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Tefl reviews - Tefl Review From Peter - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Peter has just completed his 120-hour online TEFL certification course and shares his experience in this TESOL review. He took the course because he wanted an internationally accredited and recognized teaching qualification that allows him to teach English in a variety of countries abroad. Despite the fact that he has teaching experience and took various education courses before, he learned a lot from this course and is happy with the results.
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Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Peter - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Peter from Hungary recorded this TEFL review video after completing his course with ITTT. Peter has been teaching English to young learners for 12 years. He took the 120-hour course with tutor support and videos and learnt many new things as he was studying. Peter hopes to teach elsewhere in the world now that he has earned his certificate from ITTT.
Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next.
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Reflecting... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Peter 2 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Peter took the 120-hour online TEFL course with ITTT. In this TEFL review, Peter mentions how he found the course to be well designed and well thought out. One thing Peter discusses is how earning a TEFL certificate and teaching English abroad is a great way to learn about new cultures and share about your own country with people all over the world. Peter would like to continue studying with ITTT and the many different courses that are available.
Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - English Grammar Present Perfect Usage - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
We have seen that the key word that helps us to remember the Present Perfect tense is forms of the word 'have' plus the past participle form of the verb. This ITTT video looks at the three main usages of the Present Perfect. First usage: To talk about indefinite past actions. I have been to Italy twice. / I have eaten snake. Second usage: To talk about unfinished past actions I have lived here for three years. / She has been a teacher since 2010. Third usage: To talk about past actions with present results. I have lost my keys. / I have left my computer in the office. When teaching the Present Perfect tense or any other grammar point it is always important to look for patterns and make it as clear as possible for your students. The courses at ITTT assume no prior knowledge of... [Read more]
A Teacher's Importance in Our Education - TEFL Blog
Elizaveta Pachina
Alumni Experiences
In everyone's life, there is at least one person that can be called a teacher, and it doesn't matter who is it — our older neighbor living next door or the person standing at the blackboard in a classroom for hours and trying to give you a piece of knowledge in some way. Anyway, we get something in the result.
What does it mean to be a teacher?
What does a teacher do?
Professional development
Teacher's flexibility
Significant person
Are you ready to be a TEFL teacher?
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This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Ivan S.
The teaching profession is very difficult. Teachers are people who play a big role in the formation of personality. Any teacher needs to realize what a huge... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - How To Pronounce Nonage Efl - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
In this episode, we cover the pronunciation of the word nonage. This word refers to the period of youth of a person as well as the lack of maturity of a person. Synonyms for nonage are minority and infancy.
Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next.
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This unit was about introducing new vocabulary, grammar and functions and what is involved in those actions. I learned from this unit the importance of... [Read more]
The Importance of English Grammar - TEFL Blog
Elizaveta Pachina
Teaching Ideas
In my opinion, Grammar plays an important role in English Learning and Teaching, because Grammar is the heart of any language. Learning English is the same as building a house and its grammar acts as a foundation and frame. Knowledge of English grammar helps us in the correction of mistakes and improvement of writing work. A person cannot learn a foreign language accurately only through a process of unconscious assimilation.
Grammar and Linguistics
1. The formal grammar helps us speak correctly in English:
2. Grammar helps us communicate correctly:
3. Grammar helps us improve communication skills:
4. Writing and speaking in formal grammar will increase the value of personal branding.
5. Correct grammar gives many benefits in applying for a job:
Do you... [Read more]
Top Reasons Why Rules of Pronunciation are Extremely Important for Teachers - TEFL Blog
Elizaveta Pachina
Alumni Experiences
Many ESL teachers have never even heard of phonetics or phonology, yet they use these aspects of speech naturally when they speak. Phonetics and phonology are two areas of linguistics that study the sounds of language. Phonetics focuses on individual sounds, while phonology studies the features and combination of sounds (McMahon, 1-3). There are two reasons why ESL teachers need to know phonetics and phonology: first, it helps them to conceptualize English in a way that their students can understand; and second, it helps them to address their students' difficult pronunciation problems.
Why Students Suffer from Pronunciation Issues?
Lack of Subject Knowledge
Sound Awareness
Teacher as a Role Model
Are you ready to take your TEFL course?
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Outdoor Activities for Better Language Acquisition Process - TEFL Blog
Elizaveta Pachina
Teaching Ideas
'Teacher, Can we please have a class outdoors?' this question was asked by a lot of my students, and 'No' was my typical answer. Why do students want to have an outdoor session? Is it really useful? What outdoor activities could be done to help when teaching English? These questions ran through my mind every time one of my students asked me to have a class outdoors. So, I decided to find answers to these questions.
