Italian Culture And Customs

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Living and Teaching English in Japan - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Habits & Customs

Japan has been a popular destination for EFL teachers for decades and it is easy to see why. The country offers a vibrant culture and amazing natural scenery, plus high salaries and great added benefits for teachers. If you want to find out more about life in Japan, take a look at the graphics below which explore many different aspects of the country, including how and when to bow, the culture and customs surrounding food and things to do outside of the classroom. There is also a useful guide to saving money in one of Asia’s more expensive environments. SOURCE: www . businessinsider . com/japanese-customs-that-are-shocking-to-foreigners-2015-7?utm_content=buffer4f24d&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook . com&utm_campaign=buffer Register now & get certified to teach...  [Read more]

Living and Teaching English in Italy - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Habits & Customs

Italy is one of the most exciting destinations in Europe due to its long history, amazing cultural sites and picturesque landscapes. It is also a very popular destination for qualified teachers looking to live and work in the field of teaching English as a foreign language. The following guides should help you decide whether Italy is a suitable destination for your EFL career. They cover topics such as travel tips, basic Italian words and phrases, the most popular attractions, cultural do’s and don’ts, and Italian food and wine. SOURCE: www . wandershare . com/ Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! SOURCE: www . theintrepidguide . com/easy-italian-travel-phrase-guide/# . WQBhG9wlHIV Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! SOURCE: www ....  [Read more]

Should we teach culture in the EFL classroom? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Absolutely. Language is deeply intertwined with culture, serving as its vocal representation. While mastering vocabulary and grammar is crucial, to fully understand the essence of English, EFL students should immerse themselves in the culture of English-speaking nations. This entails exploring cultural facets like music, films, literature, culinary traditions, and even fashion. Incorporating cultural elements not only enriches EFL lessons but also resonates with students, making the learning process more engaging and comprehensive. Use authentic materials Compare two cultures Introduce live native speakers Use food as a tool Use songs as a tool Use Online Resources Authentic materials can be anything that native English speakers might use that can be adapted for use in an EFL classroom....  [Read more]

Etiquette Europe ▷ Infographic - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Despite the many things the countries in Europe have in common there are plenty of ways in which the customs and cultures differ and each country has its own unique way of doing certain things. As an English teacher and visitor, an understanding of some of the manners and behaviour of people in your chosen country can go a long way to improving your experience of teaching English abroad. On the topic of manners and behaviour each country has different attitudes that govern what is rude and what is not. In Switzerland, posture is important and slouching should be avoided and in Germany it is considered rude to have your hands in your pockets while talking to someone. Punctuality is important in Germany and you should always be one time for appointments. In France and Spain, being on...  [Read more]

Relationship Building in Another Culture - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences Rapport has long been considered military term-when servicemembers humanize their identity amongst their captors during the time of war. The fashion of rapport has since evolved into a meaningful approach in the teaching world-most notably teachers who chose a career abroad. The important factors listed below could prove to be the difference between miserable teaching experience and solid one. No Efforts to Learn about the Culture Curiosity in Another Culture is Beneficial Are you ready to teach English abroad? Related Articles: Listen to this blog post: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate James A. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. Teachers moving abroad to...  [Read more]

Christmas Definitions ESL Worksheet - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! This ESL worksheet with Christmas definitions is great for teaching your students more about Christmas, its customs, and how it is celebrated.   1. An imaginary creature that looks like a small person and has magical powers is a pixie. 2. A fat man with a white beard and a red suit who gives toys to children at Chriswtmas is Santa Claus. 3. Animals that are in front of Santa's sleigh are reindeer. 4. A shiny ball hung on a Christmas tree is a bable. 5. Wax formed into a stick with a string in the middle is a candle. 6. The "green" thing you decorate is called a Christmas tree. 7. Tinsel is shiny metal strips. 8. The red-nosed reindeer is called Rudolph. 9. Something you give to someone special is a present. 10. A...  [Read more]

Using Storytelling Activities to Teach English in African Cultures - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas Storytelling is used in the African culture to teach morals, values, historical lessons, and to communicate truths to all ages. Because words are highly valued by Africans, a skilled storyteller is viewed as an influential leader in a community, able to give wise advice. Since the method of storytelling is so widely used in African cultures for instruction, why not integrate it into teaching English to African students as a foreign language? Teaching Linguistic Skills Level of Attention Practical Mistakes Positive Influence on Child Development Tools of Storytelling Lesson Plan Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Stanislav T. Please note that this blog post...  [Read more]

