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How to Give Bad News in English - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! Here are some useful phrases for giving bad news in English.   Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

How to Give Feedback to Your ESL Students - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hey everybody it's lisa here and i'm glad to welcome you to a new itttt live stream uh so i'm going to wait for a while for some more people to join us uh but while doing so i'm going to change the slide uh just one sec so that you could see it um bigger so i'm going to zoom in and yeah i'm just going to present itttt right right straight away uh so itttt is a leading tefl and tesol training and we provide high quality tefl certification so if you are interested in becoming a teacher and you are willing to build on um a successful career tefl should be the first step uh in this journey uh so check us out we are presented on various social networks uh and yeah just go ahead and subscribe to our youtube channel or follow us on instagram so choose um that social media you like and let me get...  [Read more]

5 Great Ways to Give Your Students Feedback - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Teaching Ideas As a teacher, you should always give your students effective and meaningful feedback on their performance and progress. However, it is all too common for students to feel like they are being criticized by their teachers instead of being given constructive and useful comments. That's why we have listed these 5 great ways to give your students feedback. 1. Tailor Your Feedback 2. Timing is Key 3. Balance the Feedback 4. It's All in the Details 5. Help Setting Goals Listen to this blog post Are you ready to teach English as a foreign language? Related Articles: When giving feedback, you should tailor it to each specific student and base it on their individual needs. Also, keep in mind to only give feedback on the actual goal that is being worked on instead of...  [Read more]

Ludo Irregular Verbs - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! This game can be used to practice irregular verbs. The rules are similar to a regular game of Ludo - the only difference is that when the counter lands on a new square, the students must give past forms of a given verb.   Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

TEFL ONLINE - page 2 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Jobs online

There are students of English all over the world who prefer to learn English online rather than by physical attendance at a school or language academy. Qualified TEFL teachers are therefore hired by a number of different organisations to teach English online. Here are some online teaching positions: Online English Teacher: Teaching Adults | (Date posted:2024-02-02) Date posted:2024-02-02 | Writer: NativeX Edtech | Email: [email protected] A. Overview•    Expected start time: March 2024 (after onboard training)•    Class duration: 45 minutes/ slot•    Teaching time: 8:00 - 23:45 every day (GMT+7), especially 8:00 - 11:45 and 19:00 - 22:00•    Teach General English (04 skills) to Vietnamese adults•  ...  [Read more]

How do I get a job teaching English in Brazil? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

To secure an English teaching job in Brazil, obtaining a TEFL certification is paramount. Prior professional teaching experience isn't generally a prerequisite. Brazil offers a multitude of opportunities due to its vast population and booming economy. In-person interviews are common, so it's beneficial to be in Brazil during the job search. The country's diverse culture, inviting climate, and iconic festivities like Carnival make it a top destination for many international teachers. What are the requirements for teaching English in Brazil? What are the visa requirements for teaching English in Brazil? Should I work on a tourist visa in Brazil? What is the best way to apply for English teaching jobs in Brazil? To teach English in Brazil, the following qualifications and attributes are...  [Read more]

Asking and Giving Directions Phrases in English - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! These phrases will help your students learn how to ask and give directions in English.   Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

Top 10 Cities in Latin America with the Highest Demand for English Language Teachers - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations While you are not likely to find the highest salaries in this region, teachers moving to Latin America to teach English are predominantly attracted by the continents cultural richness and varied landscapes. Whether you see yourself exploring the Andes in Chile or the rainforests of Costa Rica, here are the top 10 cities in Latin America with the highest demand for English language teachers. Listen to this blog post: Buenos Aires - La Reina del Plata San José - The Big Pineapple Santiago - Gem of Latin America Lima - The City of Kings Bogotá - The Rising Star in Latin America Mexico City - The City of Palaces Rio De Janeiro - The City of Carnaval Guatemala City - Land of Eternal Spring Quito - Light of America Managua - The Paris of Central America Are...  [Read more]