Reasons to have classes outdoors
Choice of activities
World around us
Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course!
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This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Ahmed A. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.
Why teach outside at all? It is... [Read more]
4 Positive Ways to Motivate Students in the Kindergarten Classroom - TEFL Blog
Alumni Experiences
How to motivate and keep the students interested in learning the English language?
1. Make Class Communicative:
2. Make Class Fun:
3. Forge Relationships:
4. Give Feedback:
Do you want to teach English in kindergarten?
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This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Richard B.
To teach at the Kindergarten level the teacher has to be mindful of keeping students' attention and maintaining order. It is important to have structure and routines. To ensure the students are comfortable, happy and engaged while learning and practicing English there needs to be a balance between patients and strictness. To keep their attention, it is good to enlist fun little games to help maintain order in the class. It is... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - English Grammar Present Simple Teaching Ideas 3 Tefl Course - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
The Present Simple tense teaching idea in this video is called "20 Questions." The teacher frames this game in the context of, What's my job? Who am I? What am I? (for objects) A student comes to the front of the room and selects a card. The class then asks appropriate questions such as; Do you work in an office? Do you wear a uniform? And try to guess the job, person or object. The student with the card answers using the Present Simple. Each student has a turn and there is a two minute time limit for each person. When teaching the Present Simple tense or any other grammar point, a good English language teacher will always model the language correctly. Students need to be exposed to new language, they need to understand its meaning, they need to understand how it is constructed and... [Read more]
TEFL Romania - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Tefl Position In Romania
Date posted:2018-04-29 | Writer: Bridge Language Study House | Email:
Bridge Language Study House is a language school in Cluj-Napoca which runs courses in a variety of languages for individuals and groups of up to 12 students. We constantly seek people passionate about quality education and foreign language teaching. If you are a TEFL qualified English teacher, or are able to teach German, French, Italian, Spanish, Norwegian or Dutch, we invite you to join the Bridge Language Study House teachers team.
To be able to join us you have to:
Have experience in language teaching for at least 2 years
TEFL/TESOL or equivalent teaching qualification
Be a graduate in foreign languages you are to teach ​​(level C2 according to CEF)
We will appreciate even... [Read more]
Top Tips for Teaching English in Europe - TEFL Blog
Mark Crocker
Destinations TEFL Information
For many people looking to teach English abroad, Europe is the number one dream destination. Whether your dreams involve the romance of Paris, the fine art of Florence, or the nightlife of Barcelona, the good news is there are plenty of teaching jobs available, even if you have no previous experience. If you are a native speaker of English, there is really nothing standing in your way.
Get TEFL certified
Prepare to interview in person
Be aware of each country's requirements
Make multiple job applications and even accept more than one offer
Take on private lessons in your free time
Plan your finances
Pick and choose your clients wisely
Yes, maximize your free time!
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Are you ready to teach English in Europe?
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The Top Reasons To Complete a TEFL Course - TEFL Blog
Linda Dunsmore
TEFL Information Alumni Experiences
There are many reasons to undertake a TEFL course. Completing the 120-hour TEFL course allows you to expand your portfolio. The TEFL certification gives you an edge over other candidates when applying to certain jobs.
"Having a TEFL certification affords me the luxury of living overseas in a foreign country."
"A TEFL certificate can serve you well beyond just teaching English."
"It may sound like a fairytale job that does not exist, but this reality is within reach with a TEFL."
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Are you ready to teach English abroad?
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This is not just one more qualification that will help you stand out in a global marketplace. Most countries around the world recognize what the TEFL certification is, and the... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - English Grammar Present Perfect Teaching Ideas 2 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
The teaching idea covered in this video is a fun group game that should generate a good deal of student talk time using the Present Perfect tense. The students will be in small groups and each student will have the question sheet with a number of pictures and word prompts. Students take turns forming their question with the aid of the prompts. The groups then give their answers using the Present Perfect. The prompts include: win/a competition, go/scuba-diving, meet/ a famous person The questions would be: Have you ever won a competition?, Have you ever been scuba-diving?, Have you ever met a famous person? Group members would answer, Yes I have...., No I haven't... After a given amount of time each group share their answers with the class. The teacher could then encourage the class... [Read more]
How 10 Years of Teaching English Has Changed My Life - TEFL Blog
Linda Dunsmore
Alumni Experiences
This blog post was written by recent ITTT graduate Kaitlin F., who shares her 10 years of teaching experience with us talking about the many different jobs in the English education field she was fortunate to work in.
