100 Dollars To Argentine Pesos

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How much does it cost to get TEFL certified online? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL FAQs

Obtaining a TEFL certification online offers flexibility and can be more affordable than in-class courses. While prices can vary widely based on course content and quality, online TEFL courses generally have fewer overheads, making them a cost-effective choice. It is crucial, however, to ensure the course meets international standards, especially if considering options on the lower end of the price spectrum. While the convenience of studying from home and at your own pace is evident, it is essential to prioritize courses that provide comprehensive training and are recognized globally by employers. How much are standard online TEFL courses? How much are advanced-level online TEFL courses? How much are specialized online TEFL courses? How much are multi-course online TEFL course packages? ...  [Read more]

The Most Affordable Countries For Teaching English Abroad - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi hello and welcome to another live stream my name is linda from itt nice to see you today thanks so much for tuning in uh yeah as always please if you can see me if you can hear me clearly just leave a quick comment in the comment section we are actually live on facebook and also on youtube at the same time just making sure that everything is working well so that we are ready to explore today the most affordable countries for teaching english abroad we're gonna go on a virtual trip around the world today i'm super excited because i thought that it's kind of a fun thing to do it's summer we all want to go and travel and i know most of us probably can't really do that right now myself included i have not left the country in almost two years and i'm super excited to go on a trip with you...  [Read more]

TEFL Argentina - page 1 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Jobs in Argentina

 Secondary English Teacher for 2024 Writer: St. Andrew's Scots School | Email: [email protected] St. Andrew's Scots School aims to graduate responsible citizens committed to serving Argentina and contributing to its equitable development through a well-balanced, bilingual education, which meets high international standards and fosters a joy for learning.Job detailsCreating an intentional learning environment for every student: engaging, challenging, relevant and varied to provide every child with the opportunity to flourish, achieve and excel.Designing deep learning tasks and authentic experiences that scaffold thinking and levels of complexity in order to develop the school competencies (creativity, communication, critical thinking, character, collaboration, and...  [Read more]

TEFL Puerto Vallarta - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Mexico ▷ ITTT course

Mexico is one of the leading travel destinations in the world. What makes Mexico so appealing for travel? The food, the people, the culture, the natural beauty and so much more. Mexico offers its visitors a taste of every possible landscape that you can imagine, from sandy dune deserts to snow pine forests or buzzing cities to majestic beaches… you name it and Mexico’s got it. If sightseeing is your thing when you explore then take your pick; Mexico has Mayan and Aztec pyramids like Templo Mayor or Calakmul, colonial jewels like Museo de Bellas Artes and Castillo de Chapultepec. Mexico’s past is not all that glorious, but its future is brighter than ever. Impressive urban developments throughout the country place it as one of the most important economies in the world. Puerto Vallarta...  [Read more]

The Best Countries for Teaching English in 2021 - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations TEFL Information Welcome to another live session. My name is Linda from ITTT and you can find me on social media at @lindagoeseast. Thanks for tuning in, let me just see that everything's working. If you can see me and if you can hear me, please leave a comment as always. Watch the live session here Let's get right into it: The best countries for teaching English in 2021. The demand for English language instruction. 300 million people are learning and speaking English and China alone. 50% of teachers teaching abroad stay a second year. Why should you go to teach in China? Does our nationality affect our chances of working in China? So, this is a question that we always get a lot: Do you need to know the language of the country that you want to go to and teach...  [Read more]

10 Alternative TEFL Destinations for an Off-the-Beaten-Path Teaching Experience - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Hello, everyone. Linda here from ITTT. Welcome to another live session this week. Thank you for joining and taking time out of your day to spend it with me. I'm very happy about that. Today, we have a very exciting topic. We are going to talk about teaching off the beaten path. 10 alternative TEFL destinations. I'm very excited always when I do live sessions about destinations. It's like a little bit of a virtual tour around the world. I really enjoy these types of live sessions. I thought we haven't had one of those in a while, so why not bring that on today. We are live on Facebook and YouTube. If you're watching this for the first time, very welcome. Welcome to join us. Maybe get a beverage, get some snacks, settle in. These live sessions usually take about 45 minutes to an hour. You...  [Read more]

