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TEFL Other Latin America - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Ell Esl Teacher Dominican Republic
Date posted:2024-03-09 | Writer: Liceo Cientifico Dr. Miguel Canela Lazaro | Email:
The Oficina Técnica Provincial intends to provide quality educational experiences between a government and non-government alliance (co-management). One for primary education at the Escuela Hermanas Mirabal de Ojo de Agua, with 350 students, and another for secondary education at the Liceo Cientifico Dr. Miguel Canela Lazaro with 550 students. In both cases, they are free public educational centers, in which we are applying the STEAM approach (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics), in a framework of inclusion and multiculturalism.
To continue promoting these initiatives of quality education for low-income students, we are looking for educators and... [Read more]
TEFL Czech Republic - page 1 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Jobs in Czech Republic
For a small country, the Czech Republic has a disproportionate need for English teachers. Once an economic engine of Europe, the Czech Republic is on the fast track to recreating its former glory. TEFL jobs in the Czech Republic abound in all corners of this energetic country. All major cities have positions teaching English and you can find TEFL jobs in smaller towns throughout the country. Prague is a major TEFL destination, which can be attributed to either its stunning all-round characteristics, or its need for TEFL teachers. You will be pleased to know that TEFL jobs in the Czech Republic are plentiful and countrywide. View typical job offers here and apply to schools directly. Send your resume, a cover letter and a picture, if possible. Consult our Teaching English in the Czech... [Read more]
How do I get a job teaching English in the Czech Republic? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs
Securing an English teaching job in the Czech Republic often requires both a bachelor's degree and a TEFL certification. The country, known for its rich history and vibrant culture, has a strong demand for TEFL-certified teachers, especially in cities like Prague, Brno, Ostrava, and Pilsen. While enjoying perks like cheap high-quality beer and a lower cost of living compared to other European countries, teachers can benefit from the ample opportunities available.
What are the requirements for teaching English in the Czech Republic?
What are the visa requirements for teaching English in the Czech Republic?
What is the best way to apply for English teaching jobs in the Czech Republic?
For teaching English in the Czech Republic, the most important qualifications are a TEFL certificate and a... [Read more]
Jobs and Professions EFL Word Search - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
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Here's a fun EFL word search with words related to jobs and professions.
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Teaching English Czech Republic - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Teaching English Abroad
Capital city Prague
Language Czech
Currency Koruna (Crown)
Typical TEFL teacher salary 22,000 koruna/month
Major TEFL locations Prague Brno nationwide
The Czech Republic is probably the most popular country in the region for teaching English. Jobs teaching English in the Czech Republic are quite easy to obtain, and even easier with the benefit of our lifetime job placement assistance.
Salaries, while not being of a high level in international terms, offer a comfortable lifestyle. Any teacher with an internationally accredited TEFL certificate from ITTT or TEFL International should have little problem in finding a position teaching English in the Czech Republic for a very comfortable salary.
The hiring season is year-round in the Czech Republic, especially in Prague. Most... [Read more]
Step-By-Step Guide to Legally Teaching English in the Czech Republic - TEFL Blog
Christine Thompson
Visa and Legal Destinations
Though quite bureaucratic for non-EU passport holders, it is by no means impossible to get permission to work and stay legally in the Czech Republic. Depending on your country of origin, the process will differ slightly, but the following should give you a good idea of the process involved:
Step 1: Understanding the Visa Situation
Step 2: Documents You Will Need
Step 3: Get Your TEFL Certification
Step 5: Apply for Jobs
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Firstly - a business license
Secondly - permission to stay in the country in the form of a long-term stay visa
The process of acquiring these two things can be a bit complicated as you can't really have one without the... [Read more]
6 Reasons for Teaching English in the Czech Republic - TEFL Blog
Mark Crocker
The Czech Republic is by no means a newcomer to the EFL teaching world; in fact, it has been a firm favorite with many teachers for several years. However, it may not be among the countries you initially consider when planning to teach English as a foreign language in Europe. So what is it about the country that draws in thousands of teachers from all over the world every year? The following 6 reasons for teaching English in the Czech Republic should provide a few answers.
1. A Thriving Job Market for English Language Teachers
2. Work Visas for Non-EU Citizens
3. A Great location for Exploring Europe
ITTT Prague Center
4. A Low Cost of Living
5. Fascinating History, Culture and Architecture
6. World-Class Beer and a Relaxed Way of Life
Are you ready to teach... [Read more]
How much can I earn teaching English in the Czech Republic? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs
English teachers in the Czech Republic can typically expect to earn between $1,000 and $1,500 USD monthly. This salary range reflects the robust demand for ESL teachers, particularly in the capital Prague, known for its rich history and architectural marvels. While Prague is at the forefront for ESL teaching opportunities, cities such as Brno, Ostrava, Liberec, and Plzen also offer substantial teaching roles. Teachers are drawn to the Czech Republic for its vibrant culture, affordable living costs, and dynamic job market, making it a top choice for educators seeking to teach English abroad.
