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How do Americans get a criminal background check for teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

For Americans planning to teach English abroad, obtaining a criminal background check is often a critical part of the job or visa application process. Countries like South Korea, a major hub for foreign English teachers, mandate this check for securing an official work visa. Likewise, various nations and schools have similar prerequisites. Typically, the most frequently sought-after background check for American teachers is the FBI's Identity History Summary Check. Although locally-sourced checks are also accepted, the FBI's version is more universally recognized but may have longer processing times. Also read: What is the EPIK program for teaching English in South Korea? What is an FBI criminal background check? Can I get an FBI criminal background check abroad? Once you are in your...  [Read more]

TEFL Other Europe - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ English Teacher Grades 1 4 In Tirana Albania ann. 2

Date posted:2024-03-18 | Writer: Albanian International School | Email: [email protected] Albanian International School is an international school located in Tirana, the capital city of Albania. We are looking for dedicated teachers who are flexible and ready for the challenge of both teaching multiple subjects in a classroom setting and committed to helping the school grow by being active in the community.   Albanian International School has been in operation for eleven years and is fully accredited by the Ministry of Education and Sport and by WASC Western Association of Schools and Colleges. Website: Instagram: ais.tirana Minimum Job Requirements: BA or BS degree from an accredited university The Original Diploma and a copy of your Grade...  [Read more]

What documents will I need to teach English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

When preparing to teach English abroad, it is crucial to have all necessary documents ready. Essential documents include: Plan ahead and gather these documents well in advance, ensuring a smoother transition when applying for jobs or visas in your chosen country. What basic documents are needed for teaching English abroad? What documents will I need when applying for English teaching jobs? What additional documents might be required for teaching English abroad? Typically, anyone traveling to a foreign country requires a passport that is valid for at least six months. In some situations your passport must be valid for a full year, so the best advice is to ensure your passport has two years or more remaining to allow for an extended teaching contract or further travel once your initial...  [Read more]

All the Documents You Will Need to Teach English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Mark Crocker Visa and Legal If you have completed your TEFL certification course and are getting ready to head overseas to teach, you are certain to have plenty of things to organize. One area that often causes unnecessary stress is ensuring you have all the documents you will need to make the move. Luckily, this process is not as difficult as you might imagine. Although the exact requirements will vary from country to country and job to job, if you follow our straightforward breakdown you should find you have everything you need when you need it. The Essential Documents A Passport Valid for at Least Two Years A High-Quality TEFL-Based CV A Unique and Meaningful Cover Letter Reference Letters The 'Just-In-Case-You-Need-Them' Documents Criminal Record Background Check University...  [Read more]

Live Session: Overview of All the Documents You Will Need to Teach English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva Budget and Salary TEFL Information Teaching Ideas Hi guys, Linda here from ITTT with another live session. Super excited to be here again, thanks so much for tuning in today and if you're listening to this as a podcast episode thanks so much for the download, we really appreciated it. We turn all of our live sessions into podcast episodes and you can find them on all major podcast platforms like iTunes, Google Podcasts, and Spotify. Just search for the TEFL and TESOL Podcast by ITTT and you will find all our episodes there. Watch the live session here Awesome, so keep watching for the documents and let's jump in now we have a good group of people. Okay, let's jump into today's topic, all the documents that you will need for teaching English abroad. We're obviously going to...  [Read more]

How do I get a job teaching English in the Czech Republic? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Securing an English teaching job in the Czech Republic often requires both a bachelor's degree and a TEFL certification. The country, known for its rich history and vibrant culture, has a strong demand for TEFL-certified teachers, especially in cities like Prague, Brno, Ostrava, and Pilsen. While enjoying perks like cheap high-quality beer and a lower cost of living compared to other European countries, teachers can benefit from the ample opportunities available. What are the requirements for teaching English in the Czech Republic? What are the visa requirements for teaching English in the Czech Republic? What is the best way to apply for English teaching jobs in the Czech Republic? For teaching English in the Czech Republic, the most important qualifications are a TEFL certificate and a...  [Read more]