The 12 Most Affordable Countries For Teaching English Abroad - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore Destinations Many thousands of people every year embark on their adventure of teaching English in a foreign country around the world. The options are almost limitless but which are the most affordable countries for teaching English abroad? 1. Argentina 2. Cambodia 3. China 4. Czech Republic 5. Ecuador 6. Laos 7. Mexico 8. Nepal 9. Peru 10. Philippines 11. Thailand 12. Vietnam Listen to this blog post Are you ready to start a new career teaching English overseas? Related Articles: If Latin America interests you Argentina is among the top destinations for teaching English as a foreign language in the region. The country has a high demand for qualified English teachers and the salaries are one of the highest in Latin America. The cost of living in Argentina is very...  [Read more]

How much money can you REALLY earn when teaching English? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi guys hi another live session this week my name is linda from itt nice to see you again if you can see me if you can hear me just say hi into the comment section it would be really really nice um yeah back this week with another exciting topic as you can see teaching english how much money can you really make okay very interesting topic we all need to know how much money we can make obviously if we want to go and teach english abroad or i'm also going to cover how much money you can make when you teach online so very very important topics um that we are covering today and yeah thanks so much for watching if you are listening to this as a podcast episode thank you so much for the download as you might know we always turn our live sessions into podcast episodes that you can find on...  [Read more]

The Best Government-Run Programs For Teaching English Abroad - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

My name is linda i'm from itt international tefl and tesol training and um yeah i'm back again today for another live session and yeah if you can hear me if you can see me because i'm trying out a new mic today so if that is um working well um i need to know if you can hear me and you can see me so please leave a quick comment um just throwing in a high and where you're watching from so that i know that you can hear me clearly and that you can see me and that you're here and ready to go through today's live and today's topic that would be really really great um yeah my name is linda um working for itt and i have been living in south korea for five and a half years so for me right now it's 10 a.m friday morning in south korea and yeah let me know where you are tuning in from and what time...  [Read more]

How to teach English in Asia - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi everyone hello here's linda again from itt and today we're talking about something really really interesting and exciting teaching english in asia and all you need to know how to get to asia the best countries in asia where to teach with the highest demand and also the best sort of recruiters and teaching job platforms where you can find the best jobs for teaching english in asia and i'm super excited about this topic today um i myself i've been uh pretty much based in asia since 2012 2013-ish and um i spent some time in china and um i also and now i'm actually in south korea and i've been here already for a while so it's gonna be six years soon and um so i'm so excited to share my experience with you guys and hopefully maybe some of you can also share your experience if you have...  [Read more]

Navigating the EFL Job Market in 2023 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi Linda here welcome back to another live session from ITT um I'm so happy to be here this week again with another exciting topic so this week we are actually going to talk about how to navigate the job market for English teachers in 2023 and I'm going to talk about um all the things you need to know for finding a job for getting started as an English teacher abroad and also online so if your plan is to start teaching English in the near future this live session will be for you today and I hope you're going to learn something um yeah right off the bat please don't forget to like And subscribe so you never miss any of our upcoming live sessions we go live every week same place same time I'm right here and I hope you will join me again so that you're just staying up to date and you know...  [Read more]

The Best Countries for Teaching English in 2021 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hello hello and welcome to another live session my name is linda from itt and you can find me on social media at linda ghost east um yeah thanks for tuning in let me just see that everything's working if you can see me and if you can hear me please um leave a comment as always you know the drill and yeah this is actually our last um live session or my last live session we have another one on tuesday from my colleague lisa but me it's my last live session before christmas and so um i wanted to get a little festive this is my attempt at being festive so um yeah that's what we're working with today um yeah if you can see me and hear me please leave a comment that would be really really awesome yay awesome it starts yeah hi thanks for tuning in hi maggie cool all right so looks like you...  [Read more]