What are TEFL salaries in the Czech Republic?
Who are the main employers of English teachers in the Czech Republic?
Who else employs English teachers in the Czech Republic?
What is the cost of... [Read more]
TEFL Courses in Czech Republic ▷ inclass ITTT Tefl
Attend a TEFL training course with ITTT in the Czech Republic and experience the natural beauty and cultural richness of one of Europe’s most fascinating countries. Our exceptional course in the Czech Republic will provide you with an internationally recognized TEFL certificate, all the skills you will need to become a successful English language teacher, as well as the chance to explore the history and culture of this captivating country.
The Czech Republic, despite its small size, is a country with a long and eventful history that is set in the very heart of Europe. It evokes an eagerness to explore both its fascinating cities and its rolling landscape. When you combine this with the country’s other outstanding features: the hearty food, lively night life, and low cost of... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Tracy - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
Tracy from the USA took the in-class TEFL course in Prague, Czech Republic. In this TEFL review video she discusses her overall experience. Tracy was very satisfied with the support she received before and during the course. Prague is just one of many training centers around the world where ITTT's TEFL/TESOL courses are offered.
Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next.
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In unit nineteen I learned about the... [Read more]
The best countries For Teaching ESL in Europe - TEFL Blog
Federico Riva
Destinations TEFL Information
Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) abroad is a great way to gain international experience, learn a new culture, and earn money while traveling. Europe is a particularly popular destination for ESL teachers, offering a wide variety of countries with different cultures and languages. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the best countries in Europe for teaching ESL, including factors such as cost of living, job opportunities, and cultural immersion experiences. Whether you're a seasoned teacher or just starting out, these countries are sure to offer something for everyone.
Watch the video about this topic
Teaching English in the Czech Republic
Teaching English in France
Teaching English in Greece
Teaching English in Hungary... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - Review From Tefl Student Adilet - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
In this TESOL review video, ITTT course graduate Adilet from the Kyrgyz Republic shares his thoughts on taking online TEFL courses with ITTT. He took ITTT's 120-hour online TEFL course and had a great experience with the course. He learned a lot about classroom management, lesson planning and other useful resources for teaching. He recommends ITTT to anyone.
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Which is the best age group to teach English? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs
Teaching English abroad can offer an array of age groups to choose from, depending on your destination. Choosing the right age group largely depends on individual preferences as every teacher has their unique teaching style. Some teachers might opt to work with younger kids, attracted by the high energy level and fun-oriented environment that typically characterizes this group. Conversely, others might gravitate towards adult learners who usually prefer a calmer, more scholarly environment.
What are the different age levels you can teach English?
The pros and cons of teaching English at kindergarten level
The pros and cons of teaching English to young learners
The pros and cons of teaching English to adults
What is the best age group to teach English to?... [Read more]
Can I get a teaching job with an online TEFL certificate? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs
You can certainly get a teaching job with an online TEFL certificate. In fact, you can probably get a teaching job without any kind of qualifications or experience whatsoever. The real question is, can you get a quality teaching job with good pay and comfortable working conditions with an online certificate? The answer is still YES, if you make sure you sign up for the best quality online course you can find.
The main problem for online trainees is the obvious lack of any practical teaching experience. If you can afford a month-long in-class training course that includes multiple hours of teaching practice in a real classroom, you will be able to apply for a wider range of jobs in most parts of the world. If you choose the cheaper online option, you will find that you will be more... [Read more]
What are the best countries to teach English in Europe? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs
Europe, a hub of history, culture, and adventure, is a top destination for English teachers worldwide. Whether you are on a gap year or looking for a more lasting move, countries like France, Italy, and Spain offer premier opportunities. Annually, countless people flock to these European destinations, drawn by the promise of cultural exploration and memorable experiences. While a firm grasp of the English language is essential, most employers prioritize candidates with a TEFL certification. Navigating through the many choices can be challenging, but we have streamlined the process by highlighting the top European countries for English teaching prospects right now.
Czech Republic (Czechia)
Spain has consistently topped the list of TEFL destinations in Europe due... [Read more]
Living and Teaching English in the Czech Republic - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Habits & Customs
Many EFL teachers are keen on living and working in Europe but strict visa regulations do not always allow foreigners to work in some countries. However, the Czech Republic is one of the countries that do not make it too hard for foreign English language teachers to secure a work visa. If you choose it as your destination you will also find a very healthy job market with many teaching jobs available throughout the country. If you like the sound of the Czech Republic, read on for culture tips and more.