Tefl international

Once you have completed your TEFL certification and started looking for potential English language teaching jobs, you will need to consider what visas and work permits you might require in order to start working in your favored location. In some countries it is very straightforward, while others might require you to jump through the odd hoop or two. Take a look at our FAQs below that cover the visa and document situation in some of the most popular overseas teaching destinations. Can I get a work visa to teach English in Germany?    While there are numerous opportunities for language teachers in towns and cities across Germany, it is not always easy for non-Europeans to secure a visa that allows them to stay long-term. However, it is certainly possible if you are able to...  [Read more]

Overview of All the Documents You Will Need to Teach English Abroad - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi guys hi linda here from itt with another live session this week super excited to be here again um thanks so much for tuning in today and if you're listening to this as a podcast episode thanks so much for the download we really really appreciated as you might know we turn all of our live live sessions into podcast episodes and you can find our podcast on all major podcast platforms like itunes google podcasts spotify um yeah you just search for itttt or it's actually called the tefl and tesol podcast by itt and you can find all our episodes there as well so hi guys hi tiana hi thanks so much for tuning in today how are you how are you awesome i'm so excited to be here again and i think today's topic is going to be really really really interesting um obviously for people who want to go...  [Read more]

Can I get a work visa to teach English in Mexico? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

For those seeking to teach English in Mexico, obtaining a work visa is quite feasible. The country, recognized for its vast job market in English teaching, extends this opportunity even to those without a four-year degree or native English speaking background. The primary requisite is a TEFL certification from a reputable institution. What are the requirements for a work visa to teach English in Mexico? What is the visa application process for teaching English in Mexico? What happens once I have applied for my visa in Mexico? Can I get help with my visa application in Mexico? There are very few restrictions on who can apply for a work visa for teaching English in Mexico. Passport holders from all countries except North Korea and Iran are eligible and there are no age restrictions....  [Read more]

TEFL Asia General - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Multilingual Learner Mll Coordinator Early Years ann. 2

Date posted:2024-04-04 | Writer: Stamford American International School | Email: [email protected] The Early Years Multilingual Learner (MLL) Coordinator’s overarching role is to enhance the Early Years curriculum with a specialised language support program for Nursery to KG1, emphasising English acquisition. Responsibilities include supporting teachers, conducting coaching cycles for ongoing teacher support, and fostering communication with parents for language development. The Coordinator collaborates with the Admissions and EAL teams. They are expected to take a school-wide perspective of language development and contribute to the overall commitment to culturally responsive teaching. Responsibilities: The job holder’s responsibility for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of...  [Read more]

What do I need to teach English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

The majority of people who complete a TEFL certification course will head overseas to live and work in schools and language centers across the world. However, the job hunting process and securing work permits etc can require a range of different documents that varies from one job to the next. To ensure the whole process runs smoothly, you should make sure you have everything you might need as far in advance as possible. What basic documents are needed for teaching English abroad? What documents will I need when applying for English teaching jobs? What additional documents might be required for teaching English abroad? How do I apply for a new passport (or gain an extension to an existing one) in the U.S.A? How do I apply for a new passport (or gain an extension to an existing one) in...  [Read more]

How can I avoid scams when looking for TEFL jobs? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Most advertised jobs are totally genuine, but to avoid the small percentage that are not, you should follow a few simple rules: Stay alert and informed. By adhering to these guidelines, you can confidently navigate the ESL job market and avoid potential pitfalls. How can research help me avoid scams when looking for TEFL jobs? Should I ever send upfront payments when applying for TEFL jobs? Should I be wary if an employer doesn't request an interview? Should I ask to speak to a current employee? The single best defense against job scams is to ensure you thoroughly research the teaching market in your chosen destination. If you are fully aware of the typical salary, expected benefits, working hours, and normal visa requirements, you should have little trouble spotting potential...  [Read more]