TEFL TESOL Course Materials - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  All ITTT TEFL courses come with extensive and in-depth materials that are designed to gradually build your knowledge as you work through the course. Although the materials cover a wide range of key subjects, they are put together in a way that is informative, interesting and easy to follow, so you should never feel bored or bogged down with too much technical information. By keeping our materials current and avoiding the bland, dullness of some educational courses, we aim to provide a learning experience that is rewarding and fulfilling. At ITTT we design our courses with the ultimate goal of ensuring graduates are fully equipped to enter the classroom on their first day with a spring in their step, feeling ready and able to deliver a lesson that is both professional and...  [Read more]

How Will My Personal Teaching Experiences as a Russian Teacher Help Me as an English Teacher? - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas You have to put the emphasis on the right syllable," I said, finishing my demonstration. Challenges in the Second Class: Timing and Assumptions Learning from Mistakes: Lessons for Effective Language Teaching Apology and Humility: A Turning Point Valuable Lessons for Language Instructors Carrying Lessons Forward: Teaching English with Confidence Are you ready to teach English as a foreign language? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video testimonials! My very first class of students learning Russian had expressed their disdain for their books with stress notes denoted on every word. They started reading from the copies without the stress marks and consequently were butchering the...  [Read more]

How do I become a TEFL tutor? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

There are a number of EFL teaching scenarios that involve tutoring. The most obvious is that of one-to-one teaching. This can take place in a school, a language center, at a business or privately. Regardless of the teaching scenario, the route to becoming a TEFL tutor is basically the same as becoming a TEFL teacher. In general there are three ways to gain the certification required to become a TEFL tutor. They all involve a course with a minimum of 120 hours of training. Online TEFL certification Onsite TEFL certification Combined TEFL certification This can be done from anywhere in the world with a computer and an internet connection. Typical 120-hour courses give you up to six months to complete the course, working at your own pace. These courses will cover the main aspects of EFL...  [Read more]

Giving Directions Tips - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! Here's a great activity for practicing how to give directions in English. Help your students ask how to get from one place to another.   Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

Contributing to the Classroom as an ALT in Japan - TEFL Blog

Asia Ridley TEFL Information Alumni Experiences English education in Japan has been prominent for decades and starts in elementary schools. It is in high demand as the relationship between the U.S. and Japan as well as the abundant amount of tourism. Last year straight after graduating from university in the United States, I moved to Japan and began teaching English. I was fortunate to pass the interviews and become part of the Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme {JET}. Being an assistant language teacher {ALT} in the Japanese education system versus a conversation school has its differences. Therefore I will be diving into how one can contribute to the classroom as an ALT. Japanese Elementary School Collaborating with your Homeroom Teacher Outside of the classroom Conclusion Are you...  [Read more]

TEFL Alumni Interview with Sabrina Oliveira - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva Alumni Experiences TEFL Reviews & TESOL Reviews For ITTT, our community of students and alumni is the most important to us. That's why we'd love to share what our course grads have to say! This will not only have others make a better decision in whether TEFL/TESOL is for them, but it will also help the ITTT community grow bigger and stronger! 1. What's your name? 2. Where are you from? Where do you currently live? 3. Which ITTT course(s) did you take? 4. Why did you take a TEFL/TESOL course from ITTT? 5. What was your favorite part about the course? 6. You've finished your TEFL/TESOL course - now what? What are your plans and goals? 7. What's your no. 1 tip for other TEFL/TESOL course takers? What should they know? What do you wish you knew before? 8. Where would you...  [Read more]

TEFL course online free - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

At ITTT we do all we can to provide the very best value for money. One way we do that is by giving away free additional courses when you sign up for one of our online TEFL course options. If you choose our most popular 120-hour TEFL certification course with tutor support, you will also get one of our 50-hour specialized courses thrown in at no extra cost. Depending on your future teaching plans, you can pick any of the following free course options: Planning on teaching English online? Get the very best value with a TEFL course bundle By completing our 120-hour course you will be well prepared to start teaching English in any location you decide is right for you. By also adding one of our free specialized courses to your portfolio, you will greatly increase your teaching knowledge and...  [Read more]

