Teaching English Abroad Blog

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The Lowdown on Teaching English Abroad With a Family - TEFL Blog

Mark Crocker TEFL Information If you do a quick online search for teaching English abroad, it would be easy to assume that it is only an option for young, single people. However, this is far from the truth, as there are countless thousands of people of all ages who are currently teaching abroad with their families. Many parents see it as a great opportunity to provide their children with an international education that is far removed from the one-dimensional option that most of us experience in our home country. Although moving abroad to teach English as a family is a great option for many people, there are obviously several things to consider before jumping on a plane. Listen to this blog post: Safety concerns I have a non-teaching partner Money concerns Other considerations The main...  [Read more]

Where to Earn the Highest Salaries Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Budget and Salary There are many reasons why some people decide to teach English abroad. Some want to explore a new culture or learn a new language. Others want to gain teaching experience or be able to save a lot of money to pay off student debt or simply make some money for the future. Teaching English in Asia Teaching English in South Korea Teaching English in Taiwan Teaching English in China Teaching English in Japan Teaching English in the Middle East Teaching English in Saudi Arabia Teaching English in the United Arab Emirates Teaching English in Europe Teaching English in the Czech Republic Teaching English in Latin America Listen to the blog post Are you ready to teach English abroad? For a lot of people, it is exactly this financial aspect that leads them to...  [Read more]

The Top Hiring Seasons for Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Mark Crocker Destinations TEFL Information When planning a new career teaching English overseas, one of the most important factors to consider is when is the best time of year to get hired in your chosen destination? In some areas, the demand is so strong that you can find a job at any time, while in others there are certain windows when the majority of hiring is done. Making sure you get your timings right can make a big difference to your logistical planning and the start-up costs you will need. The worst-case scenario of turning up in your dream location only to find that no one is hiring is certainly one you want to avoid. Hiring Seasons for Teaching English in Asia Hiring Seasons for Teaching English in Europe Hiring Seasons for Teaching English in the Middle East Hiring Seasons...  [Read more]

The Best Government Programs For Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations TEFL Information Teaching English abroad is now a popular career option for many people of all ages. While there is a strong demand for TEFL certified teachers in many different regions of the world, there are certain countries who have implemented government-funded programs to attract foreign English teachers. Through these programs, qualified English teachers are placed into schools around their countries where they are employed for a set period of time. Here is a list of the best government programs for teaching English abroad. Listen to this blog post: EPIK for Teaching English in South Korea Requirements and More Information About the Program: How to Apply TaLK for Teaching English in South Korea Requirements and More Information About the Program: How...  [Read more]

The 12 Most Affordable Countries For Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations Many thousands of people every year embark on their adventure of teaching English in a foreign country around the world. The options are almost limitless but which are the most affordable countries for teaching English abroad? 1. Argentina 2. Cambodia 3. China 4. Czech Republic 5. Ecuador 6. Laos 7. Mexico 8. Nepal 9. Peru 10. Philippines 11. Thailand 12. Vietnam Listen to this blog post Are you ready to start a new career teaching English overseas? Related Articles: If Latin America interests you Argentina is among the top destinations for teaching English as a foreign language in the region. The country has a high demand for qualified English teachers and the salaries are one of the highest in Latin America. The cost of living in Argentina is very...  [Read more]

The 10 Best Destinations for Teaching English Abroad in 2018 - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations Currently, there are around 1.75 billion people speaking and learning English around the world and researchers say that by 2020 more than two billion people will speak and learn English. This means, now is the perfect time to embark on your adventure of teaching English abroad. Whether you are looking for opportunities in Asia, South America, the Middle East or Europe, qualified English teachers are hired everywhere. Even English-speaking countries have a never-before-seen demand for ESL teachers. 2018 is the perfect year to go and see the world. 10. Teaching English in Taiwan 9. Teaching English in Spain 8. Teaching English in Vietnam 7. Teaching English in Mexico 6. Teaching English in Cambodia 5. Teaching English in the Czech Republic 4. Teaching English...  [Read more]

