How to teach English in europe - Top Tips to find Jobs!


hello hello hi linda here from itt for another weekly
live session on facebook and youtube at the same time as always if uh you've watched one
of my lives before thanks so much for tuning in again and if this is your first time watching
hello and welcome thanks so much for being here today and um yeah if you are listening to this
as a podcast episode thanks so much for downloading the podcast means a lot to us we always turn our live sessions into
podcast episodes and you can find them on spotify google podcasts
uh itunes all those podcast places out there and um yeah welcome welcome today's
topic is teaching english in europe
so two weeks ago i talked about teaching english in asia and i focused on seven different
countries the most popular countries in asia and today we're going to do the same thing
but for europe so today i think i'm going to talk about eight countries in europe um and basically
what the situation is there for tefl teachers those are also the most popular
countries in europe for teaching english as a foreign language um some information about how to get a
job there um what's the demand like what kind of schools
or companies are hiring teachers in those countries um information about salary and also
some of those countries have government-funded teaching placement programs so we're also going to take a look at
that and yeah so happy to have you here guys
if you can see me if you can hear me just throw a quick hello into the comment section and let
me know that you guys are here and watching i see that there are some people and alike perfect thanks so much
but um just quickly let me know if um you're here and we are where you're
watching from i'm in south korea i'm about an hour and a half south of seoul it is 10 a.m friday
morning i'm so excited to be here week after week it's a pleasure to be here for you so thanks so much
hey juliana nice to see you again hey hey marikor hi dare jonathan
hi awesome awesome thank you guys thank you guys it means a
lot um so yeah teaching english in europe i guess since you're here since you're
tuning in you're interested in teaching in europe potentially or you're just checking out your options
that's really cool so uh thanks for being here again and we have people from
jonathan is from russia about four hours from moscow cool i've always wanted to go to moscow i'm
dying to go i want to take the trans-siberian train that's like one of my bucket list trips
so i hope i can go on it sooner rather than later but who knows then we have
ola tunji i hope i'm saying that right from nigeria hi thanks for tuning in today perfect
thank you guys okay great so europe um
let me see oh before we're getting into it i just want to mention this
where is it this little qr code in the upper right hand corner um
you can scan that at any time throughout the life and also if you watch a replay no
problem scan it and hold on oh and you can get
a 30 off um discount any teflor tesol course from itt
when you scan this qr code and we also have a discount link in case you are not able to scan the qr
code that's no problem let me just paste um that link into the comment box
if you've watched before you know the drill you can use this link to get a 30 um discount off of
any teflor tesol course so if you are not certified yet this is a great opportunity it's this
link you just click on it it leads you straight to the application page but you can also check out other pages
um of course it is cookie based so even if you return later the discount should be saved but
in case it's not just make sure you click on this link and after you apply you fill out the application form you click on apply or
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um if you don't let me know feel free to reach out and i'll help you out make sure you get the discount you don't
want to miss that alrighty then we have tiana here hi good to see you again tiana we also have
erin from the philippines hi erin awesome great okay
also please don't forget to like and subscribe so you don't miss any of our other
upcoming live sessions i go live once a week my colleague lisa she goes live once a week
so especially if you are a non-native english speaker who wants to teach english as a foreign language i highly
recommend checking out lisa's live sessions because she is a non-native english
teacher from russia and she knows a lot about career development as
a non-native english teacher also native english teacher it doesn't really matter just an english teacher
and she has a lot of great great info she also does a lot of online teaching
at the moment and so she has a lot of great live sessions about how to plan your online classes
um the best platforms for teaching online and things like that so be sure to check that out
and yeah like and subscribe so you don't miss any of these sessions and you get a notification whenever we go live
so we have caroline from england hi there awesome and we have
marcia from chile hi great to have you all we're very
international today great a really good group i'm super excited hi pc
krishna hey there perfect great all right uh let me turn this
off and then yeah let's jump right in if you've seen one of my live sessions
before you know that i have prepared a visual presentation or just some visuals to go along with
what i'm gonna say as always feel free to you know throw your comments at me at any time throughout
this live there will also be a q a section at the end so
um there's plenty of opportunities to ask questions don't hesitate just ask ask ask
um i want to make this as you know informative and fun as possible so that we can all
have a good time today it's probably going to be about 45 minutes to an
hour this session if you don't have that much time no problem you can always come back and rewatch
the videos or live sessions always stay in our playlists on youtube and also in our
uh playlist on facebook there is a playlist i think it's called live sessions or something like that live
events so you can check that out and yeah let's get into it we have
let let let's work sorry if i'm saying that wrong let's hurry from the philippines thanks
for joining we have a couple of people from the philippines that's great okay then
let me make myself a little bit smaller and then we can take a look at the
screen here so teaching english in europe that's probably all while why you're here to uh get more info
about that so first i like to introduce myself so my name is linda i'm a travel writer and content
creator under my name linda goes east you can find me also on social media at lenigo's east
especially instagram i love sharing my pictures there so if you're interested i live in south
korea and i um you know my account is basically travel
uh teaching in asia so if that's something that interests you uh please check that out i am originally
from germany slash usa uh my mom is from germany my dad is american
um i've lived in both places and yeah i've been in south korea now since 2015
before that i also taught english in china and um yeah then i've been
a teflon tesol marketing professional also for i think the couple the last a couple of years it's i think
it's also going to be about six years soon um for itt the international
tefl tech international teflon tesol training you can find us at
and on instagram at international tefl training and again we are a leading teflon tesol course provider we have
online courses in class courses combined courses um you know for all different needs and preferences there is a course out there
for you and again if you scan this qr code in the right hand corner up there you can get a 30
off discount of any tefl course and also if you click this link in the comment box you can um
get your discount all righty uh cool i already have a question from
caroline same here taught english in china awesome whereabouts were you teaching linda um so i was in china the first
