Teach English in Bangalore, India

Date posted:2005-04-08 | Writer: Spectrum Placement & Marketing Services Pvt.Ltd. | Email: [email protected]

Qualification : At least one of: TEFL / TESL / CELTA / TESOL / MATESOL & Masters in Linguistics. Familiarity with Windows and Office. Two years ESL (English as Second language) teaching experience would be an added advantage.

Responsibilities : Include teaching a formal pronunciation curriculum, conducting interviews, scoring assessments and providing individual coaching and quality monitoring sessions to improve clarity of communications. Night shifts frequently required (with the option of conducting 8 hours* 5 night shifts OR 10 * 4 night shifts. Thereby availing 2 days or 3 days weekly off).

Net salary : Salary (after all statutory deductions & taxes) will be INR.47, 000 per month (approx equivalent of USD1000 Net i.e. salary in hand).

Benefits: Paid economy class airfare to / from Bangalore, Paid furnished accommodations, 2 weeks �paid-off� time post 6 months working, Air fare for to & fro travel during �paid-off� (or USD 2000 pre-tax) in lieu of tickets, Daily pick-up drop to & from office covered, Lunch & dinner at office canteen & Visa processing fee & vaccination charges also paid by Spectrum as reimbursement against bills.

Some interesting info on Bangalore, India : Contact us

NOTE : Comprehensive training (4-6 weeks) would be given to each joinee.

Procedure : Kindly send cover letter and resume attached as word document file to [email protected]

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


ı have learnt that the funny phonetic script and ı didnt get the question number 18. I think you have to change that question. Anyway, ı really got lots of information from this unıte. I know that lots of foreign teachers get difficulty in the phonetics. Pronunciation is really difficult part for all the teachers of English. Finally,I can say that stress can change the meaning of the sentences on different words.Evaluating and testing students is very important. Since when students start studying at school its important to know what level the student is to diagnose what classroom the student needs to be. As important as testing students knowledge as they start school it is important to evaluate their progress during the course. If the students is preparing for a external text its also important that the school prepare them for those.
