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Top Approaches to Teaching Reading - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas As we know in any case when we are going to teach a new language, it is really important to pay attention to some particular skills, that is the root of the language. Types of Skills Types of Reading Approach to Reading Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Gevorg S. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. These skills are receptive skills and productive skills. Reading is one of the basic skills of learning a new language. And first of all, I would like to define reading. The process of reading a printed text louder or silently is called reading. For readers, it is important to know and understand the...  [Read more]

Top Tips For Teaching English Through Stories - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas Stories... we live in a world of stories. Every single day we have a story to tell. A funny story, a serious story, a scary story or even an upsetting story. These are the pictures we keep in our minds, like our own little movie playing in our heads. Attached to every story, is language. Language completes our story, it gives our story meaning. The Power of Stories Choice of Stories For Children For Teenagers For Adults Are you ready to teach English through good old stories? Related Articles: Listen to this blog post This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Lindie N. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. Teaching language is giving someone the power to add another voice to their...  [Read more]

Top Strategies for Effective Teaching of Grammar - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas Type in "teaching grammar effectively" into Google and the reader will be confronted with pages and pages of advice/frameworks/theories on how to effectively teach grammar. 8 Do's and Dont's for Effective Grammar Instruction 8 things to avoid Alternative Approach Theory Explanations Examples Exercises Supplementing the coursebook Carry-over 7 tips for effective grammar instruction Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: Most of the content does acknowledge that there is no "golden rule" for effective grammar teaching before imparting their particular key rules or areas that should be incorporated into teaching grammar. This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Joe S. Please note that this blog post might...  [Read more]

Top Tips for Teaching English in Europe - TEFL Blog

Mark Crocker Destinations TEFL Information For many people looking to teach English abroad, Europe is the number one dream destination. Whether your dreams involve the romance of Paris, the fine art of Florence, or the nightlife of Barcelona, the good news is there are plenty of teaching jobs available, even if you have no previous experience. If you are a native speaker of English, there is really nothing standing in your way. Get TEFL certified Prepare to interview in person Be aware of each country's requirements Make multiple job applications and even accept more than one offer Take on private lessons in your free time Plan your finances Pick and choose your clients wisely Yes, maximize your free time! Listen to this blog post Are you ready to teach English in Europe? Related...  [Read more]

Top Tips For Teaching English During The Holidays - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Attention all English teachers! Are you looking for ways to keep your students engaged and motivated during the holiday season? Join us for a live session on "Top Tips for Teaching English During the Holidays." In this session, you will learn practical strategies for maintaining a positive and productive learning environment, as well as fun and creative activities to keep your students engaged and excited about learning. Don't miss out on this opportunity to boost your teaching skills and make the most of the holiday season with your students. #BestTEFL #TEFLcourse #TeachEnglish Are you ready to teach English abroad or online? Click here and get started today: What is TEFL Certification? Where is it valid: Check out our wide range of TEFL...  [Read more]

The Top Hiring Seasons for Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Mark Crocker Destinations TEFL Information When planning a new career teaching English overseas, one of the most important factors to consider is when is the best time of year to get hired in your chosen destination? In some areas, the demand is so strong that you can find a job at any time, while in others there are certain windows when the majority of hiring is done. Making sure you get your timings right can make a big difference to your logistical planning and the start-up costs you will need. The worst-case scenario of turning up in your dream location only to find that no one is hiring is certainly one you want to avoid. Hiring Seasons for Teaching English in Asia Hiring Seasons for Teaching English in Europe Hiring Seasons for Teaching English in the Middle East Hiring Seasons...  [Read more]

Top Tips for Teaching English to Young Learners - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi welcome Linda here from ITT back this week with another live session I hope you're doing well thank you so much for joining me today I'm happy to see you if you can see me and if you can hear me clearly if everything's working please just leave a high in the comment section and uh maybe also let me know where you are right now where are you watching from today what time is it there how are you doing let me know in the comments we are live on Facebook and on YouTube at the same time and we also always turn our live sessions into podcast episodes so if you're listening to this as a podcast thank you so much for the download and thank you so much for listening we really appreciate that don't forget to like And subscribe um so you're always up to date whenever we go live um last week we had...  [Read more]

The Top Hiring Seasons for Teaching English Abroad - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hello hi welcome welcome i'm back again this week for another live session for itt super excited to be here yet again um as always uh it is friday 10 a.m where i am in south korea and please let me know guys if you can see me if you can hear me um you know use the comment section and just throw in a quick hi and where you're watching from let me know where you are in the world um i would be super excited to know um because we always get a very international crowd here and it's super exciting so please let me know where you are right now what time it is there and um yeah just a high i would appreciate it i am in south korea about an hour and a half south of seoul it is friday morning um the weather it's it's kind of cloudy but it's not too bad yesterday was really nice um spring has...  [Read more]

