great experience. As for salary, you can expect to make between 800 and 1,500 US dollars per month. Usually, in Brazil, teachers are paid on an hourly rate, most of the time, and you will get between 10 to 15 dollars per hour for first-time teachers. And then, if you have a couple of years of experience or a TEFL certificate, you can expect to earn between 20 to 25 dollars per hour. As for the job hunt, usually in Brazil, it is done in person in the country. So you should be in Brazil during the peak hiring seasons, which are in March and August. And you should avoid January and February, because they are traditional vacation months in Brazil. So that is about Brazil, and I think definitely a great destination to look into for sure. All right, let me have a look at more comments here. Chandra says, "Linda, I invite you to visit my place in India. You can also call it incredible India." Nice. I would love to visit India, because, as I mentioned in the beginning, I love Asia, so my plan is to visit all the countries in Asia. I hope I can make it. Definitely, India is on my list. So thank you so much for inviting Chandra. Okay, Simon says, "Yes, it does make sense. So can we pay the money for the course in installments, maybe, or are we required to pay the full fee when taking the course?" Yes, so we actually have installment payment options. What I recommend is please reach out to us via email for the installment things and how that all works, because my the course's administration team knows all about that. So please email courses@tesol-tefl.com, and they will let you know about the installments. It is possible, so reach out. All right, here we have is it Shawnee or Shane? Shane, maybe, because of the accent. I'm sorry if I butcher your name. Shane has a big comment here. She says, "China now requires all degrees and certificates to be authenticated before it can be used in China. Usually with degrees, the authentication process is done in the country it was obtained. I was wondering how you would go through the authentication process with an online ITTT certificate."
Yeah, so we know that with China it's been like that for a while already, and it's also like that for Vietnam, I believe, and many countries are kind of doing that now, more and more we see that with the authentication, notarization, all these things. So we offer that as an additional service. So that is an option. You can let us know when you sign up for the course, and then throughout your course, you will be in touch with us. We will send you emails, and we have you know designated course consultations, and so on, and people you can reach out to that will be in touch with you throughout your course experience, and you can let us know, hey, I am going to teach in China, so I need that authentication, and then we will do that for you, right away before you even get your certificate, so that's all done before they are sent out, and we never had any issues with that. They have all been accepted by China because we have a lot of people who take our courses and move to China to teach, so no problem there. Great, thank you so much for all your comments. It's really, really good. You're so active today. I love that. So thank you. So we talked about Kazakhstan and now we are in Brazil.
Teaching English in Malaysia
Now we're moving on to another country that is sort of off the beaten path a little bit, an alternative country TEFL destination, and that is Malaysia. So, another place in Asia, and here, the demand is also pretty good. The country actually has a large population and a fast developing economy, and there are a lot of opportunities at private language schools and kindergartens, and also high schools and universities. So, you can really find jobs at all different types of schools in Malaysia. The biggest cities in Malaysia are Kuala Lumpur, which is the capital, and then we have I think it's Kajang and Sebarang Puri. Those are the three most populous cities, but there are also others like Penang or Kohor, Umalu. All those places are very touristy, so there's also a demand for English teaching there. The requirements for teaching English in Malaysia are a little bit more strict. So you do need to have a bachelor's degree, and you also need to be a native English speaker and have a passport from one of those countries which are USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, and you also need to have a TEFL certification. Thank you, Shanae. The pronunciation with the eight is correct. Awesome. Thank you.
Back to Malaysia, the salary and the benefits are also pretty decent. It's between 1,200 and 2,300 a month, and again, Malaysia's cost of living is lower, and also, free accommodation and paid airfare are sometimes available, so you can negotiate that with your contract and as for the job hunt, again, you can go with recruitment companies. You can also go with online job boards and other teaching related websites. You can also take advantage of ITTT's lifetime job support, and we will help you find a job in Malaysia. Malaysia, I have been before. I've been to Kuala Lumpur. It's very nice. I really enjoyed it there. What I really loved about Malaysia was how multicultural it is. It's very international there. So this is what surprised me the most. What I remember from being in Kuala Lumpur is there's the street, and they have a mosque, a Hindu temple, and a Buddhist temple all in the same street, all next to each other, and it's not a problem. It works. Everyone just lives together, you know, and it's just great. So it's very international. The food is great. You have a lot of people from different countries. It's a really great atmosphere, and especially Kuala Lumpur. The picture is from there. It's a very big city, famous for these Twin Towers. Yeah, it's really great. The weather is good. It's very colorful, welcoming. I really loved it there, so I would definitely go there and teach. I'm really surprised it is more of an alternative destination because really it's very nice. I really had a great time there, and I can recommend it to anyone. So that is Malaysia. I mentioned everything, yeah.