What will I have to teach my ESL students? - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva TEFL Information Teaching Ideas There is a wide variety of TEFL and TESOL courses available worldwide, from online courses to intensive in-class courses. Regardless of the type of certification taken, graduates of these courses will find a huge range of teaching opportunities available to them. Here, we will consider some of the many different teaching situations that you may find yourself in. These range from Kindergarten teaching to teaching English (ESL) courses to university students, and we suggest some of the main roles you will have for each. Young Learners Business English General English (schools and language centers) English for Specific Purposes Academic English Kindergarten Conclusion Are you ready to teach English as a foreign language? Related Articles: Check...  [Read more]

Who can do a TEFL course? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Around the world there are always a huge number of EFL teaching jobs waiting to be filled which means there are potential opportunities for almost everyone. So what qualifications, background or characteristics do you require to take a TEFL course? How important is a student's attitude when taking a TEFL course? How important are English language skills when taking a TEFL course? How important are academic qualifications when taking a TEFL course? Are there any age restrictions when taking a TEFL course? Are there any restrictions to consider when looking for TEFL jobs? First and foremost, anyone thinking about earning their TEFL certification with ITTT needs to be enthusiastic, motivated and determined as every course requires a considerable amount of commitment in terms of both...  [Read more]

Teaching English in 2023: Setting Realistic TEFL Goals - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Hi, Linda here. Welcome back with another live session this week. Welcome, thank you so much for joining me today and taking some time out of your day today to spend it with me. I really appreciate it. I know it's a busy time of the year. You know we're almost New Year's Eve so we're heading into the new year, busy time. Busy time, but um I'm here and thank you that you're here as well. I appreciate that. How is everybody doing? Um, let me know guys, where are you watching from right now? I'm in South Korea, it is 10:30 a.m. Friday morning. And yeah, how about you? Where are you watching from today? What time is it? Let me know. I'm always super curious. Let me know in the comments and let me know if there's an issue if you can't hear me if you can't see me if something's wrong let me...  [Read more]

Mastering the Language of Healing: The Vitality of Teaching Medical English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas Learning English as a foreign language in healthcare has become increasingly common and essential due to globalization and the growing demand for healthcare professionals in diverse settings. This article emphasizes the significance of teaching Medical English and highlights the need for qualified instructors with a medical background. The Impact of Language Proficiency in Healthcare Developing Students' Language Proficiency Incorporating Authentic Materials Cultural Competence in Healthcare Advancement Opportunities for Healthcare Workers Conclusion Are you ready to teach English as a foreign language? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video testimonials! Disclaimer: The views and opinions...  [Read more]

How to Build Your Teaching Career as a Non-Native English Teacher - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva Budget and Salary TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Hello everybody, my name is Liza and I am super glad to welcome you to my weekly live session. Please let me know that you can see me clearly and hear me clearly. Today's live session is going to be devoted to a really popular question in my direct messages. I've received several requests to talk about teaching career advice and I hope everybody will find something interesting in this live stream. Watch the live session here Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to pronounce your name, but the question is, have you experienced talent-based learning? Moses says, I don't have any teaching experience but I have a bachelors in English literature and a masters in another field. I am currently planning for an English teaching...  [Read more]

Top Differences when Teaching Multilingual versus Monolingual Classes - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva Destinations TEFL Information Before we start to look at the differences between teaching monolingual and multilingual classes, we should first define what these terms actually mean. Advantages of teaching a multilingual class Disadvantages of teaching a multilingual class Advantages of teaching a monolingual class Disadvantages of teaching a monolingual class Ready to teach English as a Foreign Language? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads say in our many video testimonials! Multilingual classes will have a range of first languages, so they have different L1's. An example here may be the teaching of English to a group of students from a range of countries, in an English speaking country. An example could be a class of Europeans from different countries,...  [Read more]

