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What Makes You a Good Teacher? - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences The role of a teacher is to help students acquire knowledge so that eventually, they can be competent in understanding and communicating in English. A good teacher is a successful teacher. The success or failure of a teacher lies not only on his/her teaching styles, but more importantly, the learning of the students. To a certain extent, the personality of the teacher may affect the learning of his/her students, but what is more indispensable is the relationship between the teacher and the students. A non-threatening relationship with the students can help to build the students' interests in learning, and create an atmosphere that is conducive and light-hearted for learning. A good teacher is also a responsible teacher who takes time in planning and...  [Read more]

The Good and Bad of Course Materials - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Alumni Experiences Teaching Ideas There are many interactive tools that can be used during teaching to enhance a lesson and keep students engaged. There are also a few tools that are a teacher's lifeline during a lesson. Course materials that range from props and pictures of vocabulary words to simple worksheets and lesson plans are integral to teaching a good lesson. They can provide basic aid to a teacher or help keep the students' attention. But, when overused or used during the wrong times, course materials can become problematic and disadvantageous. Different things that a teacher brings to a lesson can make or break an ESL lesson. Important Course Materials The Use of Props The Downside of Using Course Materials Listen to this blog post Are you ready to teach...  [Read more]

Problems for ESL Learners in Turkey - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences I have started teaching English in Turkey, since 2018. If you are planning to start your teaching career here, I would like to mention several pros and cons and problems of learning English for the speakers of the Turkish language. Expectations Syntax Usage of the First Language Students' Efforts Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Hanie s. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. First of all, learners expect teaching to be prescriptive rather than descriptive, which indicates, they tend to memorize the sample instead of learning through the examples and explanations. Secondly, students are...  [Read more]

Does TEFL look good on a resume? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

A TEFL certification and experience teaching English abroad significantly elevate a resume. Not only does it demonstrate valuable skills such as adaptability, cross-cultural communication, and global perspective, but it also sets you apart in a competitive job market. Living and working overseas underscores resilience, initiative, and an embrace of diverse environments. In today's crowded job landscape, where qualifications are abundant, an overseas teaching stint can be a distinguishing factor, potentially tipping the scales in your favor during the recruitment process. The unique advantages of a TEFL experience on your CV/resume are manifold. International Work Experience Communication Skills Versatility Leadership and Public Speaking Creativity and Problem Solving An Adventure to Talk...  [Read more]

What is a hagwon and are they a good place to work? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

A hagwon is a specialized educational institution in South Korea, distinct from the standard public school system. It operates primarily as a private academy, catering to students who seek supplementary education, especially in subjects like English. While the public school system offers foundational education, hagwons focus on enhancing and refining a student's knowledge. Approximately 95% of South Korean students enroll in a hagwon at some point in their educational journey, indicating their significant role in the Korean academic landscape. Given their prominence, hagwons present a vast majority of employment opportunities for EFL teachers in South Korea. However, potential educators should thoroughly research individual hagwons and their working conditions to ensure they align with...  [Read more]

Is TEFL a good career choice? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

While some view teaching English abroad as a temporary venture or a way to explore before 'settling down', the reality is that TEFL can be a rewarding and sustainable career. Many individuals not only venture into this field for the thrill of travel and culture but also to carve out lucrative, long-term careers. Contrary to some perceptions, TEFL is more than just a 'gap year' adventure; for many, it is a lifelong profession. Can I really make a long-term career out of TEFL? What qualifications do I need to make a career out of TEFL? What other TEFL related jobs are available in the long term? What are the benefits of a long-term career in TEFL? What skills will I need to make a career out of TEFL? Definitely! Many embark on the EFL teaching journey as a means to explore the world while...  [Read more]

The 3 Basic Functions of a Good Teacher - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences Teachers play a number of very important roles in the education process. Education forms a significant part of everyone's lives as it can contribute directly towards future possibilities and the roles we can play in society. This essay will discuss three of the most important roles played by teachers. The first is the role is that of a facilitator of learning and education, the second role is that of the role model, and the final is the role of the mentor and motivator. 1. Educator 2. Role Model 3. Mentor Are you ready to play a TEFL teacher's role? Related Articles: Listen to this blog post This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Monika G. The most widely acknowledged role played by the teacher is that of the educator - to teach...  [Read more]

