ESL Teacher in Costa Rica! 2024

Date posted:2024-07-17 | Writer: Instituto Estelar Bilingüe | Email: [email protected]

Instituto Estelar is a mid-sized English school with 420 English students and 8 English teachers. Our work environment is upbeat and organised. The city of Liberia is walkable, safe, and close to beaches, volcanoes, and many other natural attractions. Teachers must have a C2 level of English (native speaker), hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree, and possess a TEFL or CELTA certificate. 9-month contract. Teaching experience, basic computer skills, and Spanish knowledge are helpful. 

Teachers must be native English speakers, hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree, and possess a TEFL or CELTA certificate. 9-12 month contract. Teaching experience and Spanish knowledge are helpful. 18-24 hours per week teaching adults and kids. $700-1000/month (enough to live on here). Great place to work: close team, supportive environment.

To apply:

Email: [email protected]