SOURCE: www . wandershare . com/#!WandershareCzechRepublic/zoom/ljgmf/dataItem-ifsfkyev
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SOURCE: www . finedininglovers . com/blog/food-drinks/czech-beer-infographic/
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TEFL Prague - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Czech Republic ▷ ITTT course
Earn your teaching certificate in beautiful Prague
Our training center in the Czech Republic provides the ideal location to earn your TEFL certification in magnificent Prague. This modern capital city offers an incredible opportunity to work and live surrounded by rich heritage and culture.
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We are a select, professional school run by highly experienced and qualified trainers. We combine the personal attention of a small course with the facilities, support and insider knowledge of one of the most established and respected language schools in Prague. Our trainees will have the chance to meet teachers in the staffroom and pick their brains about TEFL teaching and life in Prague or other countries. As a language school with more than 20... [Read more]
How to teach English in Europe - Top Tips to find Jobs! - TEFL Blog
Federico Riva
Budget and Salary Destinations TEFL Information
Hello, Linda here from ITTT for another weekly live session on Facebook and YouTube at the same time as always. If you've watched one of my sessions before thanks so much for tuning in again and if this is your first time watching, hello and welcome. If you are listening to this as a podcast episode, thanks so much for downloading the podcast, it means a lot to us as we always turn our live sessions into podcast episodes and you can find them on Spotify, Google Podcasts, itunes, all those podcast places out there.
Watch the live session here
I already have a question from Caroline. I also taught English in China, where were you teaching Linda?
We have some questions. Tiana asks do European countries offer accommodation?
Next... [Read more]
Tefl reviews - Tesol Tefl Reviews Video Testimonial Daniel - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
In this TEFL review video for the TEFL International course in Prague in the Czech Republic, Daniel talks about what he got out of the course and how it has prepared him for starting his English teaching career. ITTT's courses can be studied at any of the many training centers located around the world and our online courses can be studied in your own home at your own pace.
Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next.
Register now & get certified to teach english... [Read more]
Useful Information About TEFL Visas and Contracts
Minh Huy Hoang
Visa and Legal Destinations TEFL Information
Discover essential tips for aspiring TESOL teachers looking to excel in Vietnam. From certifications to cultural insights and job search strategies, learn how to navigate the unique landscape of teaching English in Vietnam for a rewarding and successful experience.
Linda Dunsmore
Visa and Legal TEFL Information
Discover the unique advantages and opportunities of teaching English abroad at age 40 and beyond. Uncover the global demand, cultural sensitivity, and lifelong learning experiences awaiting you in this exciting teaching journey.
Linda Dunsmore
Visa and Legal Destinations TEFL Information Alumni Experiences
It’s not fair to have to consider LGBTQ travel destinations based on your sexuality - but that’s the... [Read more]
What visa do I need to teach English in Europe? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs
If you plan on heading to Europe to teach English it is important that you are aware of the regulations regarding visas and work permits in your chosen destination. The visa situation varies from one country to the next and may also depend on your own nationality. Because of this, we recommend that you visit the relevant embassy website to get the most up to date information before you make any final travel plans.
What visa do EU citizens need to teach English in Spain?
What visa do non-EU citizens need to teach English in Spain?
Can I get a work visa to teach English in Spain?
Can I get a working holiday visa to teach English in Spain?
Can I teach English in Spain with a student visa?
Can I get a work visa to teach English in the Czech Republic?
How do I apply for a work visa to... [Read more]
Top 10 Cities in Europe with the Highest Demand for English Language Teachers - TEFL Blog
Linda Dunsmore
While many people wanting to teach English abroad move to countries in Asia or Latin America, Europe is also a popular destination that cannot be ignored. Despite stricter visa regulations and tougher job markets for teachers, there are still many places in all parts of Europe that have a need for foreign teachers. Here are the top 10 cities in Europe with the highest demand for English language teachers.
Madrid - El Foro, The Forum of Spain
Prague - The City of a Hundred Spires
Rome - The Eternal City
London - The Royal City
Paris - The City of Love
Lisbon - City With a Future
Budapest - The Pearl of the Danube
Athens - The City of the Violet Crown
Istanbul - The Second Rome
Moscow - City of the Tsars
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How does the lifetime job support service work? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs
Our lifetime job support is designed to assist our TEFL trainees not just during their course, but also long after they have graduated. While many undertake our TEFL course to pursue teaching English abroad, we go the extra mile to help them secure their dream job in their desired location. Beyond just training, our commitment extends indefinitely, offering continuous job search assistance whenever our graduates need it.
How will ITTT help me find a job teaching English abroad?
What is the success rate for graduates finding jobs after a TEFL course?
How soon after completing a TEFL course will I find a job?