Top 10 Cities in China for Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations If you are interested in teaching English as a foreign language, it is probably not news to you that China offers some of the best opportunities in the world for teachers. The country has over 300 million English learners leading to an incredibly high demand for qualified teachers in all parts of the country. Teaching English in Beijing Teaching English in Shanghai Teaching English in Guangzhou Teaching English in Hangzhou Teaching English in Kunming Teaching English in Chongqing Teaching English in Wuhan Teaching English in Chengdu Teaching English in Shenzhen Teaching English in Xi'an Teaching English in Nanjing Listen to this blog post Are you ready to teach English in China? Teacher salaries are very lucrative, ranging between 6000 RMB and 12000 RMB per...  [Read more]

The 8 Best Countries in Asia for Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations Asia is a premier destination for English teachers due to the ease of travel between countries, good salaries, extra benefits (free flights! free housing!) and the abundance of available jobs. Teaching English overseas provides unlimited opportunities for English speakers from all backgrounds to live, work and travel overseas. Here are the best countries in Asia to teach English as a foreign language in 2018. Vietnam - The Land of the Ascending Dragon Japan - The Land of the Rising Sun South Korea - The Land of the Morning Calm Thailand - The Land of Smiles China - The Land of the Red Dragon Taiwan - The Treasure Island Cambodia - The Land of Peace and Prosperity Russia - The Land of the Tsars Hong Kong - The Pearl of the Orient Singapore - The Lion City...  [Read more]

Top 5 Off-The-Beaten-Track Countries for Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations The worldwide EFL market is ever-changing with new hotspots and trends popping out of nowhere on a regular basis. If you don't want to teach English in one of the common EFL destinations, like China, Mexico or Italy, this list of the top 5 off-the-beaten-track countries for teaching English abroad might get you inspired. Guatemala - The Land of Eternal Spring Indonesia - The Emerald of the Equator Colombia - The Land of Happiness Turkey - The Land of the Crescent Moon Myanmar - The Golden Land Listen to this blog post Are you ready to teach English in one these off-the-beaten-track locations? With a diverse range of landscapes, Guatemala is a teaching destination like no other. Here, you will find towering tree clad volcanoes, lush canyons and Caribbean...  [Read more]

Top 8 Resources for Researching Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore TEFL Information So you want to move abroad to teach English and explore a new culture? That's great - but how do you get started? At first, the process of finding a teaching position abroad can seem like a daunting task. Where are the highest teacher salaries? Is it better to teach at a private or public school? Which country hires teachers in advance? China is the largest EFL market worldwide - but is it also the right choice for me? 1. ITTT Country Guides 2. ITTT FAQs 3. Your Local Library or Bookstore 4. Online Forums and Facebook Groups 5. ITTT Alumni Experiences 6. Blogs Written By Real Teachers Abroad 7. ESL Job Boards and Recruitment Agencies 8. ITTT Advisors Listen to this blog post Are you ready to teach English abroad? Related Articles: Finding out which...  [Read more]

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Russia for Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Mark Crocker Destinations Known throughout the world for its literary giants, such as Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and Chekhov, and its musical geniuses that include Tchaikovsky, Stravinsky, and Shostakovich, Russia's unrivaled history of the arts is just one reason why it is increasingly popular with visitors from all over the globe. From the vast and rugged beauty of its eastern regions to the bustling cosmopolitan cities in the west, the Russian Federation offers a seemingly endless array of unique attractions to explore. 1. Russia has a huge job market for foreign English teachers 2. Employers don't insist on a college degree 3. Work visas are not hard to obtain 4. Employers routinely hire teachers in advance 5. Russia is a land of adventure Listen to this blog post Are you ready to teach...  [Read more]

The 7 Most Beautiful Cities in Italy for Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations Italy is one of the most popular destinations for teaching English in Europe - and it's not hard to see why! With so many amazing cities to choose from you will be spoiled for choice in this Mediterranean paradise. Listen to this blog post: Tips for Teaching English in Italy Here are the 7 most beautiful cities in Italy for teaching English abroad. Teaching English in Bologna Teaching English in Florence Teaching English in Milan Teaching English in Naples Teaching English in Rome Teaching English in Venice Teaching English in Verona Are you Ready to Live and Teach English In Italy? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video testimonials! Because of strict EU laws and regulations, it can often be difficult for non-EU citizens to...  [Read more]

