Opportunity to Teach EFL in Brazil

Date posted:2016-03-15 | Writer: Maple Leaf English School | Email:

Maple Leaf English School, an English school in Timóteo, in the southeast region of Minas Gerais, are looking for visiting foreign native level English speakers who would like to teach English for 5 months or longer (next semester is August to December 2016). It’s a peaceful town of about 70,000 and forms part of the “Valley of Steel” industrial production area, where there is a high demand for English.

We are looking for a sociable, adaptive, people person, nonsmoking – with experience in teaching English as a foreign language, and who possesses a university degree, preferably with TEFL qualification. Communication skills and travel experience are a must.  Female preferred.

We offer free accommodation in a shared apartment with one roommate, plus salary.

The weekly teaching hours will be 26.   Schedule to be determined.

Salary will be R$2250 a month.  (Exchange rate today U$1 = R$3.58)

We offer a R$2250 bonus at the end of the contract to help cover airfare.

If at the end of the contract both sides agree to renew, salary will be discussed.

We also pay R$150 (one hundred and fifty reais) a month to subsidize lunch on working days. In the afternoon teachers have a snack with us.

We will cover a basic travel medical insurance for the period of the contract.

Our students’ ages go from 7 to 70 and classes are divided by age groups with a max of 6 kids and 5 adults.

It’s a great opportunity to meet new friends and make some money and extend your stay in Brazil!

References available. You can speak to other teachers who are teaching here or have taught here.


Contact us via email at the address given on the job heading, for the attention of Carlos Avila.


Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


In unit 16 I reviewed the grammar topic conditionals and reported speech. It’s important to know how to distinguish conditional speech and what are the main conditionals, how they formed and when they used. Also interesting topic is how transforms direct speech into reported speech. It was very informative to have a look on ideas about how to teach this grammar topic in the classroom.In this unit, we studied future tense and usage of this tense. Future tense is more difficult than present and past tense because there are many ways to express future and talk about the future, this unit helps to teach the students the concept of future tense by teaching various exercise, ideas and activities. The present simple and present continuous tense may also use as a future tense.