time because actually i studied mandarin in universities so that's why i wanted to go to china and the first time
in china i was in guangzhou near hong kong which is amazing beautiful lots of fun and there
i only kind of taught english part-time i was working for a german startup
company at the time in marketing and then i returned i went back home for a little bit and then i returned to
china um to changsha in hunan province that's the capital of hunan province and
i also worked in marketing there and then i switched completely over to teaching
english for a private english school there so yeah how about you where were you in
china caroline yes guangzhou is absolutely amazing it's so cool and i was there in
2012 so i'm so eager to go back because i think it probably changed so
much um i'm so curious to see how it changed because it's been a long time and i mean
china like big cities there they change even in a year they change so much because they just build build
build build right so i'm so curious i really want to go back and i just hope
the borders open up again soon so i can go to china um i like to go at least once a year
because it's so close to korea but anyway that's about myself
and so today i need to move this laptop closer okay
teaching english in europe
oh caroline was in mao ming okay about four hours away from where you were from changsha mauming
cool i need to look that up that's a really pretty name cool things develop so quickly out there
yeah it's crazy and there's like we talked about this two weeks ago when i did my life about
teaching english in asia obviously china is the the biggest esl market in the world and um
most people they usually want to go to china and be in beijing or shanghai or maybe guangzhou like the biggest
cities but actually i looked it up there's i think it was 117 cities in china
that have more than one million people so um you know there's so many other
options for living in china in a big city um it's crazy anyway today we're not going to talk
about china today we're going to talk about europe and so these are the countries that i'm going to focus on
in today's life so we have portugal spain uh france italy
the czech republic hungary greece and turkey those are at the moment um
the most popular and the ones with the highest demand so those are the ones i'm going to focus on
all right sounds good so i ordered them um alphabetically so
we're gonna start with what czech republic yeah the czech republic cool
so czech republic and usually for people who really want to go to europe
we always kind of recommend the czech republic as a first option because
um it's very easy to get a work or it's relatively easy or easier
compared to other uh countries in europe to get a work permit there for non-eu
citizens so that's what makes the czech republic so um great and
um the most common form of employment for foreign teachers in the czech republic is through private language schools so
um because a lot of countries you can work also in public schools but in the czech republic it's mostly
private schools and non-eu citizens are definitely
recommended to find a job secure position from within their own home country
and then apply for a work visa through the school office on arrival so that's typically how it works for people from
non-eu countries so if you're interested in the czech republic you would job hunt
from your own country because there are some other countries where it's more common to jump hunt in person on
the ground in a country and we're gonna talk about that in a bit but for the czech republic you can
certainly um find jobs from within your home country and then um once you have a job you go
there and then you apply for a work visa through the school on arrival typical requirements for the
czech republic are a tefl certificate tefl or tesol certificate and at least a bachelor's degree in any
subject so that means it doesn't have to be a bachelor's degree in teaching or in english or in tesol or anything
like that it can be any bachelor's degree any major so that's really great then we have the
salary and benefits so as a teacher in the czech republic you can expect to make between
700 to 1200 dollars a month and many teachers they supplement their
income by taking on private students you're going to see that this is a theme
throughout all of the european countries because you're going to notice that the salaries
aren't the highest and the cost of living is higher quite high
especially compared to asia i always like to compare everything with asia because i live here and i have more experience in asia
but the cost of living is relatively high in europe so um usually you're not going to be
able to save a lot from your salary it's a little bit tough um and so many
teachers like to supplement their income by private tutoring for the job hunt as we said you can
definitely apply for jobs from within your own country you don't have to travel there and job hunt
in person you can of course especially if you have eu passport you can obviously go and move to the
czech republic without any problems and then do your job search in person um
but yeah and you're also going to see that this is sort of a theme throughout that there's always two
options right so recruiters that help you or online job boards
and so i have listed how many four um really good online job board
specifically for the czech republic that you can check out so that is expats czech
republic that's a really good site you're gonna find jobs there but you're also gonna find like some
um you know general information about what it's like living in the czech republic sort of like a expats guide
so you're gonna find that there then we also have joy um for the czech republic
also esl base they have a lot of jobs for czech republic but also many other
countries in europe and also around the world and then we also have the guardian jobs
um so if you are not familiar the guardian is a british newspaper and they also have a very big
job section or job board on their website so the guardian jobs
you can find jobs throughout europe as well and also the czech republic
okay then we have some questions tiana asks do european countries offer
accommodations so typically yeah we are especially talk about
asia teaching english in asia we're used to seeing all these great benefits right um you know uh paid airfare
housing um health care what else is there like year end bonuses
all of those things for europe it's typically not the case so you would have to arrange your own
accommodation obviously um your employer would probably help you find an apartment
but you would have to pay for it most likely so what a lot of people do they live in you know shared housing uh
with other teachers or like there's so so many again facebook groups or also websites where
you can find like shared apartments with other young people and then they would share an apartment
like everyone has their own room that's very very common in europe because especially larger cities it's
hard to either find housing or find cheap housing so um yeah that's
typically how it would go okay all right we have somebody joining
ayub hi good morning thanks for joining
oh i just want to say thanks a lot for this information oh you're very welcome thanks so much
for joining and tuning in today okay all right yeah tana says okay i
think i'm going to stick with asia yeah but don't don't uh
turn off keep watching please no just kidding uh yeah so that's typically what it's
like in europe yeah okay uh then yeah if there are no questions
anymore about the czech republic oh and actually i wanted to share this link with you guys there is a link
um oh where is it um here how to basically get a work visa
in the czech republic there's more information about that so if you're interested in
teaching in the czech republic please um check that out that's this
link so our faq section is great anyway it answers so so so so many many um
questions so i always recommend checking that out anyway and then specifically for the czech republic this one