Teaching Idioms and Slang: Why Learning Idioms and Slang Connects Cultures - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences When it comes to learning a new language, the way that we make it comfortable for us is to try and relate it to our language. How many times have you met someone from another country and you ask them how to use swear words or how to say something is cool in their native language. Since English is very commonly spoken all over the world, for students to learn idioms and slang is for them to not only learn how to say certain things but get a deeper cultural understanding. With that deeper understanding comes relativity to their own lives, which means they see the ways that we are more similar instead of different. Learning Goals When to Start Teaching Slang and Idioms? Learning Cultural Context Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course!...  [Read more]

Big populations create a big demand for EFL teachers. Asia has many TEFL teaching opportunities in amazing cities rich with culture and charm. - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

When deciding where you would like to teach it is important to make sure that you are aware of the requirements for English teachers in your chosen destination. Asia is a large continent with many opportunities for English teachers both new and experienced. Each country has its own regulations regarding the types of visas, qualifications etc. that teachers are required to have and this guide aims to show these requirements. If you are looking to teach in Japan or South Korea, you will require a bachelor’s degree in any field. Other countries such as China and Cambodia do not have such strict requirements and it is possible to find work without a degree. In some other countries where a degree is officially required it can be possible to still find work without one but you would...  [Read more]

Foreign Language Experience and How it Helps With EFL Training - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences In the following essay, I have chosen to explain my late-in-life interest in becoming certified as an EFL teacher, based on my background with foreign language experience, which began at an early age. My Story First Step Local Culture Future Possibilities Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Manuel GK. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. I was what some would call an early bloomer. As a baby, my mother read to me at night until I fell asleep. By the age of 2, I could speak in simple but uninterrupted sentences with proper syntax. By a few months after my third birthday, I was able to read the...  [Read more]

TEFL Italy - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Director Of Studies Treviso Italy ann. 2

Date posted:2024-03-04 | Writer: My English School | Email: MyES has 50 schools across Italy, France and Spain. We are proud to be an innovative leader in the world of EFL, to be a fun and friendly place to work and study, and above all a place where people, MyES students and MyES team members, come first. We are currently looking for a Director of Studies for our school in Treviso, Italy, to start on July 1st, with training in June. ROLE: To work in close collaboration with the Centre Director to look after the Didactic side of the school – teaching, learning and student satisfaction, applying the My English School Learning Method. AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY: • Recruitment and Training of new teachers. Training conducted through observations, training sessions and team...  [Read more]

How to Legally Teach English in Italy with a Student Visa - TEFL Blog

Mark Crocker Visa and Legal The famous Italian culture, stunning landscapes and delicious cuisine are just a few of the reasons why Italy continues to be one of the most popular destinations in Europe for teaching English abroad. Unfortunately, obtaining a work visa to legally teach English in Italy can be a challenge for non-EU citizens. However, if you have your heart set on it, all is not lost as there are alternatives to explore. One popular option that suits many people is to apply for a student visa which allows you to study a course of your choice and work up to 20 hours per week as an ESL teacher in a local language school. Listen to this blog post: Application process for a student visa in Italy Study Programs in Italy Why learn Italian? Where to study in Italy? Are you ready...  [Read more]

The Ways Teachers are Accepted in Different Countries - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences "Teachers can change lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges." are the words of Joyce Meyer. How do we see teachers? Teachers' Actions Teachers' Personal Qualities Some of the roles that a teacher plays in a classroom are: Among the many great teachers India has produced, the following eminent personalities are worth mentioning. Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Snehal A. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. A teacher is often seen as a role model, who inspires and encourages students to strive for greatness, live to the fullest potential and see the best in them. A teacher also...  [Read more]

How Teaching Slang and Idioms Can Help Students Understand the Context and Connotations Surrounding the English Language - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas Throughout this course, it was mentioned that language does not happen in isolation. It is a product of the various aspects of culture, values, and context that make up the environment in which the language is used. Language can be used in vastly diverse and varied manners, and within different contexts have unique meanings. In the same way, slang and idioms are created based on specific contexts that exist within a society or group within a culture. Cultural Awareness Creativity and Fun Motivation Aspect Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Temi O. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. Proverbs,...  [Read more]

Most Common Problems for English Learners in Spanish-Speaking Colombia - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas For this assignment, I decided to research problems experienced by Colombian students learning English. I will be teaching English in Colombia and thought this subject would benefit me. My findings more generally reflect the difficulties of Spanish-speaking learners. The paper outlines the top ten difficulties for Spanish-speakers learning English (vocabulary, spelling/pronunciation, subject-verb-agreement, verb tense, dialects, subject omission, pronunciation, stress, slang, and literal translations) based on CCJK (2019). Where possible I relate this information to my experiences/examples and units in the TEFL course. Vocabulary difficulties Spelling and Punctuation Difficulties Subject-Verb Agreement Verb Tense Dialects The omission of the Subject...  [Read more]