The Common Problems for Learners in Turkey - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas It is an undeniable fact that English nowadays has become the most influential language in the world. Many throughout the world seek to learn it as knowing it is now a must to find a good job or find good opportunities in one's life, which is why we can find countries that are rife with various English courses. This is especially true in Turkey. Where English is in high demand as everyone in the country is starting to realize its importance. It is also worth noting that the vast majority of the country do not have adequate English skills, especially in speaking, mastering said skill is a dream for many Turkish people. Students' Attitude Issues in the Educational System Unmotivated Teachers Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related...  [Read more]

How do I make a good TEFL lesson plan? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

The rationale behind planning TEFL lessons is a crucial aspect to consider because it shapes the content of our lesson plans. We plan lessons for several reasons such as: i) To provide a structure to our lessons ii) To provide a record of what has been taught iii) To easily cross reference against any syllabus requirements of the course being taught The latter two points aid in ensuring we meet all the course requirements by providing a comprehensive record of lessons conducted. The first point, providing structure, is arguably the most crucial as it maps out the expected course of the lesson. Before delving into an actual plan, we should ponder on the kind of information we need to document in the plan. A lesson plan isn't meant to be a verbatim script but should include information...  [Read more]

Can you make good money teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Many TEFL qualified teachers head overseas to look for excitement, adventure, new experiences, and to simply get away from the daily grind, but not all are aware of the potential to earn a very good living whilst doing so. In some parts of the world teachers can earn more than enough to live a high quality of life and also afford to put aside a considerable sum each month to pay off student debts or to save for future travel etc. As demand for qualified teachers continues to grow in many areas, so do the potential salaries on offer. Important points to consider when evaluating potential TEFL salaries. How much can I earn teaching English in Asia? How much can I earn teaching English in the Middle East? How much can I earn teaching English in Europe? How much can I earn teaching...  [Read more]

How Good Classroom Management Depends On Exemplary Teacher Behavior - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas When a class is managed well, there is a minimum of disruptions that distract from learning. This is more of an issue in a class for children, as opposed to adults. Nevertheless, in all classes, maintaining the comportment of the group to facilitate learning is the objective of sound classroom management techniques. Furthermore, it is also important to develop cordial and friendly relations with learners on an individual basis, and with the class as a whole. Having a rapport with students, and creating a classroom community that is based on shared rules and norms that are understood and reasonable for everybody, is an essential part of classroom management. When accomplished, this creates a classroom culture that students feel safe and welcome in. This...  [Read more]

Is now a good time to invest in a TEFL or TESOL course? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

The economy in the United States and around the globe is facing a massive crisis due to the coronavirus outbreak. We are all fearful of our health, our jobs, our families, and our futures. It's scary stuff. We believe that while times are tough and uncertain, those who prepare themselves now will best weather the storm and will be best prepared to hit the ground running once the world returns to some sense of normalcy. Here are some points to remember if you are interested in teaching English online or in-person in the future: Demand for English teachers online remains strong and will continue to remain strong. This is a viable way for you to earn money if the coronavirus and lockdowns continue in the U.S. and Europe. Education is largely recession-proof - schools will continue, and...  [Read more]

Is now a good time to invest in a TEFL or TESOL course? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

The economy in the United States and around the globe is facing a massive crisis due to the coronavirus outbreak. We are all fearful of our health, our jobs, our families, and our futures. It's scary stuff. We believe that while times are tough and uncertain, those who prepare themselves now will best weather the storm and will be best prepared to hit the ground running once the world returns to some sense of normalcy. Here are some points to remember if you are interested in teaching English online or in-person in the future: Demand for English teachers online remains strong and will continue to remain strong. This is a viable way for you to earn money if the coronavirus and lockdowns continue in the U.S. and Europe. Education is largely recession-proof - schools will continue, and...  [Read more]

Is now a good time to invest in a TEFL or TESOL course? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

The economy in the United States and around the globe is facing a massive crisis due to the coronavirus outbreak. We are all fearful of our health, our jobs, our families, and our futures. It's scary stuff. We believe that while times are tough and uncertain, those who prepare themselves now will best weather the storm and will be best prepared to hit the ground running once the world returns to some sense of normalcy. Here are some points to remember if you are interested in teaching English online or in-person in the future: Demand for English teachers online remains strong and will continue to remain strong. This is a viable way for you to earn money if the coronavirus and lockdowns continue in the U.S. and Europe. Education is largely recession-proof - schools will continue, and...  [Read more]

Is now a good time to invest in a TEFL or TESOL course? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

