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Back To School Letter to Myself - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
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This is a great worksheet to practice writing. Students write a letter to their future self to read at the end of the school year. During the last year of school, you will look back to see how much the students have grown throughout the school year.
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Valentine's Letter Order - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
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This super cute worksheet is ideal to practice letters, counting, shapes, colors, and more!
Put the letters on the elephant in alphabetical order.
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How to Increase Children’s Interest in Reading? - TEFL Blog
Elizaveta Pachina
Teaching Ideas
Margaret Fuller has justly said, "Today a reader, tomorrow a leader." Remarkable leaders have countless exceptional habits - one of them, is reading.
Brain Development
Benefits of Reading
Parents Role
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This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Snehal A. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.
Just like any other muscle in the body, the brain requires exercise to keep it strong and healthy, so the phrase "use it or lose it" is particularly apt when it comes to your mind. The more knowledge you have, the better-equipped you are to tackle any challenge you'll ever face. Good readers excel at life, conversely... [Read more]
Free Valentine's Day Letter Worksheet - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
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Have your preschool or Kindergarten students trace and write the uppercase letters on the hearts for Valentine's Day.
Trace and write the uppercase letters.
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Leaders Are Readers: How to Develop Children’s Interest for Reading - TEFL Blog
Elizaveta Pachina
Teaching Ideas
Reading it's a skill which we learn when we are children. Some children learn to read before they start to join the elementary school, it depends on parents always. But how we can instill a love for reading in children?
Parents Role
Reading Activities For The Classroom
Benefits of Reading
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This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Radka S. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.
Parents should read a children's books since childhood like this the relationship between parents and a child become stronger, the child gets to know emotions by reading books and it becomes a favorite activity of a child... [Read more]
A Lifetime Love for Language Learning - TEFL Blog
Elizaveta Pachina
Alumni Experiences
As a young child, I was, for some reason, obsessed with the idea of learning French. I tried a couple of languages, including Finnish at some point, but kept going back to French. I have no idea why because I was never exposed to the culture or the language itself at that age. I doubt I even knew anything about the country itself. I think I assumed learning French would make me sound smarter but, the joke's on younger me, I have no skill in French and never have. I tend to struggle with romance languages in general.
My Personal Second Language Experience
My Choice
Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course!
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This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Nicole H. Please note that this blog post might not... [Read more]
When to Use Capital Letters - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
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Knowing when and when not to capitalize is an important part of writing correct English. Most students quickly learn that you always capitalize the first letter of a new sentence, but what are the other rules?
Although mistakes with capitalization do not generally have a big affect on the readability of your written English, it is important to get it right when writing formally for work or study purposes. Fortunately, the most common rules above are quite clear and straightforward to learn. Below are a few more capitalization rules you should be aware of.
Capitalize family relationships when used as proper nouns.
Capitalize “Uncle Brian,” and “Grandma Betty”. Do not use capitals when referring to a person’s... [Read more]
Silent Letters when Speaking English - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
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When practicing speaking English it can be confusing for language learners to find that certain words have a silent letter that shouldn’t be used. Here we look at some of the most common examples.
When teaching English to non-native speakers the presence of silent letters can be a cause of great confusion among students and teachers alike. For the learner it can be frustrating to find that the written form of the word they have just mastered is actually spoken without using all the letters. There are a few basic rules when it comes to silent letters, but as is usually the case with English, there are often exceptions.
Silent (B) Rule 1: The letter B is usually not pronounced after M at the end of a word e.g. comb, bomb,... [Read more]
How to write a TEFL cover letter? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs
Crafting a compelling TEFL cover letter is essential when applying for English teaching jobs. This letter complements your CV/resume and serves as an opportunity to highlight your passion for teaching and your suitability for the role. Essential elements of a TEFL cover letter include:
Remember, your TEFL cover letter is an essential tool in conveying your commitment and expertise in the field.
