Opportunity teaching TEFL in Thailand: Positions Start In May 2005 - 10 Month Contr

Date posted:2005-03-28 | Writer: MediaKids Ltd. Thailand | Email: [email protected]


We have positions throughout Central, Northern, and North-Eastern Thailand in Thai Government High Schools, teaching children that rarely have the chance to learn with a Native English Speaker. If your main concern is

for the almighty dollar, then Korea, Japan, or Taiwan might be better suited to your needs. If you are looking to really experience and live in another culture, then we have a position for you in Thailand.

Our Expectations:

***1. Native Speakers ONLY Please (Can, US, Aust, NZ, U.K, S.A) with valid passport 2. Must have clear speech, free of "extremely thick" accents ***3. Must have EITHER a 4-year University degree (pref. in related field - English/Educ/ECD/Comm) OR an accredited TEFL/TESOL certificate (not online) + experience teaching and/or working with children in a supervisory/educational role) 4. Must be between the ages of 20-45 (male or female) - couples welcomed **5. Must be reliable, responsible, energetic, enthusiastic, flexible, and fun **6. Must be able to commit to both semesters of teaching (May 16, 2005-Sept.16, 2005 and Nov.1, 2005-Feb.28 2006) 7. Must be able to be in Thailand by early May 2005. 8. Must enjoy working with kids ages 12-17.


***1. "PREPAID" RETURN AIRFARE (up to 40000 baht - aprox. $1300 CAD/$1050 AM) 2. 25, 000 baht monthly base salary (more than enough to live comfortably in Thailand) ***3. Free accommodations ***4. Up to 20, 000 baht bonus for EACH semester 5. 2, 000 baht goodwill bonus after 2 months 6. Free training/orientation course in Bangkok May 7-May 12 2005 - free accomm. 7. Sponsorship letter provided to obtain Non-Immigrant B Visa (assistance and accompaniment when obtaining Visa) 8. 'Work Permit' fees covered by MediaKids Ltd. Thailand 9. Friendly, caring, and understanding staff to help you in all aspects of adjusting to life and teaching in Thailand 10. Airport pickup and/or assistance 11. 5-6 week holiday during semester break. Travel and explore Thailand and/or work at English camps (fun and relatively easy) to earn some extra money. 12. Much more

Job Description:

1. 18-24 classes/week of "teaching" time (50-60 minute classes) 2. In school from 8:00am-4:30pm M-F - No weekends or Thai national holidays 3. Teaching Conversational English with enthusiasm and creativity 4. Thai co-teacher in class if required and/or needed 5. Positions available in various locations throughout Thailand

****If you feel that this may be an opportunity for you, then please email Eric at [email protected] with a short cover letter, full C.V., a recent photo, and a contact number (fax# if available). Applicants will receive an information package via email with more details about the company, job description, job offer, etc.

This may the opportunity that you have been looking for, why not ask? Applicants already in Thailand, please contact Amy at 09 137 9103 to arrange an interview. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards and (Chok Dee),

Eric Hofer Head Teacher MediaKids Ltd. Thailand [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Phone # - +1 403 526 0332 Fax# - +1 403 529 1047

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


How fun was that? This Units content has been enriching material introducing the subject of the English tense system. This unit was very descriptive into the structures and usage of the present tense. With lots of fun activities and ideas for practicing and presenting the subject in the classroom. Also to keep for future reference and learning tools for now. I learned so much this Unit and can't wait to test out on this Unit.This was a lengthy unit that provided detailed descriptions of various teaching themes and how to organize them. The example lesson plans were of particular interest to me and I will surely use them as a reference in the future. The online resources mentioned in this unit will also come in handy. The games recommended will also help me in the future. I think the best part of this unit was definitely the detailed lesson plans.
