TEFL Job in Hungary

Date posted:2011-06-08 | Writer: SELTI Hungary | Email:

SELTI Hungary is opening applications for people with TEFL qualifications interested in teaching English in Hungary as part of our Teach Abroad Program.We are looking for people interested in coming to teach in the capital city, Budapest, for periods of 8 to 10 months starting in September and October 2011, with the opportunity to extend after completion. We help our teachers settle into a new environment, providing a stipend, monthly travel pass and assistance in finding accommodation and gaining your residence permit.We are looking for teachers who are interested in:    * The experience of teaching abroad in the heart of Central Europe for short-to-medium term periods (we do not deal in long-term placements of teachers).    * Working in a community of teachers from across the world who are enjoying similar experiences at the same time.Applicants need to be native speakers of English, and have some higher education experience. You must also be TEFL (or equivalent) certified.Apply now to the e-mail address given on the job heading for consideration.

SELTI Hungary Kft.1027 Budapest, HungaryKacsa utca 10, I/1.Telephone: +36 1 785 7743

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


This unit discussed about the various methods that the teacher can use to measure the progress or language level of the students, namely through tutorial, evaluation by the students and conduction of different types of tests. I learned the various external exams that the teacher needs to prepare the students for, and how to differentiate the specific use of the different tests and when to administer it.Great lesson because I was very unfamiliar with the different types of conditionals and the reported speech. I learned a lot from this lesson because it was a lot of new information that I had not seen from English yet. It helped me to systematize the concepts behind the different types of conditional sentences. It also helped me to systematize the different changes of tense for reporting direct speech.