about can i get a work visa to teach english in the czech republic and it sort of explains a little bit more how that works
so feel free to check it out then we have a question from pc krishna uh which language do we need to
learn when we are planning to go to the czech republic so um you know it's since you are going
as an english teacher they pretty much all speak english there especially in prague and like the big
cities so you can definitely uh get around with english only that's no problem obviously
and that goes with for all the european countries if you have language proficiency
in their uh native language that's always a plus so yeah i you know if
you really want to go to the czech republic definitely you know it would be good to take a course probably in czech
um but it's not a requirement so okay then let's see which country we
have next uh france cool i think a lot of people are going
to be interested in france france has always been a super popular option
um it is also the most visited country oh i think in the world it was at least
a few years ago it's super popular uh top tourist destination you know paris
um so france is always a popular option for teaching english in
europe however um so the demand is strong
for english teachers in the major cities like paris and you know all the other big cities
they have um what's great about france is also that they have quite a lot of summer camp english
summer camp options um maybe not this year
but definitely they used to have it and it's very popular english summer
camp so you can find you know short-term english positions in
france it's definitely possible and it would be great to kind of you know set foot into france and check
it out if this is something that might be maybe interesting to you long term so you could do a summer camp first
check it out if you like friends and teaching there then you could look for you know something more
long-term and i'm sure doing a summer camp in france would be a huge plus when applying for
more long-term and permanent jobs later on then teaching business english to
employees of private companies is also very very common in france and also
independent employers in france they do prefer to hire their their teachers uh
they prefer to do their interviewing and hiring on a face-to-face basis
so that's what i was saying now about the czech republic that in the czech republic you can find jobs
uh from within your own country online and applying and interviewing via skype
or whatever but for france they do prefer to do their interviews in hiring face-to-face so that means you
would have to go to france and be there on the ground and then do
your interview process there and the best time to do that would be at the end of summer
from late august to early october that's the main hiring season so if you want to go to france
um you should be on the ground in france from late august to early october the
requirements for teaching english in france are typically a tefl certificate and then it's just the more
qualifications you have the better um they do not specifically state you
need to have a bachelor's degree um but yeah it's definitely going to be a plus
then looking at salary and benefits so in france you can make between 1 000 and 2 000 euros a month
and again many teachers they supplement their income by taking on private students
because yeah you know to just have more money because yeah friends
especially if you want to be in paris it's going to be very expensive so um you need to be very smart with
your money there for job hunting again it's the same you can either go with a recruiter or
you can go with online job boards and i have listed three really good ones for friends the
one is tes here then with glassdoor and again the guardian jobs
the guardian has a lot of jobs in france i think they also list um summer camp jobs so the guardian jobs
is really really good for france um and
what else did i want to say oh the tape of program yes the tape if program is a
government-funded program that places english teachers into schools in france it's a really
really great option for people from non-eu countries
to come to france and i actually did a live about the best government-funded programs
teaching programs teacher placement programs before and i go in depth
there in that live in the tape of pro about the tape of program so if that
interests you go back to that one it's called like the best government funded
teaching programs or something like that and check it out there's a lot of information about the type of program
there but um yeah so
you need to for the type of program i think i remember you need to um have french language skills
so you have to actually write i think an essay about why you want to go you know do the
tape of program why you want to go to france in french i think um so that's something to keep in mind
if you want to go through the tape of program um so maybe caroline that would be something for you since you're learning
french on duolingo maybe you can check out the tape of program sounds like uh you'd be a great
candidate for it but yeah if you're interested in tape if you just check out and you'll find all the requirements and hiring processes there
and you can check out the previous live session as well we also have more information about
teaching english in france and the type of program on our faq section
so check it out i'm just going to share the link again
but oh not that link this one there you go so it's really simple it's
just um it's just
faq and then you can search for friends or search for tapif or search for whatever
we have um you know pretty much answers all the questions on there so if there's something you're wondering
and i'm not answering it please go there okay fauzon has a
question hi linda when hired do they give me a program to teach or should i find one myself
do you mean the tapif program yeah so typically they would place you in a school so i
think um with most of these programs how they work is you apply and then
you um they place you in a school around the country and typically you cannot choose where you want to go so they
would just see you know which schools currently are need teachers and then they place you there
so that's typically how it would go
okay then with omar who says how can i join to teach english and friends
like this another option is that's what a lot of people do and
you can do this in france in italy and in spain i believe they have this option where you can apply
for a um language student visa for taking a
language course so if you want to go to france you would um you know sign up and they have
official ones you can also google that and we also have it on our faq section
so they have like official government sponsored french language classes that you can
apply for you pay for and then you get a student visa and this student visa
also allows you to work a couple of hours a week so that's what
a lot of people do from non-eu countries they get this visa and then they use
that visa that allows them to the student visa that allows them to work to then teach um so they take a french
language course and then they teach also so that's a great way
okay faizan says now i'm talking about the lessons to teach okay so um that typically depends you know in
the school some schools they have their own curriculum they have all their materials
and they just give it to you and be like here um you know this is what you have to teach some others they are
not like that and they ask you to create the lessons so it depends it varies from
school to school i would say that the majority probably have some sort of curriculum or like at least
a framework like a basic idea of this is what you need to teach but then maybe you would
have to come up with your own materials and your own like more detailed lesson
but yeah it depends from school to school
okay giuliana says i was studying french at allianz frances bordeaux aquiten okay