Make it unique to the position on offer
Focus on your personal qualities and not just qualifications
Keep it brief, neat, and professional
Be yourself and include all the necessary contact details
How to layout your cover letter
Although it might be quicker and easier to use the same cover letter for every job you apply for, tailoring each letter to each specific job will generally reap better... [Read more]
TEFL ONLINE - page 2 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Jobs online
There are students of English all over the world who prefer to learn English online rather than by physical attendance at a school or language academy. Qualified TEFL teachers are therefore hired by a number of different organisations to teach English online.
Here are some online teaching positions:
Online English Teacher: Teaching Adults | (Date posted:2024-02-02)
Date posted:2024-02-02 | Writer: NativeX Edtech | Email:
A. Overview• Expected start time: March 2024 (after onboard training)• Class duration: 45 minutes/ slot• Teaching time: 8:00 - 23:45 every day (GMT+7), especially 8:00 - 11:45 and 19:00 - 22:00• Teach General English (04 skills) to Vietnamese adults• ... [Read more]
Daily Routines ESL Missing Letters In Words Worksheet - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
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Here's a fun worksheet to study and practice daily routines vocabulary. Look at the pictures and write the missing letters in words.
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Valentine's Day Cryptogram - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
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This is a fun worksheet to practice Valentine's Day vocabulary in your ESL classroom. Your students have to write the correct letters below the pictures and match the words and pictures in the box. They then have to write the correct letters below the pictures and read the poem.
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How Will My Personal Teaching Experiences as a Russian Teacher Help Me as an English Teacher? - TEFL Blog
Federico Riva
TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas
You have to put the emphasis on the right syllable," I said, finishing my demonstration.
Challenges in the Second Class: Timing and Assumptions
Learning from Mistakes: Lessons for Effective Language Teaching
Apology and Humility: A Turning Point
Valuable Lessons for Language Instructors
Carrying Lessons Forward: Teaching English with Confidence
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My very first class of students learning Russian had expressed their disdain for their books with stress notes denoted on every word. They started reading from the copies without the stress marks and consequently were butchering the... [Read more]
How do I become a TEFL tutor? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs
There are a number of EFL teaching scenarios that involve tutoring. The most obvious is that of one-to-one teaching. This can take place in a school, a language center, at a business or privately. Regardless of the teaching scenario, the route to becoming a TEFL tutor is basically the same as becoming a TEFL teacher.
In general there are three ways to gain the certification required to become a TEFL tutor. They all involve a course with a minimum of 120 hours of training.
Online TEFL certification
Onsite TEFL certification
Combined TEFL certification
This can be done from anywhere in the world with a computer and an internet connection. Typical 120-hour courses give you up to six months to complete the course, working at your own pace. These courses will cover the main aspects of EFL... [Read more]
Changing Nouns from Singular to Plural - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
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The majority of singular nouns are made plural simply by adding an S on to the end of the word. However, there are many different rules depending on what letter the word ends in.
A plural noun is a word that is used to indicate that there is more than one person, animal, place, thing, or idea etc. The majority of singular nouns are made plural simply by adding an S on to the end of the word. However, there are many different rules depending on what letter the word ends in. There are also many irregular nouns that don’t follow the rules and these need to be learned and memorized. The rules every EFL teacher needs to know so they can teach their students effectively are:
1 To make regular nouns plural, add ‑s to... [Read more]
How to make money as a TEFL teacher - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs
Before we answer this question we will first look at the three most common routes towards TEFL qualifications. A TEFL qualification is usually a prerequisite when looking for TEFL employment of any kind. These are:
1) Online courses: a 120-hour TEFL certificate course is the entry level qualification for most jobs. This type of course is conducted 100% online.
2) In-class courses: this type of course is conducted 100% in-class at a location somewhere in the world. Typically these courses also involve teaching practice.
3) Combined courses: this type of course is conducted by a combination of online study followed by a short in-class attendance to complete teaching practice.
Three most common working options
What other roles can TEFL teachers move into?
School manager/director of studies... [Read more]
8 Mistakes to Avoid When Applying to EFL Teaching Jobs - TEFL Blog
Federico Riva
TEFL Information Alumni Experiences
In this blog post, we will look at 8 common mistakes made by applicants in their applications for ESL teaching positions.