The Best Countries for Teaching English in 2023 - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Hi, welcome Linda here. Back this week with another live session for ITTT today. We're going to talk about the best countries for teaching English abroad in 2023 next year. It's already December, it's December 9th today here in South Korea. It is 10:30 a.m. where I am. So, the new year is approaching fast. Time flies. So, that's what we're going to talk about. Where are the best countries to teach next year? What are some predictions also for the EFL industry (English as a foreign language industry) for next year? What are some things that we see? What are some things that we can expect? And yeah, that's what we're going to talk about today. So, thank you so much for being here. Thank you so much for joining. If you can see me, if you can hear me clearly, just please leave a hi or...  [Read more]

TEFL Cebu - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ TEFL Philippines ▷ ITTT course

Cebu is one of the most developed provinces of the Philippines and is the main centre of commerce, trade, education and industry in the central and southern part of the archipelago. Cebu is currently a city of vast growth, but it has still managed to maintain its cultural roots making it an interesting and exciting location to take a TEFL course in the Philippines. Cebu City, known as the ‘Queen City of the South’, has become a thriving, bustling centre that boasts an impressive array of restaurants, world-class golf courses and shopping malls. Only a few minutes away from the city you will also find numerous white sandy beaches, crystal blue waters and swaying palm trees, all of which provides a perfect destination for your TEFL course training. Once you have successfully completed...  [Read more]

Study Abroad vs. Teaching Abroad - What's Better? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello good morning or good evening good afternoon good good whatever wherever you are hi my name is linda i'm from itt um welcome to another live session this week i'm super excited to be here today um and to talk about this interesting topic and before we jump in as always a short intro um please don't forget to like and subscribe if you are interested in interested in teaching english abroad online all things tefl and t-saul i highly recommend liking and subscribing um we are live on youtube and on facebook at the same time so if you haven't liked our page if you haven't subscribed to our youtube channel yet now is the perfect opportunity you're already here you have nothing to lose and we share a lot of interesting and helpful content every day for people who are teachers people who...  [Read more]

Overview of the Best Online Teaching Platforms - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hello hello everybody this is here and we are just about to start our new live session uh thanks for joining me and uh while we are waiting for more people uh to come please let me know that you can hear me clearly and you can see me clearly there is a comments box um so you can use it uh to communicate with me and i really appreciate you use it because when there is interaction during the live session it's always much easier for myself to present um and feel a little bit more comfortable because i basically speak to myself uh right now and when i don't see any comments i feel a little bit confused you know um and let me share the topic of today's session so that everyone can see it uh today we are going to talk about um different online teaching platforms i hope that this topic...  [Read more]

Teaching English in South Korea - What you need to know! - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi and welcome to another live session by itt my name is linda and i'm here today um to talk about teaching english in south korea so welcome welcome um i'm just gonna wait for um people to join please do let me know if you can hear me if you can see me or if you're not if you can't hear me if there's a problem if anything's wrong uh because that would be um bad obviously so yeah drop a comment um just leave a high and uh where you're tuning in from that would be really helpful let me know where you guys are watching from and um yeah i can see a few people have joined already hi thanks so much for joining awesome okay i got a yes i can hear you from mika awesome or micah sorry if i pronounce that wrong but yeah uh yeah thanks so much for joining okay and mika mika is from argentina or...  [Read more]

Teaching English Without a Degree: Opportunities and Strategies for Success - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

Hello! Hi, Linda here from ITTT. Back today with another live session. As you can see, this is today's topic: teaching English without a degree. Yes, you can. Yes, it's possible. Let's talk about it. So, we're going to talk about how to best prepare yourself for a teaching job abroad and online if you don't have a degree. And also, where the best places, countries, and regions are for teaching English abroad without a degree. And also, the best platforms for teaching English online without a degree. So, that's what we're going to talk about today. I'm also going to show you a little bit of a couple of the TEFL courses that we recommend for people without a degree if you want to teach English abroad or online. Yeah, so that's what's going to happen today. Thank you so much for tuning in. ...  [Read more]