cool oh in bordeaux that's beautiful how was that so did you get a student
visa then um was it hard to get maybe you could share some um
some insight that would be really interesting because that's what a lot of people do right they take uh french language
classes and then they work on the side
all right fazon asks that's kind of hard to plan the lessons do tesol or tefl courses provide any
lesson programs for us yes so that's what you know a teflor tesol course is pretty much about and that's a big big
part of our teflon tesol courses lesson planning it's a huge part and
from our itt courses if you take them you get a lot of materials that you can
print out and use in your classroom later on so lesson planning
is a big part of our tefl training because it is difficult right it's it's especially for people who have
never taught before it can be very hard and our courses include a lot of materials a lot of
resources that you can adapt and tweak to fit the classes that you're gonna
teach later on so don't worry about it when you take your course you're gonna you're not gonna have any problems later
on with planning your lessons don't worry
okay i'm just gonna give it a few seconds
um and then we can maybe move on to the next location
and i've been scratching my face but i feel like i have like little of something it's itchy excuse me
okay luciana says i would like to teach
english in europe but i think i must improve my english that's a really good point so and that's
also something i researched because we do get a lot of okay when it comes to teaching english in europe
um a lot of resources always say uh it's best obviously to be from an eu
country and a lot of eu countries or countries in europe hire people from the uk or ireland
because they have eu passports so there's no visa process or anything like that it's
super easy however nowadays there's more and more people from other countries
english teachers from non-eu countries who want to come to europe and it's also possible it's getting
more and more like i'm not gonna say easier it's still it has its hurdles
but it's getting more and more it's common and accepted so uh what i've read for a lot of
uh people from non-eu countries who want to come to europe to teach
what the employers then expect you have to have at least the english proficiency
level of c2 c1 or c2 so that's pretty much the
highest level from the european proficiency framework and i asked lisa
my colleague because she knows more about that because she's a non-native english teacher and she's all about
improving her english and english proficiency certifications and stuff like that
so she said so i asked her so what are like the top uh english proficiency certificates to
get in for c2 level and she was like either ielts
or tefl are the highest levels are near c2 but she was like for europe the
gold standard is the cambridge cpe certificate
and that's also something that she's currently working towards she wants to take that exam i think next year and so
if you really want to go to europe it's not it as a non-eu
person teacher um it's not going to be super easy
uh but if you put in the effort and the work you can do it for sure so i recommend
if this is really something you want to do uh you know work towards that cambridge cpe
or any other english the ielts or the tefl and especially as a non-native english
speaker from a non-eu country that would be something
uh worth exploring so cambridge cpe
let me just share that cambridge cpe certificate
i guess or language proficiency i think it made a typo
anyway cambridge cpe certificate yeah
so for non-native english teachers outside of the eu who want to come to the eu this would be
a huge bonus if you have this certification english proficiency
we at itt do not offer that we offer teflon tesol courses so that we would
have to look that up from the cambridge site but they have test centers all over the world
as far as i'm aware um so
okay good then let's move on to the next country
here we have greece up next greece also a really really popular
destination in europe always has been and it continues to be a favorite among
english teachers as well um so but we can definitely say about the
demand due to economic problems in recent times there has definitely been a reduction in
the number of teaching jobs on offer across greece sadly and
but there are still jobs available so especially the national network of
language schools known as what are they called frontisteria frontisteria that's a
greek term so that's what they call their language schools uh you know in korea
they're called hagwons i think in taiwan they're called bushy bands so in greece they're called uh
front hysteria and they have over 6 000 of these private language schools all over the
country so those are great places to start if you want to work in greece
typical requirements for working in greece are usually a tefl certificate
and the more again the more qualifications you have the better [Music]
salary and benefits for greece are typically between 800 and 1000 euros a month and again
many teachers supplement their income by taking on private students as you can see this is a theme
throughout uh europe today um but i will say also because of the
economic uh situation in greece the cost of living there is significantly lower than
compared with france or italy or places in western europe so that might
be a good destination you can probably
have a more comfortable lifestyle in terms of job hunting so the main hiring season in greece is
september and there is also a secondary season in january again you can either go with recruitment
companies or online job boards and for greece a really really great online job board
would be from the british council and this link is so small but it's the british council dot gr
let me just share that with you british council dot gr
en and teach this would be a link if you're interested in teaching english in greece
from the british council and they also have this online job board where they share teaching jobs
so check that out if you're interested in teaching in greece then we also have linkedin who proves to
be quite a good source for teaching jobs in greece and also other european countries you can always punch that into
you know linkedin job search another one esl base and again the guardian jobs would i
that's what i would recommend okay then we have a question what about
germany yeah uh there's no germany today unfortunately because um
like i said i'm going to focus on those countries where uh either its demand is high at the moment
or it's relatively easy to get into and germany yes uh you can find jobs
there definitely especially in the bigger cities and i talked about germany in a previous live
session but i didn't include it at the moment because it's usually not that popular um compared with those
eight that i'm mentioning today but it's definitely a good option it might be a little bit more difficult to get into but
um not impossible for sure okay grease
okay then i just like to always give it a few seconds
because there is a delay between like it's usually a 20-second delay
between me talking and then it showing up on youtube or facebook but anyway let's move on with the next
one here we have hungary hungary
also in recent years it's become very very popular in terms of english teaching there's a
strong demand for english language proficiency and also hungary has a relatively low cost of living compared to other
countries in europe so it's become a very popular destination and there's also opportunities at
state-run primary and secondary schools private language schools even at universities and also individual
businesses that hire english teachers for their employees so those are really great options for
hungary typical requirements are a tefl certificate
again the more qualifications you have the better it's going to be but the typical requirement is just a tefl