Watch the video about this topic
We are going to look at eight of the biggest mistakes to avoid when applying for an ESL teaching job.
1. Follow the instruction given about how to apply
2. Proofread your Application before sending
3. Not attaching a cover letter.
4. Not addressing the letter to a person.
5. Applying in a country where you don't meet the requirements.
6. Applying for a job you're not qualified for.
7. Not providing proof of English proficiency if you're a non-native speaker.
8. Not attaching a photo.
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Contractions in Written English - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
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Contractions are commonly used in written and spoken English to shorten a group of words by omitting certain letters or sounds. In most cases, a contraction uses an apostrophe to represent the missing letters.
The list of contractions above represents some of the most common examples used in written English. Using contractions is also very common in spoken English; however, native speakers don’t always take the time to pronounce them precisely. Because of this, English learners can easily fall into the trap of writing contractions incorrectly.
When speaking, we might pronounce could’ve, should’ve, and would’ve in such a way that they actually sound like “could of,” “should of,” and “would of.” However,... [Read more]
A-Z Lower Case Alphabet Board Game - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
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This a fun and simple game like Snakes and Ladders for students to play with young ESL students to practice upper case letters of the alphabet.
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TEFL ONLINE - page 4 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Jobs online
There are students of English all over the world who prefer to learn English online rather than by physical attendance at a school or language academy. Qualified TEFL teachers are therefore hired by a number of different organisations to teach English online.
Here are some online teaching positions:
Online English Teachers for Conversation Classes | (Date posted:2022-10-08)
Date posted:2022-10-08 | Writer: SpeakingAtHome | Email:
SpeakingAtHome is looking for Full or Part time Online English Tutors for European students. Mainly for evenings and nights. We offer full or part time positions and flexible working hours to busy individuals who wish to have an additional income. If you are passionate in English language. Have an extraordinary teaching ability. Then,... [Read more]
Native English Teacher vs. Non-Native English Teacher - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
hello hi welcome here my name is linda nice to see you if you're watching and my name is lisa yeah cool um so yeah if you're tuning in again thanks so much we are actually doing white weekly lives so if you are uh watching again thanks so much for watching again and if you are tuning in for the first time also thanks so much um yeah if you can see us and if you can hear us please um quickly leave a comment that'd be really great so that we know that everything is working well because sometimes you know there's problems so you never know so please leave like a hello oh there's a hello great hello hello awesome so looks like it's working great so yeah my name is linda i'm a tefl and tesol professional at itt and i've been living and working in asia since 2012-ish and i live in south korea... [Read more]
ESL Authority - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
ESL Authority is an informational website designed to help make teaching abroad easy to understand no matter your nationality, degree, or experience.
Founded by a former teacher, the website began as a resource for anyone interested in or currently teaching English abroad. The TEFL industry as a whole can be complicated and confusing, especially for someone looking to find their first job - ESL Authority was designed to make finding reliable information easy.
The current version of ESL Authority offers users tips on finding a job via hiring guides, teaching resources and tips from the blog, and regularly updated jobs from the most popular teaching destinations in the world.
Website: Facebook page: Youtube Channel:... [Read more]
Several Things You Should Do as a TEFL Teacher - TEFL Blog
Elizaveta Pachina
Teaching Ideas
The role of the teacher, without a doubt, is the most important factor when you begin your teaching profession. For it is here--where you start and then continue to educate students your entire life. Everything a teacher does is what leads to the success and failure of the students.
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Creating a Right Atmpsphere
Setting up Learning Goals
Providing With Appropriate Activites
Extra Responsibilities
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For a teacher to achieve success, they must want it internally. Some teachers enter the field because they want summers off. I know it sounds absurd but it's true. The teacher must be dedicated to their profession and show that every day when they walk into the... [Read more]
General English Course Books for Young Learners ▷ Infographic - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
General English course books for young learners differ from those for adults in a number of ways. Obviously the types of topics will be geared towards the interests of younger people but there are also differences in the way the language is presented. Grammar chants are a popular method of drilling grammar points in books for young learners and while course books for adults will generally have sections with explicit presentations of a grammar point, books for young learners do not usually cover grammar in such detail, especially those for very young learners.