Where is the best place to teach English in Japan? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Deciding on the best place to teach English in Japan depends on individual preferences. Tokyo, the bustling capital, offers the allure of city life and the most job opportunities. Osaka combines vibrant urban experiences with rich history, while Kobe is renowned for its international atmosphere. Beyond the main cities, there are countless towns that provide an authentic cultural immersion. Regardless of location, teachers can expect a competitive salary and a unique cultural experience. Tokyo Osaka Kobe Sapporo Fukuoka Unsurprisingly, Japan's most densely populated area, Tokyo, tops the list. It is a realm of its own, brimming with teaching opportunities thanks to its nine million-plus residents and offering the country's highest salaries. Although the cost of living is notably high,...  [Read more]

Where to Earn the Highest Salaries Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Budget and Salary There are many reasons why some people decide to teach English abroad. Some want to explore a new culture or learn a new language. Others want to gain teaching experience or be able to save a lot of money to pay off student debt or simply make some money for the future. Teaching English in Asia Teaching English in South Korea Teaching English in Taiwan Teaching English in China Teaching English in Japan Teaching English in the Middle East Teaching English in Saudi Arabia Teaching English in the United Arab Emirates Teaching English in Europe Teaching English in the Czech Republic Teaching English in Latin America Listen to the blog post Are you ready to teach English abroad? For a lot of people, it is exactly this financial aspect that leads them to...  [Read more]

Speak - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

SPEAK promotes the emergence of communities where locals and newcomers meet to share their culture and develop meaningful bonds by providing a web platform for individuals to facilitate informal language learning environments and community events. From this simple service, SPEAK is fostering the creation of spaces where newcomers have the opportunity to share the value they bring and develop meaningful relationships with locals as equals, not feeling they are disempowered receivers as in most integration initiatives. The informal environment and methodology used allow participants to learn with each other, while at the same time breaking barriers and creating meaningful relationships, creating a multicultural community where cultural heritage is cherished. This network has created...  [Read more]

Do's and Don'ts when Dining in Thailand - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teach English Abroad

SOURCE: absoluteresorts . files . wordpress . com/2013/09/do-don-en-big . jpg?w=370&h= Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

Step-By-Step Guide to Legally Teaching English in Japan - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations TEFL Information Japan has been a popular destination for English teachers from all over the world for decades. Year after year, thousands of teachers come to Japan attracted by the country's fascinating culture and the lucrative salaries, as well as the government-funded JET program that places qualified teachers into public schools across the country. Teaching English in Japan is an exciting adventure and offers you the opportunity to experience a unique culture like a local. However, it is important to be aware of the local job market and regulations before heading off on your adventure of teaching English in Japan. Listen to this blog post: Step 1: Understanding the Visa Situation Step 2: Get Your TEFL Certification Step 5: Apply for Jobs Are you ready...  [Read more]

Living and Teaching English in the USA - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Habits & Customs

The United States of America is a vast country with impressive natural landscapes and vibrant cities, with each of the 50 states offering something different in terms of attractions, culture and local cuisine. You might be surprised to know that the USA is also a great place to work in the field of English language teaching. The following guides provide a great insight into many aspects of life in the USA, such as the best places to visit, local history and cuisine, and the best road trips you can take across the country. SOURCE: www . flickr . com/photos/130230709@N06/16205907577/in/photostream/ Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! SOURCE: lemonly ....  [Read more]

Living and Teaching English in Tanzania - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Habits & Customs

Tanzania is one of Africa’s hottest destinations due to its wealth of outstanding natural beauty. With some of the best national parks in the region and a long coastline on the Indian Ocean, there is something for everyone to enjoy. The following guides offer a brief introduction to the country and its attractions, from basic travel tips to where to go and what to do when you get there. If you are looking for adventure, make sure you take a look at Mount Kilimanjaro and the Serengeti National Park as they are two of the most exciting destinations in Africa. SOURCE: www . llworldtour . com/travel-to-tanzania/ Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! SOURCE: climbreport . net/4-awesome-kilimanjaro-infographics/ Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! ...  [Read more]

Living and Teaching English in Bolivia - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Habits & Customs

As one of the lesser travelled countries in Latin America, Bolivia makes a great destination for teaching EFL for people who prefer to get off of the regular tourist trail. Although salaries are likely to be less than some other countries in the region, the chance to experience living in a unique and fascinating environment is a major draw for many. If this sounds like what you are looking for, take a look at these brief guides for an insight into Bolivia. You will find basic travel tips, some interesting facts about the country and an idea of how much to budget for exploring in your spare time. SOURCE: foursquare . com/v/estadio-monumental-david-arellano/4b74820ef964a520cbe02de3 Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! SOURCE: www . bolivianlife ....  [Read more]