Q&A About TEFL/TESOL - Ask us anything! - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello and welcome my name is linda from itt um thanks for tuning in if you are watching for the first time thanks so much welcome and if you've seen me before on one of our lives welcome back thanks for joining us again if you can see me and you can hear me please let me know in the comments so that i know that everything is working well and also please let me know where you're watching from that's always very interesting for me to know i am in south korea so it's actually friday morning right now it's 10 a.m so i have my morning coffee right here that i might have to uh take a few sips from here and there um but yeah where are you watching from let me know i really i'm really curious to know and today we are talking about well you can actually see right here how does this work where is...  [Read more]

What to Watch Out for Before Signing Your TEFL Contract - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hi welcome to another live session from itt my name is linda um yeah welcome back this week if you've noticed last week our live or my life was actually on a different day different time um if you've seen it it was really really interesting i had some really really interesting guests two sisters from australia who are currently teaching in japan under the jet program and we had a lovely chat it was really fun so if you have not seen that i highly recommend checking it out if you're interested in teaching abroad uh teaching in japan if you're from australia check it out two really lovely girls it was so much fun talking about what it's like to teach in japan and this week i have i'm here by myself again and i have another um interesting topic for you that i've picked today we're...  [Read more]

I'm a Non-Native English Teacher: How do I find a job? - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hey guys i'm super glad to welcome you at a new ITTT live stream um i'm going to wait for a moment um until some people um join me but uh today's topic is devoted to a really um challenging issue um for those teachers who are unaware about their abilities to uh find a job uh and i'm going to dwell upon the problem of um getting employed as a non-native speaker so basically this is a tough issue for all new teachers and for some current teachers i'm going to share my own experience but at the same time i would love to give you a piece of advice on how to build on your um successful teaching career and i should say that um actually today's live stream isn't for those people who expect that everything comes super easy and that someone will do everything for them so basically uh this live...  [Read more]

The Biggest Misconceptions about TEFL/TESOL DEBUNKED! - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi welcome hello good morning good evening good night good afternoon wherever you are thanks so much for tuning in my name is linda this week back with another live session for itt which stands for international tefl and tesol training so thank you so much for joining me today it is 10 15 a.m in south korea where i am and um yeah today we're gonna talk about the biggest misconceptions about teaching english so those are those things that we at iittt kind of get asked a lot or people what i read on forums i do a lot of tefl research so when i um dive deep into the forums where people talk about teaching english abroad i come across these misconceptions all the time and today i want to take this opportunity to sort of debunk them and let you guys know what is true what is not true what's...  [Read more]

What TEFL Course to Choose: Non-Native Teacher Needs Analysis - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello and welcome to the itt's weekly live stream my name is lisa and i'm super glad to welcome you at a new live session uh so we are just about to start uh but we are going to wait for some people to join us so uh if you are watching this uh video as a recording please skip this beginning um in three minutes or so probably um while i'm going to introduce today's live session and stuff like that uh but if you want to um learn a little bit more about itttt and about myself as a host of these sessions uh stay here and uh yeah let's do it together so um yeah i'm super glad to welcome you guys thanks a lot for joining in uh let me know if you see and hear me clearly because i'm not sure if my equipment is working if my um camera and mic are all right so let me know via the comment section uh...  [Read more]

The Dos & Don'ts Of Teaching English Abroad - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi guys hey Linda here from ITTT back this week with another live session thank you so much for joining me today and taking some time out of your day today to be here with me and learn something new hopefully about teaching English and today we're going to talk about the do's and don'ts of teaching English abroad sort of everything you need to know you should know before you embark on this exciting journey of teaching English abroad so yeah let me know if you can hear me if you can see me uh drop a hi in the comment section oh perfect and also let me know where are you watching from today I already see crystalline here Hi crystaline how are you doing good to see you again awesome great where are you guys watching from today where are you right now what time is it there um anything else you...  [Read more]