TEFL ONLINE - page 4 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Jobs online

There are students of English all over the world who prefer to learn English online rather than by physical attendance at a school or language academy. Qualified TEFL teachers are therefore hired by a number of different organisations to teach English online. Here are some online teaching positions: Online English Teachers for Conversation Classes | (Date posted:2022-10-08) Date posted:2022-10-08 | Writer: SpeakingAtHome | Email: [email protected] SpeakingAtHome is looking for Full or Part time Online English Tutors for European students. Mainly for evenings and nights. We offer full or part time positions and flexible working hours to busy individuals who wish to have an additional income. If you are passionate in English language. Have an extraordinary teaching ability. Then,...  [Read more]

Was/Were Board Game - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! This fun activity helps your students practice the verb to be in the past simple by playing a board game where they give true or false answers to questions.   Give each group of three or four a copy of the game board, a set of true or false cards, a dice and counters. The students shuffle the cards and place them face down in a pile next to the game board. The players then take it in turns to roll the dice and move their counter along the board. When a player lands on a square, they pick up a true or false card from the pile and look at it, without showing it to anyone. The player then answers the question on the square using was or were by giving either true or false information as indicated on the card. Next, the other...  [Read more]

Canada Board Game - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! Here's a fun ESL board game about Canada. Students answer questions, describe the pictures, or give the English word for the thing/activity in the picture.     Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

Can I teach English online as a volunteer? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Absolutely, online volunteer English teaching is an evolving facet of the TEFL landscape. Historically, many teachers volunteered in developing regions, aiding individuals seeking English proficiency for brighter prospects. Nowadays, numerous online platforms cater to this altruistic endeavor, enabling volunteers to impact an even broader global audience without geographical constraints. Why volunteer to teach online? What companies run volunteer English teaching programs online? Paper Airplanes RefuNet CC English English Online OpenMind Projects Choosing to volunteer as an online English teacher comes with a myriad of benefits. Beyond the intrinsic reward of aiding learners progress, it offers budding educators hands-on experience crucial for their teaching journey. Highlighting such...  [Read more]

ESL Authority - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  ESL Authority is an informational website designed to help make teaching abroad easy to understand no matter your nationality, degree, or experience. Founded by a former teacher, the website began as a resource for anyone interested in or currently teaching English abroad. The TEFL industry as a whole can be complicated and confusing, especially for someone looking to find their first job - ESL Authority was designed to make finding reliable information easy. The current version of ESL Authority offers users tips on finding a job via hiring guides, teaching resources and tips from the blog, and regularly updated jobs from the most popular teaching destinations in the world. Website: Facebook page: Youtube Channel:...  [Read more]

Debate Cards about Technology - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! These are some fun cards you can use to practice debates in your ESL classes. Cut out the cards, students pick the card and should give their opinion on the statements written on it.   Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

How Will Brexit Affect TEFL Teachers? - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Visa and Legal In June 2016 the UK voted to leave the European Union and the "British exit" has since be referred to as "Brexit". Three years later there is still a lot of uncertainty surrounding possible repercussions, whether they end up positive or negative because the process is far from complete, detailed agreements are not finalized, and Brexit may even end up being canceled – even if only temporarily. People working in Europe as EFL teachers outside of their own country may feel unsure about their future, and those who are intending to work in European countries will be finding it difficult to plan, but what are the various outcomes that could occur over the next few months and years? Teachers From Europe Working in the UK Teachers From Non-European...  [Read more]

What is the NET Scheme for teaching English in Hong Kong? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

