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Which English should be taught in the TEFL classroom? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

In the field of TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), the choice of English variation often depends on the specific preferences of a country: In conclusion, TEFL teachers should be aware of a country's preference and adapt their teaching accordingly. Map created by reddit user Speech500 Source: How exactly do these forms of English differ? Spelling Differences British Grammar vs. American Grammar Same Word - Different Pronunciation Differences in word for the same object Other considerations There are a number of major differences which we will examine. The following are in no way exhaustive and you should investigate for yourself for more examples. Mainly due to the influence of Webster (of dictionary fame) American English has focused on how words are 'sounded' to...  [Read more]

Master Your TEFL Interview Demo Lesson: Tips and Strategies for Success - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Hi, welcome Linda here, from ITTT. Back with another live session this week. And this week we're talking about the demo lesson and how to hold effective demo lessons for your TEFL interviews so you get hired. Yeah, welcome back, I'm back here again. You know we go live every week. I hope you know by now. Don't forget to like and subscribe so you always stay up to date, you never miss any of our upcoming live sessions. We usually go to go live at this time on this day so please stay tuned, give us a like, give us a subscription wherever you're watching from. We're actually live on Facebook and on YouTube at the same time, so whichever platform you prefer you can tune in. Of course you can leave a bunch of comments as well, please let me know where are you right now, where are you watching...  [Read more]

Answering the Most Asked TEFL/TESOL Questions - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi welcome guys linda here from itt for another live session this week i'm so happy to be here today the weather is great today the lighting is good uh if you were watching last week uh yeah it was pretty much like the end of the world weather here and it suddenly turned super dark and i don't have a light or anything like a ring light so um but today it's great i feel good i have my coffee right here even though it's almost gone but um yeah so happy to be here if you can see me if you can hear me please just drop a high into the comments we are live on facebook and we're also live on youtube and if you're listening to this as a podcast episode thanks for the download we really appreciate it we always turn our live sessions into podcast episodes you can find the podcast on all major...  [Read more]

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