A Look Inside: TEFL/TESOL and Teaching English Abroad or Online - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

all right looks like we're live awesome this is great so thanks so much for um tuning in today for our actually very first facebook live and i'm super happy to be here with jessica today from go overseas hi everybody and um yeah we're gonna talk today about all things um teaching english abroad online and everything in between all things tefl and tesol and all that good stuff and um i'm actually tuning in live from south korea it's 9 00 am friday where i am and i think jessica is in southern california right yep it's 5 p.m here so just starting to get dark i've actually just realized i'm probably going to need the light before the session is over so i'm going to run and do that now while linda's just there's no problem cool we actually before we jump in we're gonna show a quick intro...  [Read more]

Overview of TEFL and TESOL for Teaching English Abroad or Online - TEFL Blog

Linda Dunsmore TEFL Information Teaching Ideas All right, looks like we're live! Awesome! This is great. So thanks so much for tuning in today for our actually very first Facebook live and I'm super happy to be here with Jessica today from GoOverseas. We're gonna talk today about all things teaching English abroad, online, and everything in between. All things TEFL and TESOL and all that good stuff and I'm actually tuning in live from South Korea where it's 9 00 am Friday and I think Jessica is in Southern California. Right, yep it's 5 p.m here so just starting to get dark. I've actually just realized I'm probably going to need the light before the session is over so i'm going to run and do that now while Linda just explains today's topic. No problem, cool. Watch the live session here...  [Read more]

TEFL, TESOL & Teaching English Q&A Session - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hello hello anybody here anybody's here welcome i'm linda from itt and we are doing a live q a session today so let me just check if this is working is anybody here if you're here if you can see me if you can hear me please leave a comment that would be great so that i know that you are here and please let me know where you guys are tuning in from i would be super interested to know where are you tuning in from i'm in south korea i'm about an hour and a half outside of seoul sort of like in the middle of south korea in a city called chongju it's not that big it is quite big but it's not pretty well known but um yeah i've been here for five and a half years already so oh hello some people are here great hi welcome welcome where are you guys please let me know so yeah i've been in...  [Read more]

Why You Should Take a TEFL Course Right Now - Even If You Aren't Leaving Yet - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi hey everybody uh thanks so much for tuning in linda here from itt with my morning coffee because if you've watched me before if you've seen me before in one of our lives you know i am in south korea and it's currently 10 a.m friday morning so i'm having my morning coffee and i'm gonna have a chat with you guys so if you can see me if you can hear me if everything's working well please just drop a hi or something into the comment box i would really appreciate it hello hello back for another live session this week as you know or you might not know we at itt we go live um every week twice um me on fridays or maybe thursdays depending on where you're watching from and my colleague lisa she goes live every tuesday and um yeah today it's my turn actually lisa did uh she went live yeah on...  [Read more]

The Top 10 Questions You Need to Ask Before Enrolling In a TEFL/TESOL Course - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hi hi and welcome to another live session my name is linda from itt and um yeah i'm back again this week um who would have thought no uh but we're pretty consistent uh with um our live events so we are going live twice a week me one time and then my colleague lisa one time and um yeah so happy to be here today guys let me know if you can see me if you can hear me and also where you're watching from just drop in um hi watching from so and so into the comment section that would be really really great and yeah um i'm super excited to be here again today um normally i go live on fridays um well friday morning in south korea i'm in south korea but today i'm going live on thursday um because we are actually going into the lunar new year holidays over here so um yeah after this i have to...  [Read more]

The Best Government Programs For Teaching English in Europe - ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ITTT

hello hi linda here back with another live session this week how are you all doing thank you so much for joining uh don't forget to like and subscribe i'm just gonna say it right of the bat we go live every week with another interesting topic so if you're interested if you want to learn more about itttt tefl teasal teaching abroad teaching online all of that good stuff give us a like and a follow you're already here you have nothing to lose all the good stuff happening here today as you can see we're going to talk about the best government programs for teaching in europe okay i did a live session before about um the best teaching programs all over the world in general i found some new good ones specifically for europe so we're going to talk about only europe today uh government programs...  [Read more]

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