At ITTT we offer all course graduates extensive help with finding suitable teaching jobs in their country of choice. As the need for English language teachers is very strong in... [Read more]
Should I teach English in a small town? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs
While many aspiring English teachers naturally lean towards urban centers for the sheer volume of job opportunities and bustling city life, there is a distinct allure to teaching in smaller towns. If you sign up for programs like South Korea's EPIK or France's TAPIF, your placement location may be predetermined. However, for those with the freedom to choose, the benefits of small-town teaching can be substantial and rewarding. Here is why teaching English in a less urbanized setting might be the right fit for you:
Less pollution and noise
Less traffic on the roads
Seeing students and families outside of class
Unusual traditions
Learn about the town and community
Many of today's global cities are grappling with significant air pollution, a concern for many, including English teachers.... [Read more]
How to teach English in Europe - Top Tips to find Jobs! - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
hello hello hi linda here from itt for another weekly live session on facebook and youtube at the same time as always if uh you've watched one of my lives before thanks so much for tuning in again and if this is your first time watching hello and welcome thanks so much for being here today and um yeah if you are listening to this as a podcast episode thanks so much for downloading the podcast means a lot to us we always turn our live sessions into podcast episodes and you can find them on spotify google podcasts uh itunes all those podcast places out there and um yeah welcome welcome today's topic is teaching english in europe so two weeks ago i talked about teaching english in asia and i focused on seven different countries the most popular countries in asia and today we're going to do... [Read more]
Are visas necessary when teaching English abroad? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs
Before you head to the airport to start your TEFL journey it is important that you are aware of the paperwork required by the country you are planning to work in. The specific type of visa you need to gain entry to your destination country and how you gain the right to work legally there can vary enormously from one place to the next. To ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible, you should visit the relevant embassy website and do a bit of online research well before you plan to leave.
What basic documents are needed for teaching English abroad?
What documents will I need when applying for English teaching jobs?
What additional documents might be required for teaching English abroad?
How do I apply for a new passport (or gain an extension to an existing one) in the U.S.A?
How... [Read more]
How much money can you make teaching English in Eastern Europe? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs
Due to a rapid increase in job numbers and fewer restrictions on who can legally work as a teacher, the Eastern European region is now beginning to catch Western Europe in terms of popularity. Typically, the balance between income and cost of living means that many teachers find they are better off financially in a country such as the Czech Republic than they are working in a traditional teaching hotspot such as Italy.
How much can I earn teaching English in Russia?
Who are the main employers of English language teachers in Russia?
Who else employs English language teachers in Russia?
Can I earn extra cash as a private English tutor in Russia?
What is the cost of living for English teachers in Russia?
How much can I earn teaching English in Poland?
Who are the main employers of... [Read more]
Where to Earn the Highest Salaries Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog
Linda Dunsmore
Budget and Salary
There are many reasons why some people decide to teach English abroad. Some want to explore a new culture or learn a new language. Others want to gain teaching experience or be able to save a lot of money to pay off student debt or simply make some money for the future.
Teaching English in Asia
Teaching English in South Korea
Teaching English in Taiwan
Teaching English in China
Teaching English in Japan
Teaching English in the Middle East
Teaching English in Saudi Arabia
Teaching English in the United Arab Emirates
Teaching English in Europe
Teaching English in the Czech Republic
Teaching English in Latin America
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For a lot of people, it is exactly this financial aspect that leads them to... [Read more]
Why Prague is the Ideal Place to Teach English - TEFL Blog
Christine Thompson
Prague is one of the most popular places for EFL teachers in Europe. The Czech Republic makes it relatively easy for non-EU citizens to secure a work permit and the cost of living isn't as astronomical as in many Western European countries. Here are four amazing reasons, why Prague is the ideal place to teach English.
Variety and Volume of Available Teaching Work
Rich History and Cultural Offerings
So Much to See and Do
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Are you ready to teach English in Prague?
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In Prague, and in the Czech Republic generally, teaching opportunities abound for English-proficient, qualified TEFL teachers. The sheer variety of work available is in itself impressive. You could be teaching in private language schools,... [Read more]
The Peak Hiring Seasons for Teaching English Abroad - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT
hello welcome Linda here from ITT back this week with another live session welcome welcome today we're going to talk about the top hiring seasons for teaching English abroad so we're going to cover different regions Europe Asia Latin America Central America um and different countries specifically in these regions and the top hiring seasons for each of those countries so you know exactly when to apply for the job for an English teaching job in the country that you want to teach in so um a couple weeks ago we talked about um tefl interviews and how to find jobs Etc so now this is kind of part of this series and just to yeah give you an overview of the top hiring season so that you know exactly when you should be applying for your job in your dream destination so that's what we're going to do... [Read more]