Employment teaching English in Yemen - Aden

Date posted:2006-02-21 | Writer: American Language Center | Email:


American Language Center (ALC) in Yemen is a fun and friendly private establishment that offers short (5 week) courses in English language instruction. Our students are aged 13 to adult and are either sponsored by various organisations or are private students. With native English speakers from Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, the USA and local Yemeni teachers, ALC is becoming the most popular and successful English language school in the port city of Aden. We're expanding rapidly and are looking to add another native English-speaking teachers to our staff.

Here's a basic contract:

Job: English teacher Starting date: March 4th, 2006 Requirements: Degree + TESOL or equivalent certification, experience preferred Place of work: Aden, Republic of Yemen Contract duration: 6 months or 12 months Working hours: Full-time (6 hours per day) weekdays. Mornings and/or afternoons depending on class schedule; weekends off Session duration: 5 weeks (week-long unpaid break follows each session) Salary (minimum and tax-free): U.S. $600.00 per month(if we pay for your airfare) OR- U.S. 800.00 per month(If you pay for your own airfare) the cost of living here is very low.

ALC pays for your entry visa, work permit, shared accommodation and (if you take U.S. 600.00 per month salary) your airfare to and from your country of origin. Optional overtime, free field trips and free Arabic classes are also on offer.

We use New Interchange, Passages, Global Links and Yemeni governmental curricula depending on which class(es) you are assigned. We also conduct TOEFL preparation and computing courses. We have local teachers to handle brand new students to English who still need instruction in Arabic you'll most likely have students in Level 2 and above. Yemeni students are a pleasure to teach since they are easy-going and eager to learn, and we keep class sizes below 15 where we can (but not more than 20 where we can?t).

If you have any questions, please feel free to send me e-mail on or


Areen N. Haddad Director American Language Center


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Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


this unit was talking about the levels of tests and why do we need analysis for our clients. then they talked about the syllabus design and how we can create our own syllabus according to our student's need.later they talked about the different types of assessments, examinations and evaluations. evaluations are very important for the teacher to evaluate the materials and suggested improvement that we can make it etc.....This unit looks at the different ways of evaluating students.This can be done TUTORIALS,EVALUATION and by TESTING.progress test,diagnostic test,practice test and general test are all guided at evaluating students studing progress. this unit broaden me with the meaning of TOEFL,IELTS,TOEIC.Also knowing how to evaluate my students is awesome.I learned how to use different testing methods for different level of students.