um and then salary and benefits are typically between 1 000 and 2000 euros a month again many
teachers do private tutoring to just supplement their income um job hunt also very similar so
recruitment companies or online job boards and what's very well uh or noteworthy
about hungary is that they also have a teacher placement program which
is called the central european teaching program cetp and
you can find more information about that at and um i just have this little red box
here because i think this program is just really great and could be a great doorway
into europe for a lot of people because this program is open to native english speakers from
the us canada uk or any other eu country and there's also no official upper age
limit which is great for this particular program you do need to have a bachelor's degree
and a minimum of a 40-hour online tefl course and what's also great is that you can
partners or friends and families they can often be placed together so if for example you and your partner
they want to go and do this together you can apply together and then they place you in the same area
which is really really cool so i just wanted to put that out there because i think this particular program
like that is very very rare especially in europe and this would be a really cool opportunity
plus i've been to hungary budapest it's an amazing city it's so cool i would love
to live there so i just highly recommend it and then just some other online job boards that
where you can find um jobs for hungary is again tes
glass door and also the guardian jobs so definitely check it out and
yeah because i feel like hungary is kind of like a little bit under the radar but it has
become very popular i think especially among like english-speaking europeans um
in terms of teaching but you can see they're really trying to push english language education with this
central european teaching program so i think that's a really cool program and i think it needs we need to
highlight it more because it's so unique and really great especially for a destination in europe
so yeah moving on next up we have italy i know a
lot of people have been waiting for uh italy because it's again it's one of the most popular places or
countries in europe a lot of people want to go there so yeah so for italy teaching jobs are
typically so in for italy in particular teaching jobs in state schools are very popular
because they tend to pay well and they also have fewer working hours compared to private schools but those
jobs are sort of hard to get you need to probably have a little bit of a network you need to have probably already worked
in italy um you have to have more qualifications and more often than not
italian language skills are a huge plus for those kinds of jobs so a more
realistic option for many teachers is working for a private academy
and those you know are all over the country it's huge and what's also huge in italy are
english summer camps very similar to france so you'll find a lot of
english summer camp positions as well those are like a month long or two months perhaps um something
like that so that's great for people who are just looking for something short term because most um english contracts are for a year
sometimes even two years some are nine months um but that's the
typical length of a contract a teaching contract so summer camps are really great way to
just get a little bit of a taste of teaching in a different country maybe before you decide to
make a full move for example um yeah typical requirements for
teaching english in italy are typically a tefl certificate and again the more qualifications you have the
better salary ranges between 800 and 1000 euros
a month again many people do take on private students for tutoring
the main hiring seasons for italy are in september and there's also a secondary season in
january so you can see this is very similar with other european countries because the schools start around the
same time again you can go with recruitment companies and also online job boards
and here are some great options in terms of online job boards where you can find positions for italy so we have
it arabia glassdoor linkedin esl base and the guardian jobs
and then one thing i also like to mention uh for italy is same with france
what a lot of people are doing they sign up for italian language an italian language course
in italy and then they get a student visa and this student visa allows you to work a certain amount of
hours and then they start teaching on this student visa so that's one of
the legal ways that you can do it as well if you're not a eu citizen
and maybe can't find a long-term position yet so that's a great way to kind of get
started with your italy journey that's i think that's a really great way of doing it like this
you know you sign up for this language course um you go to italy you learn italian you
also teach on the side you get some uh teaching experience in italy um
and you also you know obviously earn some money but more importantly you build your
network you know i think a lot of times with teaching abroad
it's all about building your network so especially the first year of teaching
somewhere the first year you're new in this country you don't know anything about
how things work typically in this country so um i think especially the first
year is just an important time to basically just figure out maybe what
type of school you want to teach at you know private or public or university
and then you can sort of build your network you can you know you're obviously going to meet
people so you're going to meet people you know and you can expand your network you're going to meet other teachers they
have connections to other schools and so and so and so so the first year of teaching somewhere it's not going to be
it's likely not going to be your dream school your dream position but it's a foot in the door
and then from there you can build um towards you know your ideal position
in the ideal location basically that's in my opinion that's how it
typically works how i see it how from my own experience now i've lived in korea for six years um
i know a lot more now in terms of teaching than i knew when i first got here
i have a better idea of how to find specific jobs um and i think that's pretty much the
same in any other country okay let me look at some
questions ava's asking is there any country in europe that hires non-native
speakers yes and i've talked about that quite a bit so um if you just join now you can watch
the replay but basically yes um it's not impossible to find a job in
europe as a non-native speaker and i just mentioned the cambridge cpe
certificate that my co-worker lisa who is a non-native english speaker recommends for especially teaching in
europe that's sort of the gold standard of english proficiency certificate to have
it's not a requirement but it's going to be a huge bonus um for employers in europe so it's
highly recommended so it's ielts or tefl um i think especially as a non-native
english speaker you need to have an english proficiency certificate as proof that you're obviously fluent in
english and you understand grammar and all of those things so yeah
fauzon has a question she's like excuse me i got in here late no problem
and i want to know how much is the salary in france i signed up for the 120
hour course oh nice uh salary in france let's just jump back
salary in france between 1 000 and 2 000 euros a month so it's going to depend on
obviously what school you're gonna work for also your personal qualifications
um all that but that's the range typically
okay then go back let's go back here and another question from margaret do these countries offer
opportunities to teach english online from another country
so do you mean you from another country you want to stay in your own country and then teach english
to students in italy for example is that what you're asking or do you want to go to italy and then
teach online there um obviously with teaching platforms
