Native English speaking teacher wanted to teach EFL in China (2)

Date posted:2004-04-30 | Writer: Web International English Training Center | Email: [email protected]

With the rapid expansion of our business around China, we are now opening new schools in Shenyang and Urumqi. We are looking for ESL teachers to join us. You are expected to meet the following requirements: - Native English speaker - Bachelor degree or above - TESOL / TEFL / CELTA certification preferred - Prior teaching experience preferred - Excellent communication skills

Interested individuals, please e-mail us: - Detailed resume - Certificate copies - Bachelor / Master degree copy - Passport (and Visa) copies - Recent photo

Contact us by Email: [email protected] Tel: 0086-021-6447-9090 Fax: 0086-021-6448-3222 Check out our website here: Contact us Check out the city information here: Shenyang Contact us Shenyang is the commercial and industrial center of North-East China and as a result is one of the most rapidly developing cities in North Asia. It is also a major communication hub with the largest air and rail networks in NE China and links to the nearby countries of Japan, North & South Korea and Russia. It is known for the quality of the shopping and the well-educated large workforce that lives there. It has a typical northern temperate continental climate with four distinct seasons and there is a wealth of winter sports options from October to March. Shenyang is not just a new commercial city however, as it also has a significant place in China?س culture and history. The first emperor of the Qing Dynasty moved his capital here in 1625 AD. Their legacy is the famous Imperial Palace, which is the most intact set of Imperial buildings in history after the Forbidden City in Beijing. The area also boasts the Bei Ling Northern Imperial Tomb, built in 1643. Once the exclusive domain of the Imperial family of the Qing Dynasty, it is now a magnificent public park, covering over 1, 000 acres.

Urumqi Contact us Urumqi is the capital of China's largest province, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The last stop on the westward journey along the mythical Silk Road, it is situated at the northern foothill of the snow-capped Tianshan Mountains. These days Urumqi is a fascinating city, by far the most ethnically and culturally diverse city in China. It is one of the cheapest cities in China to live in, with everyday living costs remarkably low by Western standards. The cultural landmarks in the city include the Shanxi Temple-a famous mosque, and the mural paintings in Da Fo Temple. Tianchi, or Lake of Heaven, is about 30 miles southeast of Urumqi, at an elevation of 6, 435 feet above sea level. It is a beautiful highland lake, flanked by rugged pines and cypresses, and with clear waters that reflect the surrounding mountains. In winter, it provides an ideal alpine skating rink. In fact, China's winter skating games have been held there. Further afield there is an abundance of scenic spots and historical sites, the most notable being the Ravine of Jianhu in Urumqi, Heavenly Lake of the Tianshan Mountain, Flaming Mountains of Turpan, The Mosque in Kaxi and the ancient city ruins of Lanlo.

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


I have really enjoyed this unit. I thought the sample lessons were good and helped me to understand the theory of lesson planning easily. It was clear to see how the teachers attitude made such a huge difference in the two lessons and thus, the output of the learners. I actually used a modified version of the second class with my students (they don't like drawing so i provided pre-cut paper animal parts) and i was very successful!This unit included information on resources we as teachers can use to further our professional career in teaching English overseas. It covered everything from cultural norms to finding employment to websites to use for resources after we find a job. I particularly liked the resume portion of the unit, as resumes change format worldwide. It was nice to have a list of standard things you would see in a resume in different countries.