Teaching English in Peru
All right, let's go on to the next place. Peru. Yay. Okay, so Peru. I think I mentioned that before, but that is one place where I am dying to go. So I have never been to Latin America before, and for some reason Peru, I don't know if I lived there or if I'm from there from like a past life or something, but something really draws me to Peru, and there's a place where I'm dying to go. So I'm super excited to have it on this list. The biggest cities are Lima, all right, keeper, I think, and Trujillo, if you say that correctly, I think and also the demand for TEFL has risen in Peru in recent years. They experienced a growing economy since 1993, so definitely really good, and especially business English is growing in popularity there. And also the tourist industry means that a lot of locals want to brush up on their language skills. So business and tourism really drives the English language education market there, and there are a lot of opportunities in these bigger cities. Salaries, as with many countries in Latin America in this region, are not really great, so it's just between 500 and 700 a month. That's why a lot of people actually also take on freelance work where either they teach or tutor additional students in their free time, or you can always do online teaching of course, and then you can make between five and twenty dollars per hour. But the cost of living, of course, in Peru is a lot lower compared to the US or European countries, so you're not gonna die with a salary of 500 to 700. You're gonna, you're not gonna starve, but obviously, you might not be able to save as much, and so that's another thing.
The requirements: 120-hour TEFL qualification certification is also required for most positions in Peru, and having a degree is preferred, but it is also not required for all jobs. So this is really great news. All you need to really have to teach English in Peru and have an awesome time checking out Machu Picchu, where I'm dying to go, is to have a TEFL certificate. So, and it's not even going to cost you that much if you use today's code or today's link which ends with FACEBOOKLIVE-LINDA and you get 30% off and then it's really not gonna cost you that much to go and teach English in Peru. For the job hunt a lot of in-person interviewing actually happens in Peru.
However, what we've seen, especially since the pandemic, is that a lot of countries where it was traditionally more in-person interviewing have also switched to online interviews because of the pandemic. I imagine that also a lot of companies in Peru or schools in Peru are doing that now too or you might already be able to schedule some initial interviews online and then go there and interview in person. And then again, just recruitment companies are available online, job boards are available in person, other teaching-related websites. What I always like to mention again are Facebook groups. I know I mentioned that a lot but they're very helpful. So you can find like English teachers in Peru, you can join this group, you can talk to people, they share links. You might be able to a lot of these groups. So what happens is when someone is teaching and then, for example, they are leaving, they go back home or they are going to a different school or whatever, they usually post to help find a replacement for themselves for that school. So they will post in a group like this on Facebook and say "I'm leaving my position at this school in Peru in Lima, for example, and they are looking for a replacement." So you can apply here. These groups are really useful. So I really recommend joining if there's a city or a country you're most interested in teaching in. Go on Facebook and look for "English teachers in" and insert that country or even that city, and you can make connections, you can get access to people who are there, and also recruiters use this a lot. In schools, they also post about jobs there. So I think that's a really good idea. Thank you, Daniel, he says "Yes, you got it right Linda arikita and Trujillo." Great. I also learned some Spanish and I think I really like Spanish. I think it's one of the most beautiful languages, it just sounds very nice. I'm dying to take a refresher Spanish course so that when I finally go to Peru, I am ready and I can get the basics done. So, anyway, this is Peru.