Teaching English Abroad - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teaching English Overseas

Your journey starts here. A career in teaching English abroad is achievable for anyone who has a good knowledge and use of English in addition to a TEFL or TESOL qualification. Before you start your training it is important that you have some knowledge of what teaching English abroad entails and what options are available for you to get there. Here we will look at those options and the requirements needed to achieve them. First and foremost you should choose a course which suits the type of work you hope to undertake and is recognized in the country or countries you hope to teach. All ITTT courses are suitable for teaching English overseas in a variety of settings. The typical minimum qualification requirement for employment is a course covering 100-120 hours of study. This can be done...  [Read more]

Teaching English Thailand - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teaching English Abroad

Capital city Bangkok Language Thai Currency Baht Typical TEFL teacher salary 30-35,000 baht/month (40-45,000 in and around Bangkok) Major TEFL locations Bangkok Chiang Mai Phuket Hat Yai   There are literally hundreds of job opportunities for teaching English in Thailand right now — especially in Bangkok and the countryside, where there are far more jobs than there are teachers to fill them. With the help of our lifetime assistance finding employment, we’ll not only help you find a job, we’ll help you find a job that’s right for you. Throughout Thailand, a qualified TEFL teacher will have no problems securing a job. In most other parts of the country, the prospects are strong as well. All state schools aim to employ at least one native English language teacher so the...  [Read more]

Teaching English Vietnam - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teaching English Abroad

Capital city Hanoi Language Vietnamese Currency Vietnamese Dong Typical TEFL teacher salary US$ 15 per hour Major TEFL locations Ho Chi Minh City Hanoi   Following a rather turbulent 20th century, Vietnam has stabilized and seen an influx of foreign companies and investments over the past several years. Due to this boost in international involvement, the demand for English has taken off. With the help of our lifetime assistance finding jobs, we’ll lay the ground work for finding employment and also help you along a direct path to finding a great job. Well-paid employment is plentiful, especially in the business metropolis of Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon), the eastern sea port city of Ga Nang, and the capital, Hanoi. TEFL qualified English teachers shouldn't have...  [Read more]

Teaching English Japan - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teaching English Abroad

Capital city Tokyo Language Japanese Currency Yen Typical TEFL teacher salary 250,000 – 300,000 yen / month Major TEFL locations Tokyo Yokohama Osaka Sapporo Kyoto Sendai   Opportunities for teaching English in Japan are excellent for anyone who holds internationally accredited and recognized TEFL/TESOL certificates such as those offered by ITTT and TEFL International. In Tokyo and other cities, there are usually more English teaching positions than there are teachers, while all over Japan employment prospects remain favorable. With the help of our lifetime assistance finding jobs, the chances of getting hired as a TEFL teacher in Japan are terrific. Teachers are highly respected throughout Japanese society, and students are generally highly motivated and willing to learn....  [Read more]

Teaching English Italy - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teaching English Abroad

Capital city Rome Language Italian Currency Euro Typical TEFL teacher salary 1,000 euro/month Major TEFL locations Rome Florence Milan Naples Turin Palermo   Of all European countries, Italy has one of the highest demands for English teachers. In larger cities, there are more English teaching jobs than there are certified teachers to fill them. With the help of our lifetime assistance finding jobs, a certified TEFL teacher will be able to find a TEFL job relatively quickly. We’re dedicated to helping you land the job that’s right for you — in Italy or anywhere else you’d like to work. Language schools hire teachers year round so you’re likely to find a position anytime of the year. If you’d like to work in primary or secondary schools, the school year starts in...  [Read more]

Teaching English Spain - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teaching English Abroad

Capital city Madrid Language Spanish Currency Euro Typical TEFL teacher salary 1,000 euro / month Major TEFL locations Madrid Barcelona Seville   Spain is one of the most popular locations in which to find a job teaching English. This can make for stiff competition amongst job seekers so our course graduates will most certainly benefit from our assistance with finding great employment opportunities. Many teaching positions are for young learners, but you can also find adult and business English teaching quite easily. There are literally thousands of language schools in the larger cities of Spain. Finding a position teaching English in Spain it is easier while in the country. Schools like to see prospective teachers in the flesh so they can gain an impression of how the...  [Read more]

