Female volunteer ESL Teachers in India.

Date posted:2006-01-18 | Writer: Unity Charitable Trust | Email: [email protected]

Volunteering, a very good way to teach, serve, care and help others has a meaningful, positive impact on a society and the volunteers too can have many benefits like getting practical knowledge of a country or a region with different culture and customs. Whether you teach kids, serve orphaned children, you'll experience the real world through hands-on work. You can use this experience to explore your major or career interests. Volunteering brings together a variety of people. Both the recipients of your volunteer efforts and your co-workers can be rich sources of insight. Volunteering has many other intangible benefits. It can help you give back to society, break down barriers of misunderstanding or fear, explore personal issues, and even have fun. Our organisation, a registered non profit one, invites FEMALE Teachers/volunteers from UK/USA/AUSTRALIA/CANADA/EUROPE, having TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certificates to work at a summer vacation coaching centre for SPOKEN ENGLISH exclusively for GIRLS in our home town, Virudhunagar, Tamilnadu, India for a period of two months from April to May 2006. The working hours will be from 10 AM to 5 PM monday through friday and the volunteers can go out on week end trips on saturdays and sundays to famous tourist places and hill stations like Ooty and Kodaikanal. The main feature of this volunteering is the HOME STAY, which the volunteers can not forget in their life time and they can get first hand knowledge of Indian family set up, culture and so on. The volunteers will stay in the Managing trustee?s residence and homely food, packaged drinking water and accommodation with European type bath rooms will be provided to the Teachers/volunteers. For this HOME STAY, we are charging a fee of 250 U.S. dollars per month per volunteer and the amount collected will be utilised for our charitable works. Our past volunteers are in touch with us from their contries even now by e.mail and phone and we are really happy to receive their affectionate contacts. Interested volunteers may contact the Managing Trustee (Chief functionary) of our organisation who is also a teacher working in a Girls? school here, over phone or e.mail and the selection will be finalised within a day or two. Mrs. M. Mary Vijaya, M.Com., M.Ed., Managing Trustee (Chief Functionary), UNITY CHARITABLE TRUST, 80, NEERAVI STREET, VIRUDHUNAGAR ? 626 001, TAMILNADU, INDIA. PHONE: 0091 4562 248440 0091 4562 574221 E.mail: [email protected] URL: Contact us

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


Teachers are always involved in testing and evaluating students and in this unit, I learned about the different types of tests to evaluate my future students. Each test has a specific purpose and as a new teacher, I now know where to employ these tests for my students to evaluate their language level. I also learned that diagnostic tests help teachers prepare lessons and materials based on their students’ abilities.Teacher attitude is very important for students. If the teacher comes in negative then the whole class and probably the whole course will be negative with students. Students always sense if the teacher is interested or not to be there. If you love what you do then this should not be a problem because you will always carry a smile on your face and this type of attitude will always keep the students happy and participating.