Are visas necessary when teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Before you head to the airport to start your TEFL journey it is important that you are aware of the paperwork required by the country you are planning to work in. The specific type of visa you need to gain entry to your destination country and how you gain the right to work legally there can vary enormously from one place to the next. To ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible, you should visit the relevant embassy website and do a bit of online research well before you plan to leave. What basic documents are needed for teaching English abroad? What documents will I need when applying for English teaching jobs? What additional documents might be required for teaching English abroad? How do I apply for a new passport (or gain an extension to an existing one) in the U.S.A? How...  [Read more]

Q&A with a Non-Native ESL Teacher: "I can't find a job! What to do?" - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hey guys it's lizzy here and today we are going to discuss a really crucial issue uh so i would like to uh draw everybody's attention to the problem of getting a job as a non-native esl teacher uh for some reason um i get constantly asked about this situation and people usually say like i got tefl certified but i can't find a job or in general i can't find a job without any reasons and i don't know what to do so um i believe that this uh point uh is super important to uh cover that is why uh today i decided to have this q a session uh with you and address your problems and try myself try try my best to help you out to overcome this trouble to overcome this problem so um what we are going to do is um we are going to communicate via the chat box so uh make sure uh that if you have a...  [Read more]

How long do TEFL certificates last? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Regardless of whether you opt for an in-class or online TEFL course from ITTT, the qualification you earn remains valid for a lifetime. The knowledge and skills acquired through a TEFL course never become obsolete. Regular assessments in our online courses ensure trainees fully grasp the material, culminating in a final summative task. Once achieved, this academic credential stands indefinitely. What if I haven't taught in a while? What if my employer would like the certificate apostilled? How do I verify an ITTT certificate? What if my employer has misplaced my certificate? How do I turn my certificate into a diploma? While your certificate won't expire, it isn't uncommon for teachers to feel the need to improve or refresh their skills. One option is to take a 120-hour online TEFL...  [Read more]

TEFL Spain - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ English Language Teacher Needed Immediately For School In Elche Spain ann. 2

Date posted:2024-01-12 | Writer: Barbara's School | Email: [email protected] A well-established, friendly but professional language school with a staff of 15 teachers situated in the centre of Elche, which has a population of over 230,000.We are looking for a full-time or part-time English language teacher to begin immediately. It is vital that the candidate enjoys teaching. Although the position would involve teaching at most levels and different age groups, experience with the higher levels of the Cambridge exams would be most useful.Maximum of 8 students in each class.Most of the classes are in the afternoon/evening.Friendly, supportive working environment.Salary and benefits- Salary negotiable depending on experience but is above national standards.- Paid holidays.-...  [Read more]

Advantages, Disadvantages, and Tips for One-to-One English Teaching - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas One to one private English teachers are commonly sought after in some Asian countries. Parents often hire English tutors for their kids as young as 10 months old, to get their children ahead of everyone else. There are many benefits to teaching one on one, however, there are also many disadvantages. Benefits Drawbacks Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Joyce L. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. Teaching one on one is great for the teachers to act as their own boss, and work out a schedule directly with the student's parents. However, it could be problematic if the parents constantly reschedule or...  [Read more]

TEFL Phuket - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Thailand ▷ ITTT course

Our training centre in Phuket provides what might well be the most popular TEFL course in Thailand. We average 12 trainees per course and have proven ourselves to be one of the best course locations worldwide. In the classroom you will receive unsurpassed training, while after the course you will receive an internationally recognized certificate to teach English as a foreign language, as well as lifetime assistance finding employment worldwide. Outside of the classroom, Phuket never fails to provide trainees with breath-taking scenery and a variety of experiences not to be forgotten. Phuket is Thailand's largest and most popular island destination, however, despite rapid growth along its west coast, Phuket still has plenty of lush jungles, picturesque mountain vistas, peaceful farmland,...  [Read more]