um your students can be from all over the world so um and i think my my um
co-worker lisa she did a live session about the different online teaching platforms that there are at the moment and which
ones are really great so i recommend you check that out there's so many different platforms so definitely check that out there's so
many great options um okay
fauzon asks if we have a tefl certificate why do we need that cpe
okay great question so you do not need to have
a tefl certificate you do not need to have a cpe obviously the more qualifications
certifications you have the better right and a tefl
and a cpe are two completely different things a tefl certificate is
a certificate that shows that you know how to teach english okay you know how to teach
it's a certification for teachers right but the cpe
is an english proficiency test so the cpe
shows that you are proficient in english um just because you have a tefl
certificate might not mean that you're super pro well it kind of does but like
those are just two different things people who have a tefl certificate don't necessarily need to have a cpe um
people who have the cpe they might want to you know have a job in an english-speaking country they might want
to go to university in an english-speaking country so those are just two different things but if you combine them
and especially for non-native english teachers who want to teach in in europe
that combination is just really powerful and a bonus and it's going to help you
because it shows that a with cpe you know how to speak english you're
proficient in english you're at the top and then also the tefl certificate
shows the employer that you know how to teach the language because just because you are proficient
in a language doesn't necessarily doesn't necessarily mean you can uh teach it
right so that's why we also recommend native english speakers to get a tefl certificate
because just because you're a native speaker in english doesn't mean you can also teach it i
hope i make sense so yeah yeah
okay then we have a question from
hi how about ba in english studies does it qualify to teach english in europe um
yeah i mean a bachelor's degree in english in teaching and anything like that is a huge
plus but still a lot of countries just require a tefl at the same time
because again a ba in english studies is so bachelor's in english
probably doesn't necessarily cover the teaching part of the language so um a tefl
is definitely um recommended
okay margaret says ideally i'd stay in canada but teach in hungary okay um
i mean like i said there's so many online teaching platforms and the students are from literally all over the
world so you could find a teaching platform that has predominantly people from hungary on it
perhaps that would be an option but yeah
okay brett says hi sorry i'm late hi no problem nice to have you
okay okay so
let me move on to the next place okay
we have three more to cover so let's get through it but still keep your questions coming no
problem i'm just going to look at them maybe later what we're just going to talk about portugal now so portugal
is uh especially in recent years has become a booming tourist destination and
that's also one of the main reasons why there is a strong demand for english language teachers
however portugal's economy is currently quite weak so teacher salaries are not particularly
high there but you can still find opportunities for teaching in portugal especially at state-run schools and also
private language institutes the requirements are typically a tefl
certificate and or a degree so either or
and native english speakers are preferred in portugal so typically people from
uk or ireland however they are definitely like i said earlier in europe it's
becoming more liberal in terms of hiring people from non-eu countries however especially with portugal's
economic economic situation you know not a lot of schools are going to take on that
um that visa sponsorship because it costs a lot
of money it's it takes time so in because of the current situation portugal most schools
just hire people with the right passport unfortunately um yeah then the salary benefits it
typically ranges between 700 and 1000 euros a month and again many teachers do tutoring on
the side to supplement their income um yeah the job hunting process it's
typically done in person so you would have to be in portugal and the main hiring season is between
june and july but there's also second season in january so if you want to work in portugal you
should be on the ground in june july and looking for jobs
again you can go with recruitment companies and i'm going to mention some recruiters that we work with
at the end of the session um and online job boards and some really good ones for portugal
are wall street english and that is actually a big english language school chain
and they have a lot of schools in portugal but also other european countries and actually also other
uh other countries outside of europe so that's a great resource anyway you can check out wall
street english they have schools all over the world then also again glassdoor linkedin esl
base and the guardian jobs so those are really good places for portugal to look for jobs in portugal
okay okay i'm just gonna move on now and then look
at the comments in a little bit i just want to go through the countries first and then we can have a chat okay all right next up we have spain
so the demand for english teachers is strong particularly in the major cities again
spain is a great place to do summer english camp positions or jobs
um so if you're looking for something not that long term a summer camp would be a great way
to a gain experience and to also check out if that country you know fits
if you really if you can see yourself working long term in this country so summer camp can be a great
place to start spain is also great for teaching business english to employees of private companies but
the majority of teaching jobs are and the majority of teaching jobs are filled locally by interviewing
face-to-face so again if you want to work in spain you need to be in spain by
mid-september and look for jobs interview in person the requirements are typically a tefl
certificate a bachelor's degree and then we have spanish language skills that are a plus not a requirement
but it's a huge plus and also previous teaching experience is a plus that goes with
all the countries obviously typically anyway salary and benefits in spain are
between 700 and 1 800 euros a month so that that's a huge range right so it always depends on
the kind of school you work for and your qualifications and experience
again many teachers supplement their income by taking on private students in spain as well the recruitment process
you can again either go with a recruiter or online job boards and great online job boards are ts
then we have seek teachers esl base and again the guardian jobs so the
guardian jobs is great for pretty much all the countries in europe as is esl based typically so those are great
um online platforms to look for or look at excuse me
and then we have the cultural ambassadors program for teaching english in spain so spain
also has a teaching program which is really great um the cultural ambassadors program and
i've mentioned that in a previous live session about the government programs before but if you're interested
in that you can check out this link uh which is education
y p for this government program
[Music] okay and then we have the last
one turkey and turkey is obviously very
uh unique and interesting because it's sort of on the crossroads between europe and asia so only a small
part of the country is actually in europe and then the bigger part of the country is in asia so that's also
why turkey is such a booming market for for foreign english language teachers
because of this unique position um and the demand is very high for
english language teachers at the moment especially in the big cities and like the tourist resort areas because the