TOP tips for teaching ESL Young Learners - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva Destinations TEFL Information The teaching of Young Learners forms a very large part of the ESL teaching market. It is important to keep some simple strategies in mind when teaching them. Teaching YL's can be very rewarding as their progress can be quick, however, being young, they also present challenges. The following ideas have been tried and tested over many years and have proven to be effective. One: Create a Positive Learning Environment Two: Employ Language Acquisition Strategies Three: Individualized Instruction Four: Integrating all four Language Skills Five: Culturally Responsive Teaching Six: Technology Integration Conclusion Are you ready to teach English as a foreign language? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video...  [Read more]

Top Tips for Self-Control When Teaching Challenging Students - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas Teaching can be a very fulfilling and enjoyable occupation. It is, however, also filled with a lot of challenges. The workload can be high, the hours long, the course material may be difficult, and the students themselves can make a lot of difficulty for the teacher. As most teachers will attest there will be students who are difficult to deal with. They can be unmotivated, distracted, tired, or even purposefully disruptive. Many teachers have quit the profession because of unruly classes. Many more teachers have lost their temper and ruined a class because of this. There are, however, many ways to manage unruly students. Sometimes, they even become the very best students. Considering Anticipated Problems Level of Engagement Keeping Calm Setting up Clear...  [Read more]

Top Tips for Teaching English in Latin America - TEFL Blog

Jon ITTT Destinations Whether you are a newly qualified teacher or are simply looking to move on to a new country after teaching for some time, it is important to research the requirements for English teachers in your chosen destination. Finding out what qualifications are needed, whether you need a visa before arriving etc. in advance will help you to create a successful plan and avoid disappointment farther down the road. This article looks at the requirements needed for teaching in Latin America. Listen to this blog post: Latin America is a good destination if you don't have a degree Most countries in the region have similar visa requirements Opportunities exist for non-native speakers Prior teaching experience is not essential You do not need to know the local language to teach...  [Read more]

The Top 8 Cities in France For Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations France is one of the most popular destinations for teaching English in Europe. While a lot of people settle in Paris to enjoy the Parisian lifestyle, there are a lot of other exciting cities in all parts of the country. Here are the top 8 places to teach English in France. Listen to this blog post: Tips for Teaching English in France Bordeaux Grenoble Lyon Marseille Nice Paris Rennes Strasbourg Are you Ready to Live and Teach English In France? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video testimonials! Due to local laws and regulations, it can often be difficult for non-EU citizens to secure a visa and work legally in France. However, if you are dreaming of living and working in France, don't despair. We have a thorough guide to...  [Read more]

Top 10 Mistakes To Avoid In The Classroom While Teaching English - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Teaching English abroad is an exciting career path that thousands of people embark on every year. The first step is usually a TEFL or TESOL certificate and then finding a job in a suitable location. Once you step into your own EFL classroom, you will then be able to use all the skills you learned during the course. However, every teacher makes mistakes every now and again, which is why we will cover the top mistakes to avoid in the classroom in this live session! #TEFL #BestTEFL #TeachEnglish Are you ready to teach English abroad or online? Click here and get started today: What is TEFL Certification? Where is it valid: Check out our wide range of TEFL Courses: Teach English online from anywhere you want: Register now...  [Read more]

Top Tips For Teaching Business English Abroad In Japan - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas What does it mean to teach Business English? And how does it differ from normal classroom-style English teaching? Many adult students choose to take English classes to help support their business and activities as well as to advance their careers. However, business English doesn't take place in just a classroom-style setting. There are "teacher dispatch" companies that offer several important key factors that set them apart from a traditional teaching school. Environment Clothing Body Language Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Zachary B. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. First and foremost,...  [Read more]

Top 10 Cities in China for Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations If you are interested in teaching English as a foreign language, it is probably not news to you that China offers some of the best opportunities in the world for teachers. The country has over 300 million English learners leading to an incredibly high demand for qualified teachers in all parts of the country. Teaching English in Beijing Teaching English in Shanghai Teaching English in Guangzhou Teaching English in Hangzhou Teaching English in Kunming Teaching English in Chongqing Teaching English in Wuhan Teaching English in Chengdu Teaching English in Shenzhen Teaching English in Xi'an Teaching English in Nanjing Listen to this blog post Are you ready to teach English in China? Teacher salaries are very lucrative, ranging between 6000 RMB and 12000 RMB per...  [Read more]