Teaching English in Morocco
We covered Kazakhstan, Brazil, we covered what was before this, I forgot already, Malaysia, we covered Peru, which is number four. Then let's move on to the next one, which is Morocco. So this is really off the beaten path. We really don't see Morocco a lot when we talk about English teaching destinations. So this is really off the beaten path and I really wanted to include it because actually I have a friend from University and she studied French in Morocco. She went to University in Morocco and loved Morocco so much. It's really a great place, she had a great time. It's also very international, you have a lot of people from different countries in Morocco. Casablanca, Rabat, Fes, those are like the biggest cities. So, and especially Morocco is a big tourist destination, so a lot of people need to learn English, and they also need to learn business English to engage with the students and also do business. And Morocco is actually one of the largest teaching English markets in North Africa. So if you're interested in that part of the world, Morocco might be a great destination to go to. And to start, the requirements to teach English in Morocco are again a bachelor's degree, a University degree, and you also need to be a native English speaker from again one of those seven countries we mentioned, and you need to have a TEFL certification. The salary is between 500 and 1,000 US dollars a month, which is not too bad, but there are no extra benefits. So you're not gonna have free flights, you're not going to have housing, you're not going to have any stipend, housing stipend, or anything like that. So that might make it a little bit more difficult, but you can always tutor students in your free time. You can always supplement your income by teaching online. All of these things, and again the cost of living in Morocco is a lot lower than in America or Europe. Interview again in Morocco did do a lot of in-person interviews. So you need to go there first and interview, but you can actually find jobs there year-round. But there is a downtime around Islamic holidays, so just keep that in mind. Avoid if you go and interview in person, just avoid going there during that time. We have Chio here, hello, how are you doing? Thanks for being here. Good. So this is Morocco.
Teaching English in Georgia
Let's see what we have next. Next up, we're going to talk about Georgia, the country, the Republic of Georgia, not the US state. Here especially popular, the capital city of Tbilisi, then we also have Potumi and Kutaisi. So the demand is very high in Georgia. Oh, this one is a mistake, more than 100,000 foreign teachers working in China. That you can scratch that, that is not for Georgia. But actually, Tbilisi is a very up-and-coming destination in Europe, especially for also digital nomads. Georgia is very open for digital nomads. They have a remote working visa. So it's a really good destination, very modern, up and coming, so really really nice, and there are a lot of opportunities for teaching as well, at public schools, kindergartens, boarding schools, universities, international schools, really everything. They're really also pushing the English agenda there, so that is really really good.
The salary is also, you can expect to make between 1,000 and 2,500 US dollars a month. And in many cases, they also provide free accommodation, paid airfare, and an end of contract bonus. And especially in the TLG program, this is where you get all of these really great benefits. This is the teach and learn with Georgia. Oh, I forget TLG Georgia.
Let me Google real quick. I don't want to say anything wrong - teach and learn with Georgia. So this is actually a really really good program for people who want to teach English in Europe. So if you're interested, I'm just pasting this link because I just Googled it. You can go here, TLG.gov.ge, for teaching English in Georgia, you do need to have a bachelor's degree. You also should have some years of experience, but they are not required.
Even first-time teachers can go, and a TEFL certificate is also recommended. The job hunt, again, I think it's really good if you go through this program because they provide a lot of support for you. So, go through that. I think most of these positions are filled through this teaching program, but you can also find positions on online job boards and also, for example, on our website when you go to the jobs section in the header. We also have Georgia or, if we don't have Georgia, we have the Europe section.
So, it would be probably in there. There you have positions in other countries around Europe. Great.
Teaching English in the Czech Republic
All right, moving on, this is the Czech Republic. We have mentioned the Czech Republic a lot in the past. It is a great destination for people who want to teach English in Europe but have a harder time because the visa regulations for Europe can be very hard if you're not from the EU or if you don't go through a program, which is sometimes only open to Canadians or Americans. It can be kind of difficult to get into Europe, so the Czech Republic doesn't have a lot of these strict visa regulations. This is a great doorway into Europe if you really want to teach English in Europe. Good cities to go to are the capital city, Prague, or the city of Ostrava or Berno. So most commonly English teachers in the Czech Republic will work for private language schools.
For non-EU citizens, you should secure a position from within your home country first, and then apply for a work visa through the school. But if you have an EU passport, you can just go, of course, and interview in person and you don't have to deal with any of that paperwork. The requirements for teaching English in the Czech Republic are a TEFL certificate, and you should also have a university degree, which can be in any subject. The salary ranges between 700 and 1,200 US dollars a month, but many teachers also supplement their income by taking on private students in their free time or for example, by teaching English online.