people who work at the tourist resorts need to be able to speak english so those places are really great and always
really beautiful to live there i would like to do that typical requirements for teaching english in
turkey are a teflor tesol certification and
some schools or employers may also ask for a degree and or previous experience so again the
more experience more qualifications you have the better obviously but the most basic requirement is just a
tefl or t cell certification um salary and benefits you can make
between 800 and 1 800 u.s dollars a month working
as an english teacher in turkey and again many teachers take on private students to supplement their income
as for the job hunt you should start your job search during the summer months
also it's it's kind of both in person and also online
you can find a lot of jobs online and um sort of set up the interview before you go
uh recruitment companies again i'm gonna share our uh partner recruitment companies
with you just after this in a little bit and then also online job boards for turkey
we have job and work dot asia glassdoor linkedin esl base and then i
found a really good one which is um the health and education foundation
sef and this is particularly only for turkey so that's their own foundation and they also share
a lot of english teaching jobs there and their website is teach abroad so that's a great website they share a
lot of not just jobs but also information in general
about um living in turkey and uh so that's a great resource if you're interested in
moving to turkey to teach english
and then job and work that asia obviously also has some jobs for other countries in asia so
if you're interested in teaching english in asia check that out also esl based
and also if you're interested in teaching english in asia i did a live
session about the exact same topic but with asian countries two weeks ago
so you can find that in our playlist on youtube and also on our facebook page
in our playlist there all righty then these are our partner esl
recruiters you can also find them on our website and you can reach out to them
and let them know that linda from itttt sent you
that's this website you can find their links on there
so efl minus esl minus jobs
and they uh they're great recruiters not only for europe but also for asia
and all the other parts in the world we also have a lot of recruiters that focus specifically on
china as you can see here um this one perfect english pe that's
only china wanderlust china they have a really good um sort of au pair program if you're interested in
that and i think their shortest program starts at three months only so another great short term opportunity
peak education i believe is also china also international recruit but all the
other ones are pretty much international also esl starter is a good
one for europe and all over the world um so yeah check them out also on our
website and then we are moving on to the q a
section now i'm still going to be on for a little bit so i can take some questions and i just
want to mention again the 30 off discount so you can either scan this qr code
or you can get your discount with the discount link that looks like this in the comment
section so look for this one
apply uh and then you add the coupon ending if you're listening to
this on the podcast it is in the podcast episode description the same link
so you can click on that and get your discount as well all right so let me take a look at
um that okay here we have a question
from apt again i hope i'm saying this name right i'm sorry if i'm not um what is the
difference between a tefl certificate that is free and one that is paid apart from
accreditation okay well uh apart from accreditation
basically when it comes to tefl courses uh and especially you know free tesla
courses you get what you pay for that's always what i say that's my answer
so um if you pay nothing for it you basically don't get much in return
to be honest uh free tefl courses are likely a not going to be accredited apart from
accreditation they're not going to offer any kind of probably materials that you can use later on they're not going to
might not even give you an actual certificate a printed out one like we do this is our what our certificates look
like and it's really nice paper it's embossed it's you know it looks like a proper or
it is a proper certificate then all of our certificates
also have
this verification number oh my gosh
oh no
what's happening
am i back i'm back i have some technical difficulties i don't know what happened
sorry guys all right i think i'm back let me know can you hear me
i think i'm back i hope i'm back anyway so our certificates
also have this uh verification number right here that you can punch into our
website and your employer can verify that this is a real certificate
and that you own it you did it um so that's one of the things and free
certificates typically don't have that also our tefl courses have
free lifetime jobs assistance uh free certificates probably don't have
that um then [Music] what else there's a lot so basically
yeah free tefl certificates you're probably not gonna get a lot in return so that that's just how that is
typically all right thank you guys yeah i can hear
you i can hear you are back okay great i don't know what happened guys it was just everything was black for a
second um okay
fauzon asks uh how do i get the certificate once i finish the course
it will be mailed to you so you will receive first you receive a pdf version of the
certificate right away um via email so you can already start applying with
that because nowadays we apply obviously with um you know via email or online
applications and stuff like that so you can attach attach that it has your name on it and everything
and then we mail it to you via registered post and you get it
and you have you get like this actual physical certificate to anywhere in the world
and that's also included in the price okay that's also probably a free certificate
doesn't have that included in the price either okay uh then brett says i have
a couple of months before i leave for my course overseas when do i want to start narrowing down
which country i'd like to work in i mean yeah you i mean i think you're
already doing that right now because you're you come back every week and watch the live sessions so
you're gathering as much information as you can at the moment which is great um then you go to rome in summer which
i'm still very jealous about um i mean maybe you like rome so much
that you you you're not gonna want to leave there but you know yeah just
i think you're already doing it you know you're doing the right thing you're gathering as much information as you can
you can also like you probably have a broad idea of the countries that you like that you're interested in so you could
check out like youtube channels or blogs and see you know what life is like there
and see if that you know fits your vibe um and make your decision based on that but obviously
everybody's experience is different as well um but yeah i think you're doing already
really great in preparing and getting ready so don't worry too much about it just enjoy
it enjoy the journey oh thanks thanks shauna i was looking
for your question but then i think i was everything was black for a second and i think i lost it
okay uh what countries will hire online in europe so i mean you know countries
don't hire online right platforms hire the teachers not even like
typically uh specific schools but there are a lot of online platforms
that hire teachers um and my my colleague lisa she did a
live session about online platforms not too long ago so i highly recommend you check that out i don't have a list in my head right now
for you know online platforms that focus specifically on europe unfortunately uh should have researched
that so that's yeah um but there are so many platforms that you
can choose from and i think you should probably not focus too much on um you know is it a european platform
