Looking for an English Teacher - Czech Republic

Date posted:2024-01-06 | Writer: AKAIA Language Agency | Email: [email protected]

We are a small family language school providing quality language instruction to the general public and corporate clients in and around Litomyšl (Eastern Bohemia, Czech Republic). The AKAIA language agency has been offering its services in the field of teaching, translation and interpretation of various languages ​​since 2005. During that time, we have taught more than 100,000 lessons of various languages ​​and provided several thousand translations.We are currently looking for a language instructor for a variety of target groups and various levels (pre-intermediate and upwards, not beginners), around 27-29 teaching hours per week. The workload will be organised in blocks to minimise commuting. The job will suit those seeking pleasant environment of a beautiful small historical town and wishing to experience and get actively involved in life in another country.Successful candidates will be CELTA/TEFL certified with a university degree.Good communication skills and enthusiasm are welcome.EU and non-EU residents are welcome, teachers with EU residence preferred.Remuneration on a per-class basis, approximately CZK 40,000 gross. We arrange accommodation and help arranging necessary documents (residence permit, work permit, etc.) We are looking forward to hearing from you.For more details and information on how to apply, please contact the email address given in the job heading.