Top 5 Off-The-Beaten-Track Countries for Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations The worldwide EFL market is ever-changing with new hotspots and trends popping out of nowhere on a regular basis. If you don't want to teach English in one of the common EFL destinations, like China, Mexico or Italy, this list of the top 5 off-the-beaten-track countries for teaching English abroad might get you inspired. Guatemala - The Land of Eternal Spring Indonesia - The Emerald of the Equator Colombia - The Land of Happiness Turkey - The Land of the Crescent Moon Myanmar - The Golden Land Listen to this blog post Are you ready to teach English in one these off-the-beaten-track locations? With a diverse range of landscapes, Guatemala is a teaching destination like no other. Here, you will find towering tree clad volcanoes, lush canyons and Caribbean...  [Read more]

Top Differences when Teaching Multilingual versus Monolingual Classes - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva Destinations TEFL Information Before we start to look at the differences between teaching monolingual and multilingual classes, we should first define what these terms actually mean. Advantages of teaching a multilingual class Disadvantages of teaching a multilingual class Advantages of teaching a monolingual class Disadvantages of teaching a monolingual class Ready to teach English as a Foreign Language? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video testimonials! Multilingual classes will have a range of first languages, so they have different L1's. An example here may be the teaching of English to a group of students from a range of countries, in an English speaking country. An example could be a class of Europeans from different countries,...  [Read more]

Top 8 Resources for Researching Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore TEFL Information So you want to move abroad to teach English and explore a new culture? That's great - but how do you get started? At first, the process of finding a teaching position abroad can seem like a daunting task. Where are the highest teacher salaries? Is it better to teach at a private or public school? Which country hires teachers in advance? China is the largest EFL market worldwide - but is it also the right choice for me? 1. ITTT Country Guides 2. ITTT FAQs 3. Your Local Library or Bookstore 4. Online Forums and Facebook Groups 5. ITTT Alumni Experiences 6. Blogs Written By Real Teachers Abroad 7. ESL Job Boards and Recruitment Agencies 8. ITTT Advisors Listen to this blog post Are you ready to teach English abroad? Related Articles: Finding out which...  [Read more]

Top 8 Resources for Researching Teaching English Abroad - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

guys hello linda here from itt hope you are doing well today um thanks so much for joining today's live stream and as you can see today we're talking about this way top eight resources for finding the right teaching destination that's the topic for today i hope um you're going to enjoy it it's probably going to take about 30 to 40 minutes and then as always at the end there will be a q a part so you will be able to ask your own questions at that time but also feel free to just leave your comments as we go we are live on facebook and on youtube at the same time and if you can see me if you can hear me if you are there please please just leave a quick hi in the comment box that would really mean a lot and then i can see that somebody is here and i'm not just talking to myself that would be...  [Read more]

Top Tips for Teaching Absolute Beginners in English as an EFL Teacher - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Teaching Ideas Teaching the English language to total beginners is a challenge for any teacher - but it's so worth it! English teachers abroad are regularly faced with two possible situations: A) teaching English to a class with zero knowledge in English (often young learners), or B) having to integrate a new student into your class who has never studied English before and now he/she has to pick up the language quickly. Assess the Exact Level of the Student(s) What to Teach Absolute Beginners in English Personal and family information Social interaction Classroom and school Time, calendar and weather Body parts Food Home Incorporate Numbers, Colors, and Shapes Teaching the Alphabet Are you ready to teach English abroad? Related Articles Where to start? Many teachers...  [Read more]

How much can I earn teaching English in Spain? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

In Spain, English teachers in state schools usually earn between $10 to $13 USD per hour. Working full-time, typically around 25 hours weekly, this translates to monthly earnings of approximately $1,200 to $1,500. However, potential earnings can rise based on the school's prestige. In university positions, salaries can soar to as much as $3,000 to $4,000 per month. What are TEFL salaries in Spain? Can I get a job placement as an English language teacher in Spain? Who are the main employers of English language teachers in Spain? What is the cost of living for English teachers in Spain? In Spain, TEFL salaries can vary based on several factors including experience, qualifications, location, and employer type. On average, TEFL teachers earn anywhere between $700 and $1,800 per month. For...  [Read more]

Top 5 ESL Teaching Ticks for Your Online Classes in 2022 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hey guys it's liza here and it's been about two weeks since the previous live stream session so i am super happy to be back here and i hope that today's live stream will be helpful and you will find something insightful uh in my tips and tricks uh so today we will discuss uh five useful uh things you could apply to your online teaching classes in 2022 so this new year is coming and it is really important to make sure you can enhance your english classes somehow and i am here to share several tips that uh you can actually utilize uh so um stay tuned and we will discuss all of them right here on the screen you can actually see uh the topic of today's session uh but uh if you have any further questions related to the point uh feel free to use the comments section and at the same time um if...  [Read more]

Top 5 ESL Teaching Ticks For Your Online Classes In 2022 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  ESL Teaching Online 2022: Do you want to boost your online English teaching? Then this live stream is for you! Our TEFL expert Liza will share her online teaching experience and help to enhance your lessons in 2022! #TEFL#BestTEFL #TeachEnglishOnline Are you ready to teach English abroad or online? Click here and get started today: What is TEFL Certification? Where is it valid: Check out our wide range of TEFL Courses: Teach English online from anywhere you want: Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