Overcoming Challenges: TEFL/TESOL and Teaching English Abroad at 40+ - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Visa and Legal TEFL Information Are you over 40 and considering a thrilling journey teaching English abroad? Join us as we uncover the growing demand, benefits, and strategies for a successful career in ESL education. Explore how age can be your advantage in the world of teaching English. Understanding the Global EFL Market Global Demand for English Teachers: Teacher Shortages and Prioritizing Qualifications: Embracing Cultural Exchange and Diversity: Leveraging Professionalism and Work Ethic: Specialized Opportunities and Higher-Level Positions: Career Transition Possibilities: Advantages of Teaching English Abroad at 40+ Life Experience, Maturity, and Professional Backgrounds: Building Rapport with Students of All Ages: Cultural Sensitivity and Adaptability: Lifelong...  [Read more]

TEFL Bangkok - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Thailand ▷ combined course

There's a reason why Bangkok was named as one of the world's Top Ten Cities by Travel + Leisure and the number one visited city by Global Destination Cities Index. It's a city of fabulous restaurants, frantic non-stop shopping, pristine temples and Thailand's best museums. It's teeming with both modern life, city malls and traditional cultural enclaves and floating markets. If you're in to night life, the City of Angles is second to none. It's arguably the single best city in Thailand for Thai food – one of the world's great cuisines – whether you're eating on the street or at five star restaurants. Bangkok is easy to know, but hard to define. Perhaps that's the reason why some who come end up staying for years. The city is a melting pot for all things Thai as many newcomers soon...  [Read more]

TEFL Poland - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Online Esl Teacher Needed In Poland

Date posted:2023-04-18 | Writer: Academy of New York | Email: [email protected] We offer:•    Competitive pay (65-100 PLN per class prepared and conducted) plus bonuses•    Stable schedule of online classes (20-30hrs per week)•    Access to lesson plans, curricula, and teaching materials for all English levels!•    Small group sizes (max. 6 students)•    Opportunities for promotion and quarterly bonuses•    Teaching support from our Curriculum AdvisorFor teachers located in Poland:•    Support with governmental paperwork (business activity, accounting, visas, residency card, etc.) – only for teachers located in Warsaw•    Public health insurance...  [Read more]

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Applying to EFL Teaching Jobs - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva TEFL Information Alumni Experiences In this blog post, we will look at 8 common mistakes made by applicants in their applications for ESL teaching positions. Watch the video about this topic We are going to look at eight of the biggest mistakes to avoid when applying for an ESL teaching job. 1. Follow the instruction given about how to apply 2. Proofread your Application before sending 3. Not attaching a cover letter. 4. Not addressing the letter to a person. 5. Applying in a country where you don't meet the requirements. 6. Applying for a job you're not qualified for. 7. Not providing proof of English proficiency if you're a non-native speaker. 8. Not attaching a photo. Are you ready to teach English as a foreign language? Related Articles: Check out what our course grads...  [Read more]

EFL Recruiters vs. Independent Job Hunting - The Pros and Cons - TEFL Blog

Anastasiia Ovchinnikova Visa and Legal Budget and Salary Destinations TEFL Information Alumni Experiences Starting a new exciting journey as an EFL teacher abroad can also be quite stressful, especially when you are taking your first steps in this profession. When you type in "Teaching jobs in China" you immediately see that the Internet is overloaded with "incredible" opportunities for teachers, including free accommodation, a 5-hour working day, salaries of more than USD 2,500 - all with "no teaching experience required". Sounds incredible, right? Those companies are the death traps; they most likely won't be able to guarantee you anything and don't care about the safety of their professionals. All they want is to close the position and get a bonus. Listen to this blog post: EFL...  [Read more]

TEFL Thailand - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Early Years Teacher 1

Date posted:2024-04-03 | Writer: Annabel's Early Years International Kindergarten | Email: [email protected] We are looking for a teacher who would like to be a part of an enthusiastic team who together strive to provide the best possible care to young children. Annabel’s Early Years is a thriving international community where children, parents and teachers work together and everyone’s voice is heard and respected. We follow the British Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum enriched by elements of Reggio Emilia philosophy, where a beautiful learning environment stimulates creativity and discovery. The school is surrounded by a green garden where children can connect with nature and learn through hands-on experiences. We are looking for someone who: - is a passionate, qualified...  [Read more]

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