What is an educator?
"I often dealt with preschool children who made my experience memorable and from there my passion to teach continued"
"Every day I would receive a call not knowing what to expect when I walked into a school"
"My experience while being a paraprofessional has let me become a more knowledgeable person in order to cater to students needs."
"I received an opportunity to teach as an education instructor at my neighborhoods local zoo."
Are you ready to teach English?
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This post was... [Read more]
TEFL terms explained ▷ Infographic - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
As with most professions the world of Teaching English as a Foreign Language has many of its own particular and sometimes peculiar terms and jargon. Getting to grips with the wide array of acronyms in the industry can sometimes feel like learning a whole new language!
So if you have trouble telling the difference between your IWB (Interactive Whiteboard) and your OHP (Overhead Projector), this infographic is a great guide to what’s what in the English language teaching industry. Two of the most commonly used phrases in English teaching, and two that cause most confusion are TEFL and TESOL. TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language and TESOL means Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Another term, TESL, means Teaching English as a Second Language. TESL is... [Read more]
Classroom is a Stage and Teacher is an Actor - TEFL Blog
Elizaveta Pachina
Alumni Experiences
A teacher must assume many different roles as they perform the task of teaching both during the lesson and outside the lesson. By outside the lesson, I am referring to the Lesson Planning, materials to be used set up and classroom organization. During the lesson is, of course, the actual teaching of the students. As listed in Unit 2 there are 6 roles in total including Instructor, Facilitator, Mentor, Psychologist, Counsellor, and Policeman. These roles are true for all levels of teaching and are modified to suit the age and level of the students. In the case of teaching Younger Learners, it is very important to consider their age in terms of attention span, interests and sense of imagination and fun. Perhaps even more important is to consider the... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - The Esa Methodology Of Teaching Types Of Esa Lessons - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
This particular methodology is known as a straight arrow ESA lesson. If every single lesson that we undertook with our students was a straight arrow ESA lesson then it is quite possible that the students would be able to predict what is going to come up next and whilst this is good for the lower level students, then it could potentially become a little bit boring for our higher level students. So what Harmer did in his ideas about ESA, was to generate two other types of ESA lesson that we can use to try and generate a little bit more interest. So, the other two types of ESA lesson that we can follow: The first is known as a boomerang lesson and the second is known as a patchwork lesson and what we're going to do is to have a look at those other types of ESA lesson in a little bit... [Read more]
TEFL Romania - page 1 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Jobs in Romania
Additional Language Teacher
Writer: The Royal School in Transylvania | Email:
The Royal School in Transylvania seeks an outstanding English as an Additional Language Teacher to start in August 2024.We are growing and are looking to hire a new English as an Additional Language Teacher to add further depth to our expanding team.Nestled deep in the heart of Transylvania in northern Romania, the Royal School is a small, community orientated school situated in the city of Cluj-Napoca. Offering a high-quality British education since its founding in 2015, we are proud to support a multinational student population of just over 290 students. Since it opened its doors the school has always aimed to offer and implement a comprehensive learning experience, by reaching and... [Read more]
How Teaching in China Influenced me as a TEFL Specialist - TEFL Blog
Elizaveta Pachina
Alumni Experiences
I, as an out of school English teacher, have been teaching English in China for about one year. My students are coming from elementary schools or middle schools. The teaching is one to one. The background and personality of my students are various. Some students are very interested in learning English and want to take extra courses to improve their English proficiency.
Students' Struggles
English Speaking Environment
Forceful Learning vs. Personal Approach
Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course!
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This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Nan W. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.
Some students feel having more challenges in grammar,... [Read more]
TEFL New Zealand - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Job Teaching English In New Zealand
Date posted:2018-07-18 | Writer: Aotearoa Career and Management Institute | Email:
Aotearoa Career and Management Institute (ACMI) is an NZQA approved tertiary education provider based in central Auckland. We are looking for an outstanding candidate to teach English as a Second Language. You will be responsible for maintaining the highest academic and student service standards at ACMI. The role would be ideal for someone with a strong General English and IELTS training preparation background.
Commitment to Te Tiriti O Waitangi: The ability to recognise and support Maori needs in a culturally appropriate manner.
