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Enthusiastic teacher wanted to teach TEFL in Korea

Date posted:2004-09-29 | Writer: Asia Marketing services | Email: donpark53@cs.com

Job Description

Spending part of your life working in another country can be one of the more fulfilling experiences of your professional life. It is our hope to facilitate that experience for our teachers. However, candidates should be flexible and willing to adapt to another culture. Many of the positions also involve working in elementary schools and some preschools so candidates should be willing to work with children.

Teaching ESL in Korea ranges from teaching English conversation to SAT and TOEFL preparation. Curriculum is provided and in most cases teachers will have flexibility to design their own curriculum if they wish. Most classes are relatively small and last about 40 to 50 minutes. Teachers work an average of about 30 hours per week. Most positions involve a one year contract with the option to renew.

Salaries average from 1.8 to 2.2 million Won (this equates to around 1600-2000 US$ or 2100-2500 CAN$ depending on exchange rates) per month with airfare, insurance, and housing included. This may not sound like much but when you consider the fact that housing and medical insurance are included, utilities and phone costs are minimal, and that the relative cost of living in Korea is lower than the US or Canada, it all balances out. There is also a bonus equal to a month's salary given at the completion a contract.

We will continue to work with our teachers even after they have been placed. We care about our recruits and want to see them succeed. We will provide whatever assistance we can to ensure that success.

JOB REQUIREMENTS:Preference is given to candidates with?a teaching certificate and teaching experience .You must be a native English speaker and preferably hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited university. The application process is relatively simple and can be completed within a matter of weeks.

For Additional Information

If you are interesting in teaching overseas, please send a resume to the following address:


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Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


When I learned English, I would use book almost 100% of the time. It was boring for me and I did not like going into class. I also took English courses oversees and they varied in different activities which I loved. This chapter confirmed what I already knew, and that is that just learning from a book is not enough. Mixing few different sources and activities will make it more interesting for the student and the teacher as well.This unit focused on the different types of modals, its usage and what form it takes as well as passive and active voice. It also talked about phrasal verbs and its different types. I learned that while I was able to understand the meaning of the phrasal verbs, I had trouble differentiating them and knowing which ones were part of the different category. I think this unit showed me that I should review these sections a bit more.