The economy in the United States and around the globe is facing a massive crisis due to the coronavirus outbreak. We are all fearful of our health, our jobs, our families, and our futures. It's scary stuff. We believe that while times are tough and uncertain, those who prepare themselves now will best weather the storm and will be best prepared to hit the ground running once the world returns to some sense of normalcy. Here are some points to remember if you are interested in teaching English online or in-person in the future: Demand for English teachers online remains strong and will continue to remain strong. This is a viable way for you to earn money if the coronavirus and lockdowns continue in the U.S. and Europe. Education is largely recession-proof - schools will continue, and...  [Read more]

Is A 120 Hour TEFL Course Enough To Get A Good TEFL Job? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

  Do I need a 120-hour TEFL course to teach English abroad or online? Are all 120-hour TEFL courses the same? How much should a 120-hour TEFL course online cost? Let's answer these questions during this live session! #TEFL #BestTEFL #TeachEnglish Are you ready to teach English abroad or online? Click here and get started today: What is TEFL Certification? Where is it valid: Check out our wide range of TEFL Courses: Teach English online from anywhere you want: Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

Do I need a TEFL / TESOL certification to teach English overseas or online. - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

If you're contemplating TEFL /TESOL certification , you're likely curious about the prerequisites for teaching English overseas or online. Factors such as the type of TEFL / TESOL certification needed, educational background, teaching experience, and whether you're a native or non-native English speaker are pivotal. Generally, there are only two requirements: Being a Native or near Native English speaker and a TEFL / TESOL certificate. In some countries a third requirement is a Degree. TEFL / TESOL certification is often a fundamental requirement for teaching English overseas. Employers will often expect to see that you have completed a 120-hour TEFL / TESOL certificate course . Some employers may also seek specialized certifications, such as a course that additionally includes: Why get a...  [Read more]

Good advice and planning before an interview can settle your nerves and provide you with the answers to tough questions. What questions might you be asked? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

So you’ve completed your TEFL course and started applying for jobs in your dream destination country? The next step on becoming a successful English teacher is the TEFL interview. Interviews for teaching jobs can take a couple of different formats and these are face-to-face, over the phone, or via Skype. Each type of interview has its own particular points that need addressing. For face-to-face interviews it is important to be early but not too early make sure that you research the route to the school before the interview day. You must remember to dress smartly; many teaching jobs are in holiday destinations and some people seem to forget the difference between what is suitable for work and what is suitable for the beach. If you are being interviewed over the phone, be clear on the...  [Read more]

What Are The Qualities that Make ESL Teachers Good? - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas I would like to start by first explaining what means to teach, which by a vague definition is to cause the student to learn and acquire the knowledge that is taught in the classroom to meet all the objectives that are previously set by the institution and by the teacher. In other words, the process of teaching is formulated and organized in such a psychological and educational way for both the learner and the teacher to be able to attain some prearranged goals. Teaching Profession Teacher's Uniqueness Are there Good Teachers? English as a Subject Learning Types Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Alexandra R. Please note that this blog post might not...  [Read more]

The Most Important Qualities in TEFL Teaching - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Alumni Experiences Teaching offers the chance to change other people's lives permanently for the better. As a teacher, you can help develop someone's subject of knowledge and/or their mind and personality. Teachers are instruments that ignite powerful thoughts in students, helping them unleash their true potential. In addition to being knowledgeable in their area of expertise and having the ability to plan and execute lesson plans, to be an effective and successful teacher you need to possess some personal emulateable skills. To bring a long-term impact in the lives of your students, it's important to have the following qualities; COMMUNICATION AND COLLABORATION SKILLS SELF-DISCIPLINE CREATIVE PATIENCE CONFIDENCE SELF-MOTIVATED ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS CONFLICT RESOLUTION...  [Read more]

Five Online Teaching Jobs That Don’t Require a Degree - TEFL Blog

Mark Crocker TEFL Information Online English language teaching is one area of the TEFL field that has grown rapidly in recent times and it is only going to become more popular. With this growth comes an increased demand for teachers which is a very positive thing for anyone who doesn't have a full university degree. While some online employers do insist on a degree, the two most important ingredients when applying for online teaching jobs are generally a TEFL/TESOL certification and in some cases being a native English speaker. Cambly PalFish SkimaTalk Lingoda Open English Are you ready to teach English online? Related Articles: For anyone without a degree, the best thing to do is to offer as much else to the employer as possible. As mentioned, a TEFL/TESOL certification is essential...  [Read more]