Communication: Excellent written and oral communication skills in English.
Self-Management: The ability... [Read more]
TEFL Italy - page 1 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Jobs in Italy
TEFL jobs in Italy can be found country wide, from Milan to Naples, Rome to Venice.
View samples of TEFL jobs in Italy here to gain an overall pictures of requirements and conditions for teaching in Italy. Each posting has school contact details and these can be used to contact schools directly. Forward your resume/CV with a cover letter and a picture. Visit Teaching English in Italy for further specifics about TEFL jobs in Italy.
Always consult TEFL job web sites for up-to-date postings, seek sources of school contact details via online directories. Adopt a pro-active position and to find TEFL jobs in Italy. Visit TEFL Courses in Italy for World-class TEFL certification in Italy.
English Teacher
Writer: British School Group | Email:
We are now selecting... [Read more]
4 Best Ways to Choose Business English Course Materials - TEFL Blog
Elizaveta Pachina
Teaching Ideas
When teaching Business English, it is important to tailor lessons to the maturity and ability of the class. Essential to any lesson is the course materials to be used by both the teacher and the students. By tailoring these course materials to be more relevant to the Business English students, the teacher will hopefully gain a greater level of interest and create a better learning environment. To assist with a teacher with the style and type of course materials to be used with a specific Business English class there are several things the teacher could do.
1. Research First
2. Sourced Materials
3. Created Materials
4. Ready-to-Use Materials
Do you want to teach Business English?
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This post was written by our... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Tefl Video Journal Week 2 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
In this ITTT TEFL review video Ben shares his experiences of the second week of his TEFL/TESOL course. The second week brings more work for the students and Ben has had to cut back on some of his social activities.
Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next.
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This unit involved learning about equipment and teaching aids. I have always had an interactive white board in my classrooms, so I will have to adjust... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - How To Pronounce Ilk - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
In this episode, we cover the pronunciation of the word ilk. This word describes a person or a thing that is similar to a person or a thing previously referred to. Suitable synonyms for ilk are type, category, sort, and class.
Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next.
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This unit is receptive skills which are reading and listening. The unit does deep down to cover the important points about the skill... [Read more]
Reading as a Key to Success - TEFL Blog
Elizaveta Pachina
Teaching Ideas
A book is an important source of knowledge and "knowledge is power". There is no doubt that reading is beneficial to everyone. Shakespeare said, "Book is the nourishment of the world, life without books, as if the earth without sunshine; wisdom without books, just as birds without winds". Reading builds a good foundation to improve both speaking and writing skills since the more we read the more vocabulary we have available for us to use when we speak or write. This way we could better express our thoughts. Also, the more we read, the broader our knowledge base, and thus the more resources we have when we are dealing with problems. Francis Bacon said, "Reading gives a person with pleasure, give a person with light, give a person with the ability",... [Read more]
TEFL TESOL Affiliate Program - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
At ITTT we offer everyone the opportunity of joining our popular partnership program that gives you the chance to earn extra income for very little effort. All you have to do is refer people to us who might be interested in teaching English abroad and taking a TEFL certification course. For every person you refer you will earn a 30% commission if they sign up for any of our online TEFL courses or make a deposit payment for any of our in-class or combined course options. Sign up to the program today and let your commission grow.
If you have your own website or blog, or one that you regularly contribute to, we can supply you with a special banner or embedded text that will automatically take your readers to our services. If you don’t have access to a website or blog, no problem,... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Floyd - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
This TESOL review video was recorded by ITTT graduate Floyd. Floyd is from the USA but is currently living and working as an English teacher in Japan. Floyd took the 120-hour online course with tutor support as well as the teaching business English course and intends to take the diploma course with ITTT in the future.
Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next.
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In this unit we had a detailed view about... [Read more]
Teaching and Learning Through Multiple Intelligences - TEFL Blog
Elizaveta Pachina
Alumni Experiences
This essay on the Multiple Intelligences is based on my past 26 years of teaching experiences at the elementary and middle school grades, as well as teaching in teacher education in higher education at the university level. I have conducted much research on the area of Multiple Intelligences, however, this essay will be based on my memory and experiences of teaching utilizing the Multiple Intelligences; thus, references are not included as they have been an accumulation throughout the last 26 years of teaching.
Learning Domains
1. Numbers
2. Art and Crafts
3. Body Language
4. Music
5. Social Skills
6. World Around
Do you want to learn new teaching methods? Take a TEFL course!
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This post was... [Read more]