Teaching English China - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teaching English Abroad

Capital city Beijing Language Cantonese/Mandarin Currency Chinese Yuan Typical TEFL teacher salary 7,000 - 10,000 Yuan monthly (varies widely from region to region) Major TEFL locations Beijing Shanghai Zhuhai all urban centers   The opportunities for teaching English in China are as huge as the country itself. Year round, there are far more jobs available than there are teachers. Positions teaching English in China are available throughout the country but in order to find the best job for you, you might wish to take advantage of our lifetime jobs assistance. Any TEFL qualified teachers should be able to teach English in any part of China they choose with a variety of opportunities throughout the country in both state and private sectors. China has developed rapidly over...  [Read more]

Teaching English Germany - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teaching English Abroad

Capital city Berlin Language German Currency Euro Typical TEFL teacher salary 2,000 euros per month Major TEFL locations Berlin Hamburg Munich and other major cities   Teaching English in Germany can be much easier than in other EU countries. Demand for teachers is high and when you complete your TEFL certification with ITTT or TEFL International, you will benefit from our lifetime assistance in finding a teaching position – in Germany or in any other country for that matter. As in many other European countries, teaching business English in Germany is one of the major prospects for English teachers. Germany’s economy is both strong and stable so many large corporations and small companies have the funding for helping their employees develop better English language...  [Read more]

Teaching English Greece - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teaching English Abroad

Capital city Athens Language Greek Currency Euro Typical TEFL teacher salary 900 euro per month Major TEFL locations Athens Thessaloniki   Generally speaking, there are openings for teaching English as a foreign language in Greece and an assortment of private language schools need good teachers. With our certificate and subsequent lifetime assistance finding jobs — you can rest assured that if there’s a job on offer in Greece, we’ll help you find it. Teaching is geared towards younger learners, but there are teaching possibilities in other areas. The salaries in Greece may appear to be low, but in relation to the cost of living, they are more than sufficient. Along with an internationally recognized TEFL certificate, such as that offered by ITTT and TEFL International,...  [Read more]

Teaching English Poland - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teaching English Abroad

Capital city Warsaw Language Polish Currency Zloty Typical TEFL teacher salary 2,500 zloty / month Major TEFL locations Warsaw Wroclaw Krakow   Poland is said to have more English teaching opportunities than anywhere else in Europe. Demand in Poland for our certified graduates is as high as it gets in Europe. With the help of our lifetime assistance finding jobs, you’re almost certain to find yourself in a classroom in no time. Positions teaching English in Poland are available countrywide, in both the state and private sector, in language schools, institutes and inside major corporations. Salaries are high by local standards and you should be able to live comfortably. Jobs are advertised year round on the many EFL job web sites and with our help, you should find work...  [Read more]

5 Reasons Why Teaching Abroad is Better Than Studying Abroad - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Budget and Salary TEFL Information Do you want to live abroad and experience a new culture? Studying abroad is a wonderful opportunity for university students to do just that - but it's not the only way! Many students are eager to head overseas to study at a foreign university because they think if they don't they will miss out and never have another chance of living in a foreign country. This is simply not true. The worldwide demand for qualified English teachers is through the roof giving everyone who wants to teach abroad the opportunity to find a position. Here are 5 reasons why teaching abroad is better than studying abroad. You Will Make Money You Will Get International Work Experience You Will Live Like a Local You Can Stay as Long as You Want You Will Make a...  [Read more]

9 Stunning Cities in Spain for Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations It's not hard to see why Spain is one of the most attractive countries in Europe for teaching English as a foreign language. Most teachers head straight to Madrid or Barcelona but there are many more stunning cities in Spain for teaching English abroad. Tips for Teaching English in Spain Here are 9 stunning cities in Spain for teaching English abroad. Teaching English in Barcelona Teaching English in Gijón Teaching English in Granada Teaching English in Madrid Teaching English in San Sebastián Teaching English in Santander Teaching English in Santiago de Compostela Teaching English in Seville Teaching English in Toledo Listen to this blog post Are you Ready to Live and Teach English In Spain? Related Articles: While it's true that it can be a little...  [Read more]