Top Tips For Teaching English Through Stories - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas Stories... we live in a world of stories. Every single day we have a story to tell. A funny story, a serious story, a scary story or even an upsetting story. These are the pictures we keep in our minds, like our own little movie playing in our heads. Attached to every story, is language. Language completes our story, it gives our story meaning. The Power of Stories Choice of Stories For Children For Teenagers For Adults Are you ready to teach English through good old stories? Related Articles: Listen to this blog post This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Lindie N. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. Teaching language is giving someone the power to add another voice to their...  [Read more]

Classroom Technologies ▷ Infographic - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

A good source of material for your classroom can come from local English language newspapers. These will contain stories about local events in English and are good way to get students using English and to keep your lessons relevant to current events. Many newspapers have sections devoted to learning English and sometime republish articles specifically for language learners. Magazines are good source of pictures to use in your classroom and can also be used for interesting articles and debate topics. Another use is with reluctant students, especially in one-on-one classes, where bringing in a magazine on a topic they are interested can encourage them to open up and start using English without even realising it. Don’t forget your TEFL course materials! There are bound to be plenty of...  [Read more]

Can I choose where I teach English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Absolutely, aspiring English teachers can indeed select their desired country or city to teach. With the global demand for English educators, there is a perfect fit for every preference, be it Barcelona, Bangkok, or Bogota. Holding an internationally accredited TEFL certification broadens your options considerably. However, each country has specific requirements for foreign teachers, which can influence your choices. Will my nationality have an impact on where I can get a TEFL job? Do I need a university degree to get a TEFL job? Will my age have an impact on where I can get a TEFL job? Will my gender have an impact on where I can get a TEFL job? What is the typical contract length in my country of choice? In some cases, language schools are restricted to only hiring teachers who...  [Read more]

Who can take a TEFL course? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Demand for TEFL qualified teachers is very strong in many parts of the world, which is why our TEFL courses are open to anyone who has a solid grasp of the English language. However, in order to successfully complete the course and go on to find a good quality teaching job you will need to put in some hard work and be willing to embrace new ideas and techniques. How important is a student's attitude when taking a TEFL course? How important are English language skills when taking a TEFL course? How important are academic qualifications when taking a TEFL course? Are there any age restrictions when taking a TEFL course? Are there any restrictions to consider when looking for TEFL jobs? Can non-native English speakers take a TEFL course? Are there any advantages to being a non-native...  [Read more]

The Best Ways to End an Email - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! Do you ever write emails in English for work or leisure? Are you unsure how to end your email? Are you too formal or not formal enough? The guide below shows you the best ways to end an email in a formal, professional, informal and/or friendly manner.   You can never really go wrong using "Regards". This greeting isn't overly formal but still professional. When in doubt, go with it! This is another classic way to end an email! "Best wishes" is a great mix between formal and friendly, but make sure it fits in with the tone of the email you are writing (it might not fit every occasion). This sign-off sets an expectation. You are clearly saying that you will be grateful WHEN the person you are emailing delivers on something....  [Read more]

The Role of Games in The Classroom - TEFL Blog

Elizaveta Pachina Teaching Ideas The use of games in the class can activate the atmosphere of learning, reduce learning pressure, and stimulate learning interest more. Independent and selective learning is good for developing students' multiple intelligenceand promoting the formation of good feelings. There are five benefits of games in the classroom. Listen to this blog post: Creating positive atmosphere Stimulating interest in learning Positive attitude Good feelings Intelligence Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course today! Related Articles: This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Michael F. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT. The first is reducing students' learning pressure. Students are...  [Read more]

Flavours of Saudi Arabia - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teach English Abroad

SOURCE: blog . radissonblu . com/7-flavors-that-will-transport-you-to-saudi-arabia/ Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

Synonym Words for GREAT - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Register now & get certified to teach english abroad! Here are some great synonyms for the word "great" that will make your writing and essays more interesting.   Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!  [Read more]

TEFL Alumni Interview with Sabrina Oliveira - TEFL Blog

Federico Riva Alumni Experiences TEFL Reviews & TESOL Reviews For ITTT, our community of students and alumni is the most important to us. That's why we'd love to share what our course grads have to say! This will not only have others make a better decision in whether TEFL/TESOL is for them, but it will also help the ITTT community grow bigger and stronger! 1. What's your name? 2. Where are you from? Where do you currently live? 3. Which ITTT course(s) did you take? 4. Why did you take a TEFL/TESOL course from ITTT? 5. What was your favorite part about the course? 6. You've finished your TEFL/TESOL course - now what? What are your plans and goals? 7. What's your no. 1 tip for other TEFL/TESOL course takers? What should they know? What do you wish you knew before? 8. Where would you...  [Read more]

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