TEFL in Ethiopia -- Addis Ababa

Date posted:2006-08-01 | Writer: Gibson Youth Academy | Email: [email protected]

Gibson Youth Academy, a school system for children from

Kindergarten to High School, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia seeks

dedicated, hardworking, professional teachers to teach English

grammar, writing, and English conversation to our students. We are

seeking efficient and competent teachers who have a great interest

in teaching, and not only those who are interested in traveling.

Teachers should have at least an ESL qualification (TEFL) or at least

a first degree in English or English education and experience

working with children. Those who have a degree in another field and

experience working with children will be accepted if they obtain at

least an online ESL qualification.

Gibson Youth Academy is a school that was founded by an

American educator with the goal of giving Ethiopian children the very

best education possible along with character development and an

emphasis on creating strong work ethic, responsibility, and academic

excellence among our students.

Ethiopian children are highly motivated to learn, and it is easy to

capture their attention. Ethiopia is an interesting country with its

own languages (83 of them), alphabets, way of keeping time, calendar,

cultural dress, cultural music and dances, endemic animals, unique

cultural foods, and much more. Addis Ababa is a fairly modern city

with very good transportation, entertainment, libraries, restaurants,

and other activities. The Ethiopian people are gentle, and the country

is very safe.

If you are a teacher who is dedicated to the edification of children

and willing to give 100% effort for the children we serve, please

contact us at [email protected] in order to receive the ESL

teacher fact sheet and information about how you can apply to work

with Gibson Youth Academy. We are also glad to provide you with

addresses of former ESL teachers who have worked with us so you

can get their perspectives about their experiences in the school.

Recently, we were honored by the BBC who chose our school to

represent Ethiopia on their website for the program WORLD CLASS.

You can see a short video of our school at

Contact us under the archives section on

the right side of the screen.

All contracts are for at least 10 months from September 1, 2006 to

July 3, 2007. Apply today if you are interested in teaching for the

next school year. Contact: [email protected]

We look forward to hearing from you, and we hope you will join our


Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


I find the unit very interesting. I've learned a lot. From the learning development theories, research findings about language acquisition, for group 1 ( 5- 9 years old). for group 2 ( 9-13 years old), seating arrangements, the descriptors for groups 1 and 2, receptive and productive skills, likes and dislikes of groups 1 and 2, variations of skills of the 2 groups. It gives me now a clearer view of the young learners.This unit discussed general and specific ideas around course books and materials. I learned how best to use them and how to be creative and adapt to the needs of my students. I really like the materials presented in this unit and will use them for the future. I can see myself really enjoying getting creative with materials and adapting to my students in terms of who they are, age and english level, and their interests.