Again, job hunt. They really hire year-round, and you can go with recruitment companies and online job boards. You can also go with a Facebook group, Google "English teachers in Prague," there will be a lot of information, or "English teachers in the Czech Republic," there will be a lot of groups and a lot of support there as well. And again, with anyone who takes a TEFL or TESOL course from ITT, if you have access to lifetime job assistance, we will help you find a job for example, if you want to go to the Czech Republic, we will help you find a job in the Czech Republic or any other country where you want to go to, provided you meet the requirements of course for those countries, but that is completely free. Oh, we also have Liturg, I almost skipped your comment. Little Turk says hello Linda, a nice topic for today, thank you for sharing. Thank you for being here, Little Turk, nice to see you again. And we also have Parkash here, who's this? Nice, thank you Parkash, I appreciate that.
Teaching English in Turkey
All right, let's see, next country we're gonna talk about is Turkey. Turkey is also sort of an off the beaten path destination for teaching, even though it's a very famous country, right? We see it a lot, especially for tourism, and that's also really why the demand is very high for English language education.
The biggest cities in Turkey are Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir, and why the demand is really so high, or why Turkey is so interesting as a teaching destination, is that it sits at the crossroads between Europe and Asia. So, part of the country is in Europe, part of the other part of the country is in Asia. So, it's a very important place for business between Europe and Asia, and it's a very booming market for foreign English language teachers at the moment.
Demand is very high in all of the big cities and also in tourist resort areas, so you really have both, you have the business side, and you also have the tourist side, and all of the tourist destinations that require English. You need to have a TEFL or TESOL certification to teach English in Turkey, and some schools might also ask for a degree or previous experience, but it's not a must. As for the salary, you can expect to earn between 800 and 1,800 US dollars a month. So again, this is a very big gap here, big spectrum, but it depends on your qualifications, the type of school you work for, do you have experience, do you have a degree, do you have a TEFL, etc, and then if you have more qualifications, you get a higher salary obviously.
And here also, a lot of teachers supplement their income by teaching private students or teaching online. As for the job search for Turkey, what you can remember is that you should start your job search during the summer months, that's when a lot of schools recruit for the new year that starts in September. And you can go with recruitment companies or online job boards or Facebook groups or ITT's lifetime job support. So, you can see it's a little bit of a theme here, but that is Turkey. I think that's also a very, very interesting place to spend some time to live and work in. I also hear Istanbul is a very super, super inter-cultural, multicultural place, so I think that'd be really interesting to also spend some time there, definitely.
Teaching English in Argentina
And then we have Argentina. Argentina also should be on this list. It is a big, big country in Latin America. So, the biggest cities here are Buenos Aires, Cordoba, and Rosario. And the demand is very strong here throughout the whole country, but definitely the largest market is in the capital of Buenos Aires and those two other larger cities. But most positions you will find in Buenos Aires. And again here, we have Cordoba, Rosario, we also have Mendoza and the beach resort of Mar del Plata, where there's also a good demand.
So again, in Argentina, you have, kind of like with Turkey, you have a strong demand for business English, but then also more tourism English. Requirements for teaching English in Argentina are a TEFL certificate of at least 120 hours, and that is it. So, a university degree is not required, of course it's preferred, it's nice if you have it, it would give you a bonus, but it is not a requirement and actually, with the job hunt, which is really interesting.
We have an in-class TEFL center in Argentina in Buenos Aires, and they if you go through our in-class course, you spend four weeks at this in-class center in Buenos Aires. You have access to job placement at the school, so if you want, if you do a good job, if also the school likes you, obviously, you have the opportunity to stay and work at that school, they offer you a job there, or they also offer a job placement program across all of Argentina. So, if you're really interested in Argentina, you really want to go there, I highly recommend going through our in-class TEFL course in Buenos Aires, and then you have access to all these good job hunt perks, basically. So, it's great, and you're already there. So, you spend four weeks there, you do your in-class TEFL course, and after that, after that, you can start working right away, which is really great.
Salary - again here also like in Brazil, you're mostly paid by an hourly rate as an English teacher, which is between 800 and 2,000 pesos, which is 8.24 to 20 dollars and sixty cents. At the time of writing, it might be different now, so do check that out. You also have the option of working part-time or full-time if you go through the in-class program. And you teach at least 15 hours in the beginning, so which would be part-time, I suppose. Full time would be 30 hours, so that is really really good. Go check that out. Okay, Shanae, I will answer your question, soon in the Q&A. We're almost in the Q&A. Believe I think we have one more, and then it's the Q&A. Right, yes, this is the last one, and then we go into Q&A. And then Shanae, I'm gonna answer your question, okay?