or whatever you should focus on what the platform offers you uh maybe so
oh okay not teaching online but interviews oh got it okay i'm sorry i got confused
for a second okay gotcha so which countries do you hire teachers in advance through online
interviews okay got it got it um yeah a lot so we had the czech
republic that does it any of those that have the government run teaching programs so france with the
tape of program hungary with their program and also uh spain with their teaching program
those ones definitely in advance all the other ones i also would say italy hyrus in advance
um but all the other ones it's definitely better in person so yeah but i mean
nowadays i think they're also transitioning you know because they realize well not a lot of people are gonna come
and interview in person because it's at risk right you go to the country without having anything lined up it's a risk not
a lot of people are going to want to take that risk potentially so um i think they are transitioning
to uh putting everything online so you can find more and more online so use the one the job sites the platforms
that i mentioned earlier and look and just keep an eye on it because obviously they update that
and we also have a job section on our website let me just share that with you as well
uh let's see i need to look it up real quick um
here yeah so that is
here tefl minus jobs so those are the jobs
that get sent to us from our partners and other resources other sites so you can also
check that out
right oh shawna that's nice shauna says thank you i taught in korea for seven and a half years and did your course
10 years ago loved it oh that's so awesome but i can't afford the in-person risk
exactly right and i think a lot of employers in europe are realizing that and so they are definitely moving
towards online hiring more and more so good luck with your job search shauna
okay then we had a question from she mimi okay is it possible to teach in the uk
and or ireland yeah so it is possible you know everything is possible the countries that i mentioned today are
the ones with a the highest demand or they are relatively easy to get into compared to other ones
that doesn't mean that all the other countries in europe don't hire any teachers at all it just means it's a little bit more
tricky or there aren't as many jobs available and so i think that's definitely the case for uk and ireland
you can find a job there and i actually did my very first live session with a uh with
jessica from go overseas and she is american and she had a job lined up
in ireland i believe so it's definitely possible um but might be a little bit more tricky to
get into that but you can find jobs for sure and for that i definitely recommend you know uh
checking out some facebook groups i always like mentioning facebook groups but they're great
so you can you know search like teaching jobs in ireland or teaching in the uk
things like that there's tons of groups out there and just network i think you know the heart the or it's
just great advice in general just network reach out join groups reach out to
people who are doing what you want to do ask them for advice and um you know con connections contacts
stuff like that okay
great guys so um just gonna stay on here one more minute
to see if you have another question okay another question great
another question if i have a c1 english level from tefl test for example and the requirements list includes being a
native speaker level am i eligible then um i think you know i can't make that decision you would have
to apply and the company the employer is going to make that decision
but something that i said in a previous life um and that's just my personal advice
for anyone you know if you fulfill 70 to 80
of a job offer apply for it because some job offers especially
nowadays just have ridiculous requirements that nobody can actually fulfill the
companies know it too so there's no perfect candidate nobody actually can
usually fulfill those ridiculous requirements so if you like fulfill 70 to 80 of those requirements
apply just apply apply to everything you never know you know it doesn't necessarily all come down come down to
um certifications qualifications but a lot of it also has to do just with
your own personality and how motivated you are and things like that and then
yeah just go for it you know just go for it i hope that helps okay
well um well you can also leave questions
in the comment section after this life ends if you're watching a replay
exactly caroline yes go for what you want guys yeah just apply for
everything you never know you never know don't be discouraged by like ridiculous requirements or anything like that
you never know you never know so yeah just try
try it go for it good then i think i'm going to sign off
here again if you have any questions check out our faq page or leave a comment just in the replay or
like down below even after this ends and we will get back to you either me or my
team social media will get back to you and um yeah this was so fun this was a
really long one today but it was really fun we had a really active crowd it's so great to have you here today
um i hope to see you again next week if you have any topic suggestions for other live sessions
also leave them in the comments let me know i always look for you know i always try to make it fun and
interactive and sometimes i just do like q and a live q and a's and you can just ask whatever
there's no specific topic um i hope you found it helpful uh there i hope there was some uh
something you could take away from today's live session and also just disclaimer
uh itttt or me i'm not an official entity right not a government from any of those
countries uh so take it with a grain of salt this is information that you know we
have from our experience over the years and information that i have researched um
but obviously you know you can always reach out to the official organizations or embassies for more uh information
and maybe yeah get more clarification on things but um yeah
one more question from marcia here can hb difficulty to apply for a job in europe there was a
program you can watch it in a replay i forget which one it was there was one of the teaching programs that had no upper age
limit i think it was hungary hungary so that um would be great
for older people but yeah thank you guys you are awesome too
thank you guys thanks thanks so much for coming back here week
after week you guys are amazing um let me just make myself bigger again
thank you um i really appreciate you i hope to see you again next week if you have
any topic suggestions like i said leave them in the comments or reach out to me
directly at lindagoseast on instagram for example and
let me know what you want to talk about next um i still have that on my agenda talking about our different
course options but like i said last time we are currently kind of restructuring a little
bit reorganizing a little bit so once that is all finalized i'm going to do a whole live session about our
different course option options in which course is right for you basically
so that's the plan i'm still waiting on you know finalizing things so
but yeah it will be happening and thank you guys so much for staying until the end um if you tune in
late watch the replay from the beginning there's a lot of info there different countries we talked about
today we talked about eight different european countries uh so if you're
interested in teaching english in europe i highly recommend you watch it again from the beginning if you missed some
some of it um and also watch my colleague lisa on tuesday uh
yeah also again where is that don't forget to like and subscribe so you don't miss any of our other live
sessions in the future and have a lovely day ahead have a lovely weekend
and lovely week and i hope to see you again next week
take care thank you so much you take care as well and then i am signing out
and i hope to see you again soon bye