Living and Teaching English in Thailand - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Habits & Customs

Thailand is one of the top tourist destinations in the world, boasting an alluring culture, delicious cuisine and beautiful natural scenery, from mountains to stunning beaches and islands. On top of that, the demand for qualified English language teachers is very high making it a great location to work in the EFL field. The following guides should help you decide whether Thailand is a suitable teaching location for you. They cover cultural tips, travel information, the best places to visit, an introduction to the Thai language, and a comprehensive guide to the local cuisine. SOURCE: www . infographicsposters . com/travel/thailand-travel-guide . html Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! SOURCE: www . volunteerworld . com/volunteer-in-thailand Register now &...  [Read more]

Living and Teaching English in Canada - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Habits & Customs

Boasting a vast expanse of breathtaking scenery that is the equal of anywhere else in the world, Canada is surely one of the best places to be for lovers of the outdoors. It is also no secret that the high standard of living in Canada makes the country a great place to live and work. If you think it might be the right destination for you, take a look at the following guides which should provide some useful information before you get on the plane. They cover topics on moving to Canada, the best places to visit and the local cuisine. SOURCE: foursquare . com/v/city-of-toronto/4c50d7d7250dd13a12fa377c Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! SOURCE: www . where . ca/blog/quintessential-canada/50-insane-facts-about-canada-infographic/ Register now & get certified to...  [Read more]

Living and Teaching English in Malaysia - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Habits & Customs

Malaysia is a multicultural wonderland that is filled with exciting opportunities for teachers of English as a foreign language. A unique mix of Chinese, Indian and local Malay cultures makes Malaysia a fascinating place to live and work in. On top of that, English teachers command a high salary which allows you to enjoy a comfortable standard of living. Below you will find a range of information related to visiting Malaysia, including the best things to see and do, a list of do’s and don’ts, general travel information, and a useful guide to the country’s capital city, Kuala Lumpur. SOURCE: www . traveltheglobe . info/travel-light-travel-right/ Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! SOURCE: theculturetrip ....  [Read more]

Living and Teaching English in the UK - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Habits & Customs

Boasting an impressive number of historic and cultural sites and attractions, the UK is a very popular tourist destination for people from around the world. Also, the country’s multicultural society makes it a great place for teaching English as a foreign language and the demand for teachers is strong in many areas. If you choose to live and work in the UK you should find that you have plenty of time to explore this fascinating country. The following guides cover all kinds of information that you might find useful before and during your stay. SOURCE: foursquare . stfi . re/v/london/4e10c02045dde6c62dcd8b19?sf=nrjjzkk Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! SOURCE: foursquare . com/v/scotland--alba/4ff97340e4b0cdc6b9326e33 Register now & get certified to teach...  [Read more]

Living and Teaching English in Ireland - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Habits & Customs

Ireland’s rugged countryside, dramatic coastline, ancient history, popular culture and fun loving people are just a few of the reasons why people flock to the country in large numbers every year. For some the visit can become more long-term as there is a good market for English language teachers in some parts of the country. If you are thinking about heading to the Emerald Isle take a look at this page for a wide range of information on attractions to look out for, facts about the country and a guide to St. Patrick’s Day. SOURCE: www . flickr . com/photos/130230709@N06/16390888802/in/photostream Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! SOURCE: www . visualistan . com/2016/08/50-insane-facts-about-ireland . html Register now & get certified to teach english...  [Read more]

Living and Teaching English in Australia - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Habits & Customs

Undoubtedly one of the most unique and exciting countries in the world, Australia attracts millions of visitors from around the world each year. There are many reasons for its popularity including the country’s unique landscapes, unusual wildlife, world-class beaches and vibrant cities. Australia’s multicultural society also provides a strong demand for EFL teachers in many areas. The following guides look at a wide range of information that you might find useful, including basic travel information, interesting facts, Australian wildlife, the local language, and guides to beaches, national parks and the country’s main cities. SOURCE: endoftheworldcounter . com/travel-tips/vacation-online/ Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! SOURCE: www . infogrades ....  [Read more]

Living and Teaching English in Laos - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Habits & Customs

As one of the smaller and less travelled countries in Southeast Asia, Laos is a great choice of destination for anyone who is looking for adventure away from the mass tourism that is found in some other countries in the region. Those who do visit Laos will find a warm and friendly country that has a huge amount to offer in terms of culture, cuisine, exotic wildlife and stunning natural scenery. Although the country is relatively poor in relation to some of its neighbors and well paid teaching jobs are not wide spread, you will still find plenty of opportunities to gain valuable classroom experience. SOURCE: foursquare . com/v/luang-prabang-city/4cb7e3eb43ec6dcb9f299131 Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! SOURCE: create . piktochart ....  [Read more]

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