Teaching English in Hungary
So, last one for today, what I want to mention is Hungary. Hungary, so the biggest cities here are Budapest, which is the capital city. Oh, Hungarian is very difficult. My grandma was born in Hungary. She doesn't speak Hungarian. It's one of the hardest languages I hear to learn, so I'm not even gonna try and pronounce these cities. We're just gonna skip that. You can read them, and you can Google it. So the demand is good. Hungary is actually a growing market for teaching English in the heart of Europe. So there are plenty of jobs available, especially at private language schools and bilingual schools. And they really seem to pop up all over the place. At the moment, there are a lot of language schools in the biggest cities. The requirements are also a little bit more strict. So you do need to have a TEFL certification. You also need to have a four-year university degree. And unless you are from the US or Canada or the UK, you need to have EU citizenship if you're not from one of these countries. And they also have a really good teaching program, which is the CETP program for teaching English in Hungary. So if you're interested in that, check it out. It's actually one of the best teaching programs I've come across. They give a lot of great perks. There's a lot of support there. They also pay a monthly stipend. They give housing through this program, I believe. So it's really really good. Check it out.
Salary in Hungary: between 650 and 950 US dollars a month. And, if you don't go through this program, there are no flight or housing benefits. For Hungary, they also kind of tend to interview in person, unless you go through the program, the CETP program. And you mostly find jobs towards the beginning of September or October. That's when they hire, and then again in January. So these are the peak hiring seasons for Hungary.
All right. And these were 10 alternative TEFL destinations. Can you believe it? So guys, let me know which of these countries interests you the most. Let me know which of these 10 that we talked about interests you the most, and you would, like, "Oh yeah, I never considered this country before, but you know what, now I'm really curious, and I'm gonna consider it as a teaching destination." So which country interests you the most? For me personally, probably Peru. I would love to go there and spend some time there.
All right, while you guys let me know which country interests you the most, I'm gonna have a look at Shanae, Shanae's comment here. Shanae says, "Follow-up question about the authentication process. Sorry for being off topic. Is it possible to have the certificates authenticated after you finish the course already and received these certificates or can it only be arranged before? I have two certificates, but they were not authenticated because I didn't know it was necessary." Yes, I believe that is possible. You might have to actually then maybe get new ones. I'm not sure. My colleagues deal with that kind of stuff more, so please Janae email us or actually maybe, yeah, email courses@tesol-tefl.com and let them know the situation. I'm sure that it's possible because I'm sure that a lot of people have had the situation before, so I'm sure that that's possible. So don't worry. Please just email us. Let us know if you remember your um your ID, your student ID, include that. That would be helpful. But just your email address and your full name, and let them know just what you told me now, and they will help you. That's definitely possible. I'm sure of it.
Right, Pedro says, "I want to go to China." Okay, great. We didn't mention that today because it is a very popular destination, right? And we talked about alternative destinations today, something a little different. Yeah, China is a very popular destination, and I hope that you can definitely make it there, foreign. Awesome. Pedro, we, I did a live session not too long ago with Dan from Teach English Global, and that is a recruitment company and they actually specialize in China. I don't know if you have if you've seen that. I recommend you go check that out in our playlist, and then you can also contact Dan, and he can help you find a job in China. Cool, then. Okay, let's move on to Q&A. We're already over one hour now, so I'm not going to be able to take too many more questions. But I'm gonna share one more time the 30% off link just so that everyone who joined now knows what's going on. So you do have access to a 30% discount code, which looks like this: "Facebook Live-Linda." You can also scan this QR code over here if you want, and you get 30% off any TEFL or TESOL course from ITT. So a very special offer if you're not yet certified. I would recommend you get on to that and save a bit of money. Don't pay full price, guys. Don't pay full price. Use this code, okay, or link.