There are several publishers involved in producing general English course books for young learners. The main publishers are Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press. These two publishers produce course books across... [Read more]
TEFL ONLINE - page 5 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Jobs online
There are students of English all over the world who prefer to learn English online rather than by physical attendance at a school or language academy. Qualified TEFL teachers are therefore hired by a number of different organisations to teach English online.
Here are some online teaching positions:
Online English Teachers Needed for Adults and Children | (Date posted:2022-01-19)
Date posted:2022-01-19 | Writer: LatinHire | Email:
Teach fun online English classes to Latino adults or children! All you need is a solid colored wall (for background), laptop/computer, good WiFi, microphone and webcam to teach. Classes are available 24/7 with huge flexibility in dropping and picking up shifts. You can work as much as 48 hours a week right off the bat or as little as 16... [Read more]
What TEFL Course To Choose: Non Native Teacher Needs Analysis - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
TEFL Course for a Non-Native Teacher: Are you a non-native ESL teacher at the beginning of your teaching career? Or do you have experience but want to boost your knowledge and increase an hourly rate? Then this live stream is for you. Our non-native TEFL expert will explain what course to choose based on your needs and share her career development results as an online teacher. #TEFL#BestTEFL #TeachEnglishOnline Are you ready to teach English abroad or online? Click here and get started today: What is TEFL Certification? Where is it valid: Check out our wide range of TEFL Courses: Teach English online from anywhere you want:
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Q&A With A Non Native ESL Teacher: "I Can't Find A Job! What To Do?" - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Are you a non-native ESL teacher? Have you got TEFL certified but still have trouble finding a job? Come to this live stream and ask a non-native ESL teacher Liza for a piece of advice! #TEFL#BestTEFL #TeachEnglishOnline Are you ready to teach English abroad or online? Click here and get started today: What is TEFL Certification? Where is it valid: Check out our wide range of TEFL Courses: Teach English online from anywhere you want:
Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!
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TEFL Q&A With a Non-Native ESL Teacher - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
hey there it's liza here how are you doing guys um i'm super glad to welcome you to today's live session and i should say it's an unusual time for me to start my live stream uh however from now on we're going to go live uh on different days at different time uh just to make sure that we can uh help out as many people as it is possible and there are some people who can't make it on my regular day and at my regular time so that is why i'm here today uh it's actually 10 am at my place and i should say it's just the best way to start my um day my work day because um i can meet this um interesting people who are motivated and um proactive to change their career or i don't know like develop careers so i'm super glad to be here and if you see and hear me please let me know via the chat box so uh... [Read more]
4 Tips on Finding Your First Job as a Newly Qualified TEFL Teacher - TEFL Blog
TEFL Information
You've passed your TEFL course and armed with your new certificate you are ready to head to the classroom. There are thousands of teaching jobs available around the world but where is the best place to look? Many people start online and there is plenty to choose from.
Search online
Apply for jobs in person
Send a speculative email
Use a teacher recruiter
Are you ready to start your job hunt?
Related Articles:
Searching for jobs online can be a good way to find jobs when you start looking from home. It is also a great way to suss out the local TEFL job market in a particular country. The downsides about online job adverts are that each position will attract numerous applications and if you are non-native speaker or do not have a listed qualification, the... [Read more]
TEFL Teacher - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
English is studied as an additional language by millions of people worldwide and it is generally one of the most commonly used second languages in most regions. This study can take place in a wide variety of schools and language centers, but the one thing they typically have in common is that the study is led by a language tutor known as a TEFL teacher (or a similar variant such as EFL teacher, ESL teacher, etc). A TEFL teacher’s role is to gradually build the four language skills of their students; reading, writing, speaking, and listening, to ensure they are able to reach their personal goals, whether for work, study, travel, or any other reason.
Please note: the acronym TEFL stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language.
As the number of worldwide English learners is so high,... [Read more]