The Top 8 Cities in France For Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations France is one of the most popular destinations for teaching English in Europe. While a lot of people settle in Paris to enjoy the Parisian lifestyle, there are a lot of other exciting cities in all parts of the country. Here are the top 8 places to teach English in France. Listen to this blog post: Tips for Teaching English in France Bordeaux Grenoble Lyon Marseille Nice Paris Rennes Strasbourg Are you Ready to Live and Teach English In France? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video testimonials! Due to local laws and regulations, it can often be difficult for non-EU citizens to secure a visa and work legally in France. However, if you are dreaming of living and working in France, don't despair. We have a thorough guide to...  [Read more]

Overcoming Challenges: TEFL/TESOL and Teaching English Abroad at 40+ - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Visa and Legal TEFL Information Are you over 40 and considering a thrilling journey teaching English abroad? Join us as we uncover the growing demand, benefits, and strategies for a successful career in ESL education. Explore how age can be your advantage in the world of teaching English. Understanding the Global EFL Market Global Demand for English Teachers: Teacher Shortages and Prioritizing Qualifications: Embracing Cultural Exchange and Diversity: Leveraging Professionalism and Work Ethic: Specialized Opportunities and Higher-Level Positions: Career Transition Possibilities: Advantages of Teaching English Abroad at 40+ Life Experience, Maturity, and Professional Backgrounds: Building Rapport with Students of All Ages: Cultural Sensitivity and Adaptability: Lifelong...  [Read more]

Top Tips For Teaching Business English Abroad In Japan - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas What does it mean to teach Business English? And how does it differ from normal classroom-style English teaching? Many adult students choose to take English classes to help support their business and activities as well as to advance their careers. However, business English doesn't take place in just a classroom-style setting. There are "teacher dispatch" companies that offer several important key factors that set them apart from a traditional teaching school. Environment Clothing Body Language Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Zachary B. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. First and foremost,...  [Read more]

The How-To Guide to Prepare for Your Teaching Job Abroad - TEFL Blog

Jen Bunce Visa and Legal TEFL Information So, you have been thinking about going abroad and are trying to figure out a way to support yourself while traveling and seeing the world? Teaching English as a second language is certainly a solid financial option for native and non-native English speakers, as well as a career that is high in demand around the world. Anyone that has a love for travel and wants to learn about other cultures, while also helping people, should seriously consider teaching English as it can fulfill all these desires. 1. Choose Your Desired Location 2. Does the Country You Want to Teach in Require a Bachelor's Degree? 3. Research the Hiring Seasons and Contract Lengths of Your Desired Location 4. Now Get that TEFL Certification and Enroll in Your TEFL Course! 5. Visa...  [Read more]

Mastering the Language of Healing: The Vitality of Teaching Medical English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas Learning English as a foreign language in healthcare has become increasingly common and essential due to globalization and the growing demand for healthcare professionals in diverse settings. This article emphasizes the significance of teaching Medical English and highlights the need for qualified instructors with a medical background. The Impact of Language Proficiency in Healthcare Developing Students' Language Proficiency Incorporating Authentic Materials Cultural Competence in Healthcare Advancement Opportunities for Healthcare Workers Conclusion Are you ready to teach English as a foreign language? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video testimonials! Disclaimer: The views and opinions...  [Read more]

Teaching English Czech Republic - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teaching English Abroad

Capital city Prague Language Czech Currency Koruna (Crown) Typical TEFL teacher salary 22,000 koruna/month Major TEFL locations Prague Brno nationwide   The Czech Republic is probably the most popular country in the region for teaching English. Jobs teaching English in the Czech Republic are quite easy to obtain, and even easier with the benefit of our lifetime job placement assistance. Salaries, while not being of a high level in international terms, offer a comfortable lifestyle. Any teacher with an internationally accredited TEFL certificate from ITTT or TEFL International should have little problem in finding a position teaching English in the Czech Republic for a very comfortable salary. The hiring season is year-round in the Czech Republic, especially in Prague. Most...  [Read more]

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