TEFL in Mexico - Queretaro

Date posted:2006-08-31 | Writer: Francisco Ferrer | Email: [email protected]

English teacher needed! We are looking for an EFL / ESL teacher for part or full time work in a colonial city in Mexico. The city is Quer�taro, it is located in the heart of Mexico. We need a teacher ASAP. Classes are from 7 to 10:00 am, and from 4:30 to 9:00 pm and Saturdays mornings from 9 to 2. We mainly teach young adults in the institute and at companies (off site) We do not pay for airfare due to bad experiences, but we do help teachers find accommodation. We help with money for rent for full time teachers. We include Spanish course on line. We need qualified teachers with or without experience, but most important, they must be friendly, nice and committed. It is 3 months minimum and 1 year maximum. Please, contact Francisco Ferrer at [email protected] (send resume with recent photo and references)

See our web site for more details: Contact us

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


This unit is about parts of speech. The unit covered basic sentence structure and how it relates to grammar usage. It's very important to have an understanding or why we structure sentences when teaching language. Although this may come naturally to a native English speaker it can be confusing to foreign language learners. The information covered only relates to the part of speech a word had in sentence structure.This unit has helped me to have an overview of culture issues I should be aware of when teaching in different regions of the world. I also looked at the ways of seeking, applying for and keeping employment. Besides that, this unit also showed me different examinations I can take and some professional associations I can join in. Finally, this unit presented me a webliography of many useful contacts that I found useful.
