Teach EFL in Malawi

Date posted:2016-12-01 | Writer: H.E.L.P. Malawi | Email: [email protected]

H.E.L.P. Malawi's mission is to develop the pathway for children living in rural regions of Africa to become integral members and leaders in society through quality education. Live within the local community and use your TEFL skills to experience life in the African bush while witnessing the pure beauty of Malawi. Tutor small groups of learners in English (ESL) throughout the school day at Nanthomba Primary School. Partner with a government teacher to ensure students are receiving the best education possible. Co-teach the after school English Activity Class and other after school activities offered at Nanthomba. 

* This is a volunteer position and there are no placement or program fees!

We Provide H.ope E.ducation L.ove and P.rotection to the children of Malawi - come and join us!

Email Sarah O'Neill at the address given on the job heading for more information.

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching.


Use of a course book is a very important decision. Buying and using one that turns out to be less than appropriate would be an expensive mistake. I learned that course books can be useful, but they should not control the teacher--the teacher needs to make decisions based upon the students' needs. The course book, like created materials, are just tools that have to be used with discretion.In Unit 7, I have discovered that receptive skills (reading and listening) are exceptionally important in learning language. There are ways to easily provide information and lesson plans for learning with receptive skills. These involve making sure that students are motivated by keeping them interested and engaged in the lessons taught. Variety helps in keeping the students interested.