All right, Shanae says, "Awesome, thanks! Getting on that right now." Yeah, thank you, Shanae. Great. Cool. All right, so I'm gonna be able to take on a few more questions if there are any, and then before I leave, basically, we're already over one hour in, which is great. You guys had a lot of questions today, and there was a lot of information covered, so I hope you enjoyed it. You hope I hope you learned something new today, maybe found something a new destination that inspires you. That would be great. And yeah, I had I certainly had fun. Very good. Oh, Chio says, "I enjoyed today's live from Japan. I'm also interested in Peru, Linda."
I don't know what it is about Peru. I'm just so interested in it. I really want to go to Machu Picchu. I want to see the llamas there. Oh, it's just so nice and I don't know. It just seems like such a vibrant, interesting culture and country. I really want to go so I feel ya, Chio. Awesome. All right, well let me know guys if there are any more questions either about today's topic or about anything else TEFL, TESOL related. Okay, Daniel says, "Linda, could you talk a bit about the payment options to get one of your courses?" Yeah, sure. So again, I'm not 100% familiar with all of these payment things. That's more what my colleagues are doing. Their art installment options, and let me just see if I can find that really quick. You can pay in installments. You don't need to pay the full amount. Okay, can't find it now on the website, but we do offer that for sure.
So, again, I would recommend the payment with installments, please just contact courses@teslines.com. They will let you know about all the installment and payment options, but we have very flexible payment options. You can pay even if you go, if you, for example, take this link that I shared with you, the discounted link. You go there, and we just fill out like a test application. You can just do that. You know, use a fake email address so you can just put that in for your own email address. It's fine, so let's just try and then you will see all of the payment options at, like, after this page.
So you can also pay via Paypal, which is great. You can use your credit card. You can also use WeChat to pay. You can use Alipay, all major credit cards, wire transfer, and Western Union. So really a lot of options, and again, we also have installment options. So, but for that, I believe you just have to email us, and then we can set that up for you. It might depend on the course you're choosing, so I would recommend filling out your application, and then you get an email with the payment options. And if you know there's a payment option that doesn't work for you, then just reply to that email, and then we will take that from there. I hope that helps and makes sense. And, first of all, of course, you should use the link to get 30% off right away.
Yeah, so Daniel says, "Yeah, I basically wanted to know if it's possible to split the whole purchase into equal installments." Yes, that is possible. We offer that, yep, possible. Please email us courses@teslines.com. Let us know which course you want, and that you are asking about the installment options, and then they will get back to you there with the installment plan. Usually, I think it depends on the course, but it's like three or four payments you can make, I think. Yep, thanks, Danielle. Just make sure you use my link, right? All right, yeah, glad I could help. Cool. All right, if there's one more question, guys, I can take that before I go. We're already one hour and eight minutes in, so I don't want to have this drag on too long, but maybe one more question, and then we can all say goodbye, and I hope you have a nice weekend.
If somebody has one more last question, if not that's okay too. We will also always get back to you. If you leave comments after the live session is over, we will get back to you and answer your questions, so don't worry if you watch this you know later or you just think of a question later. You can still leave a comment down below and we will get back to you. I'm not sure if there's a new question coming through. I'll just wait a couple more seconds. I don't want to cut it off, but let's see a couple more seconds here to see if anybody has a question. Okay, let's wait until it's one minute ten, so 30 seconds. If there's no question coming in then we're gonna say bye bye. Almost 10 seconds left, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Okay, all right guys then I'm gonna say bye bye.
Thank you so much for all of your questions today and all of your comments. I hope you learned something today and I was able to answer some of your guys' questions. Join me again next week. There will be no live session. I will not be here, but the week after that, we will have another live session, so you have a break for one week, and then please join me again in two weeks from now, which I think will, yeah, that will already be December, crazy. Okay, all right then, thank you so much. Shanae says, "Thanks for all the help, appreciated. Hope you have an awesome day."
Thank you so much, Janae, same. Thank you so much for being here for your questions and comments, and I hope to see you again in two weeks. In two weeks' time, same place, same time as always. Chio, thank you so much, thank you as well, thanks. And then I hope everybody has a great weekend, or a good night, a good day wherever you are, whatever you're doing, whatever time it is where you are and I hope to see you again next time. Like and subscribe so you don't miss any of our upcoming live sessions, and yeah, thank you, Daniel, you're rock as well. Enjoy your weekend too, thanks. All right guys, take care and see you next time. Thank you, bye.