Energetic Teacher Wanted to Teach EFL in Saudi Arabia

Date posted:2003-07-24 | Writer: Al-Falak Electronic Equipment & Supplies Co | Email:

The incumbent should be a Native Speaker (USUK) with the following background:

Qualifications:* MA in TESOL or Applied Linguistics or a One Year, full time postgraduate diploma in TESOL from a recognized university. * Equivalent qualifications such as a B.Ed or PGGE specializing in EFL, or, * RSA/ULCLES DELTA or Dip. TEFLA are also acceptable, as are qualifi- cations at this level gained by distance learning.

Experience:* At least 2 Years relevant overseas TESOL experience is required. This might be waived only if shorter overseas experience was especially relevant and there was longer relevant experience in the candidateฬs home country.

Attractive pay is assured. Interested candidates shall e-mail their resume to .

NOTE: Candidates who have applied before for our earlier advertisements need not to submit their resume again since short listed candidates case are still under review with our Client Organization.

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


I found this unit to be one of the more difficult units so far. The grammar points covered, conditionals and reported speech, has a lot of subtly missed by most native English speakers. I also am of the opinion that the diagram showing time expressions in the reported speech section needs more writing to support it. The diagram and the single paragraph on the subject was not enough for me to initially get a good grasp on the subject.The unit broadens my understanding of the various tenses that exist even though I have been conversant with just the basic ones generally accepted by most English teachers’ world over. It also eliminates the difficulties generally experienced by most, teachers and students alike. I have therefore acquired sound knowledge of the topic (tenses) which will automatically translate to improving my teaching techniques in the classroom