Date posted:2011-07-14 | Writer: Korean Horizons | Email:
Korean Horizons is an agency which provides government public schools with TEFL qualified teachers in the peak seasons of March & September, and also for the off season periods as well. We work directly with the education office and unlike many other recruitment companies, we can provide you with the location and school information well in advance of your arrival. We will do our utmost to assist you before you come and throughout your entire employment contract here in South Korea. Our creditability is untarnished and speaks for itself.In addition to the benefits of a public school, you will also receive the following :Pay - 2.1m to 2.95m won. It depends on your resume, whether you desire a city or countryside location & also if you teach in more than 1 school (with the total number of classes at 22 per week split between them.)Tax - In accordance with Korean Tax laws. American & South African citizens are able to become tax exempt for 2 years. Other countries can too, but you must pay income tax in your home country if you supply the required residency certificate, therefore making it better to pay tax in South Korea. Canadian & Irish citizens cannot become tax exempt in South Korea.Pay day - 25th of each month, no exception.Settlement allowance - 300,000 won onetime payment.Provincial allowance - 100,000 won per month extra.Multiple school allowance - 100,000 to 150,000 won per month extra.Vacation - 18 working days (3 weeks & 3 day) paid days + 2 weeks paid national holidays.Flights - 1,300,000won provided for inbound flight & 1,300,000won provided for outbound flight. If your flight is less, you save the difference!Housing - Single, furnished, rent-free provided.Medical - 50% contributed by your employer, 50% contributed by you.Pension - 50% contributed by your employer, 50% contributed by you. American, Canadian & Australian teachers can get 100% back at the end of the employment contract.Completion bonus - Equal to one month's pay, provided at the completion of the employment contract.Other benefits - Introduction pack (including travel guide, English/Korean dictionary, book on teaching & other goodies.) For more information, and to apply, contact us at the e-mail address given on the job heading.Once you apply for any of our positions, we will contact you to discuss your application and any questions that you may have.Tel : +82 (0) 55 274 0926 English OnlyTel : +82 (0) 55 274 0929 Korean OnlyFax : +82 (0) 55 274 0927
Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.