The NET (Native-speaking English Teachers) Scheme is an initiative by the Hong Kong Education Bureau designed to integrate overseas qualified teachers into public schools across Hong Kong. With the primary objective of elevating English teaching standards and offering local students an authentic language learning experience, the program annually recruits for both primary and secondary education levels. Participants not only benefit from a competitive salary and added perks but also gain a distinctive experience in one of Asia's most dynamic and culturally-rich cities. What are the requirements for the NET Scheme? What teaching jobs are available through the NET Scheme? What are the benefits of the NET Scheme? The NET Scheme Requirements include: Teaching Positions through the NET...  [Read more]

Tefl reviews - Classroom Management For Teaching English As A Foreign Language Common Issues Efl - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  There are some other classroom management issues that we need to consider and they may include issues such as writing on the board, giving students individual attention, the use of teacher talk time, the way in which we should give instructions to our students, the building and maintaining of rapport with our students, and finally the one that perhaps most new teachers particularly spend a lot of time worrying and thinking about, is the issue of classroom discipline. So what we'd like to do is to take each of these in turn and look at some of the major issues surrounding these classroom management issues. Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units...  [Read more]

Halloween ESL Roll-A-Story Activity Sheet - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! This Halloween Roll-A-Story is an old favorite, where students roll dice to determine their story’s character, setting, and conflict. Print it out and give it to your student for a fun, Halloween-themed activity!   Have your students come up with a Halloween story by using this handy roll-a-story activity sheet! Give your students a die and let them roll to get their story’s character, setting, and conflict. Once they filled out all the blanks, they are ready to begin writing their story! Once everyone is done, have them read their stories out loud in front of the class, or organize a spooky story night where the stories are shared.   Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

The Most Popular TEFL Destinations For Teachers

Federico Riva Destinations TEFL Information Within the teaching of English as a second language (ESL) there are several classifications of learner scenarios. You have probably heard of graded classes versus mixed ability classes as an example. Another major classification is monolingual versus multilingual classes. Federico Riva Destinations TEFL Information It is possible to take a course at almost every level of qualification in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Here we will look at some actual courses and what you can do with your degree. Then we will look at what those qualification levels are. Federico Riva Destinations TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Explore innovative approaches to teaching...  [Read more]

How to make money as a TEFL teacher - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Before we answer this question we will first look at the three most common routes towards TEFL qualifications. A TEFL qualification is usually a prerequisite when looking for TEFL employment of any kind. These are: 1) Online courses: a 120-hour TEFL certificate course is the entry level qualification for most jobs. This type of course is conducted 100% online. 2) In-class courses: this type of course is conducted 100% in-class at a location somewhere in the world. Typically these courses also involve teaching practice. 3) Combined courses: this type of course is conducted by a combination of online study followed by a short in-class attendance to complete teaching practice. Three most common working options What other roles can TEFL teachers move into? School manager/director of studies...  [Read more]

Verbs in Present Continuous - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! Use the verbs given and write what the people are doing right now.   Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

Quantifiers in English - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ A Lot Of, A Few, A Little, A Bit…

Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!   What are quantifiers? We use quantifiers (A Lot Of, A Few, A Little, A Bit…) when we want to give information about the number of something: how much or how many. Let's take a look at it below.   Quantifiers form a sub-category under determiners. They are adjectives or phrases that answer two possible questions: 1. How many? 2. and How much? For example: a few, a little, much, many, most, some, any, enough, etc., are quantifiers.   Quantifiers that describe quantity include a little, none, a few, etc. Some of these are used only with:   Countable nouns – These are the nouns that answer the question "How many?" For example: a few, a number of, several, etc.   Uncountable nouns – These are...  [Read more]

When Is The Best Time To Apply For TEFL Jobs? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  To give yourself the best chance of landing that dream TEFL job quickly after graduating from your TEFL course, you'll need to know the best time of year to apply for teaching positions. This is especially true if you're trying to leave your old life behind and start over as a TEFL teacher somewhere in the world. So, when should you apply for TEFL jobs? #BestTEFL #OnlineESL #TeachEnglish Are you ready to teach English abroad or online? Click here and get started today: What is TEFL Certification? Where is it valid: Check out our wide range of TEFL Courses: Teach English online from anywhere you want: Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!
