Assistant Head of Senior School

Date posted:2024-05-21 | Writer: Wellington College China | Email: [email protected]

Assistant Heads are responsible for all aspects of the school relating to academic excellence and the holistic development of well-rounded and future-ready pupils. Each Assistant Head has a focus for their work and a clearly defined portfolio of responsibility, but also contributes to the whole and supports the work of others as part of the full cross-campus Senior Management Team (SMT).

Strategic Matters• To assist the Head to develop vision and define plans for growth and development.• To provide professional leadership and management of teaching and learning throughout the Senior School and Junior High.• To quality assure teaching and manage improvement so that it secures high quality learning for all pupils, and that progress of all pupils is measured.• To promote the culture and pastoral care of the pupils encapsulated by the Wellington values and identities.

Leading People Through Good Relationships• To sustain effective, positive working relationships with all staff, pupils, parents, external bodies and the local community.• To be committed to developing an integrated school culture, with equal respect for staff of all nationalities.• To possess good communication skills and be willing to adapt to the demands of a complicated and inclusive school.• To be able to provide support and guidance for all members of the school in academic matters.• To oversee effective transition from Primary to Senior School or Junior High.• To develop a positive relationship between the school and the wider community through cooperative ventures, publications, competitions and co-curricular activities.

Academic Management• To work with the Head to produce a clear vision for an effective academic programme that ensures success at IGCSE and beyond.• To work with the Head to deliver a clear education model, including assessment structures and the pastoral systems.• To lead by example, as a teacher and as a leader, setting appropriate expectations for staff and pupils in relation to standards of pupils’ achievements and the quality of teaching.• To support the continued development of excellent teaching at Wellington, remaining open to changes in pedagogy, whilst embedding best practice as it arises.• To oversee the process of setting academic targets for pupils and work with the academic teams in monitoring student progress and achievement, including planning for, and implementing, interventions and challenges.• To assist with the collection and use of school data (where appropriate) internally to support student development and externally to a wider group of stakeholders, including governors.

Teaching• Fulfil the duties of a part-time subject teacher where required. The teaching load attached to this role will be determined by the curriculum needed when matched to the subject experience of the successful candidate.

Further Responsibilities• To assist the Head to achieve the highest standards of performance and self-discipline amongst all teaching and non-academic staff.• To manage parental concerns and communication, in conjunction with other leadership colleagues.• Oversee academic or pastoral matters of pupils in a designated age range.• To assist Head in recruitment matters.• To contribute to, and work with, the wider SMT to develop the induction programme for new staff.• To work closely with Admissions and Marketing to maintain the high-quality brand and school image.• Contribute to parent information sessions and community events to raise awareness and promote the school.• To mentor the PGCE and/or trainee teachers within the school and ensure their early career development is supported in line with whole school expectations.


Applications are welcome for a number of positions here

Wellington College China schools are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. Assessment and testing of applicants’ suitability to work with children is an integral part of the selection process.

Shortlisted applicants should understand that, before an offer of employment can be made, all references will be followed up in full. Schools will also conduct background checks and online searches.