Top 5 Tips: How to Learn a New Language When Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations TEFL Information Teaching English abroad is an exciting adventure for many and it offers plenty of opportunities for traveling, exploring a new culture and making new friends from around the world. While you do not need to speak any language other than English to be a successful teacher, many people choose to embrace the opportunity to learn a foreign language while teaching English overseas. 1. Take Language Classes 2. Participate in Language Exchanges 3. Learn Verbs! 4. Go Exploring on Your Own 5. Don't Be Afraid to Make Mistakes Listen to this blog post Are you ready for your adventure abroad? Related Articles: Being able to speak the language of the country you are choosing to live and work in not only makes your life there a lot easier, but it will also...  [Read more]

Top Reasons to Choose a Recruiter When Finding a Job Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Carrie Kellenberger Visa and Legal TEFL Information Using a recruiter to help you find a teaching job abroad can be a rewarding and satisfying experience for many, provided you choose the right recruiter and you know what to expect and which questions to ask. Here are several tips to keep in mind about working with recruiters: Here are some great reasons for working with a recruiter: What is a good recruiter? Who pays the recruiter? What kind of schools use recruiters? What makes a good recruitment agency? Listen to this blog post Are you ready to teach English abroad? Related Articles: Teachers use recruiting agencies for many reasons, including relying on a recruiter to find a legitimate contract that offers a fair salary package. A recruiter will work with you to help you find a...  [Read more]

Top 5 Countries To Make The Most Money Teaching English Abroad In 2022 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Join us live when we discuss the top 5 countries to make the most money teaching English abroad in 2022! #TEFL #BestTEFL #TeachEnglish Are you ready to teach English abroad or online? Click here and get started today: What is TEFL Certification? Where is it valid: Check out our wide range of TEFL Courses: Teach English online from anywhere you want: Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

Top Tips for Sending Money Back Home While Teaching English Overseas - TEFL Blog

Mark Crocker Budget and Salary Many English language teachers working overseas need to send home a portion of their monthly salary to pay off outstanding obligations, such as a student loan or a property mortgage. However, with so many money transfer options available, how do you know which is the right method to suit your personal circumstances? Taking into consideration factors such as transfer fees, exchange rates, and transfer time, we have put together the following guide to help you make the right decision. Banks Western Union MoneyGram Xoom (by PayPal) OFX TransferWise Points to Consider Listen to this blog post Are you ready to teach English abroad? Related Articles: The first option you might want to consider is using a standard bank. In many countries, international bank...  [Read more]

Where to Find Materials for Online English Lessons - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hello welcome to the weekly ITTT session my name is lisa and i'm glad um that some people have been joining already so um i hope everything works smooth here and you can hear me clearly and see me well if not if anything goes wrong please let me know in the comment section uh so that i could fix it quickly and i'm happy to j uh i'm happy to welcome you here today thanks for coming to this session today we are going to talk about a vital topic of lesson materials i know that many people still struggle uh looking for resources and contents for the lessons so um this is something i want to dwell upon today and uh just while we are waiting for some more people to join us please let me know where are you guys tuning in from um i'm located in the euro region of russia in yekaterinburg...  [Read more]

The 10 Best Destinations for Teaching English Abroad in 2018 - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations Currently, there are around 1.75 billion people speaking and learning English around the world and researchers say that by 2020 more than two billion people will speak and learn English. This means, now is the perfect time to embark on your adventure of teaching English abroad. Whether you are looking for opportunities in Asia, South America, the Middle East or Europe, qualified English teachers are hired everywhere. Even English-speaking countries have a never-before-seen demand for ESL teachers. 2018 is the perfect year to go and see the world. 10. Teaching English in Taiwan 9. Teaching English in Spain 8. Teaching English in Vietnam 7. Teaching English in Mexico 6. Teaching English in Cambodia 5. Teaching English in the Czech Republic 4. Teaching English...  [Read more]

What are the best countries to teach English in Europe? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Europe, a hub of history, culture, and adventure, is a top destination for English teachers worldwide. Whether you are on a gap year or looking for a more lasting move, countries like France, Italy, and Spain offer premier opportunities. Annually, countless people flock to these European destinations, drawn by the promise of cultural exploration and memorable experiences. While a firm grasp of the English language is essential, most employers prioritize candidates with a TEFL certification. Navigating through the many choices can be challenging, but we have streamlined the process by highlighting the top European countries for English teaching prospects right now. Spain Italy France Czech Republic (Czechia) Germany Spain has consistently topped the list of TEFL destinations in Europe due...  [Read more]

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