ITTT offers an outstanding training course for people who want to gain TEFL certification in Japan. Once you have successfully completed the course, you will receive one of the most respected TEFL certifications in the world. With your certificate in hand, we will then help you find employment throughout the country, elsewhere in Asia, or almost anywhere else in the world for that matter.
Our course is located in the capital city of Tokyo. Situated on the edge of Asia and the Far East, the city is the last major population centre before the vast Pacific Ocean begins. Tokyo is a place of fascinating contrasts that combines areas of tranquillity and peacefulness with areas of near-frantic pace and high-end lifestyles. Culturally speaking, you might not find a more fascinating city anywhere in the world.
Look beyond the borders of Tokyo and you will discover a world of calm, where temples, shrines, wooden houses and bonsai trees represent Japan’s lesser known world of tradition, charm and beauty. Taking your TEFL course in Japan will provide you with an unforgettable cultural experience while also gaining you a world leading TEFL qualification in a country where there are many opportunities for teaching EFL.
TEFL Japan
For many years, TEFL and Japan were synonymous with high salaries and limitless opportunities for qualified, hard working EFL teachers. While high salaries and opportunities for teaching English have levelled off somewhat in recent years, Japan remains a prime location to earn your TEFL certificate and to go on to gain that valuable first teaching position.
Our job support services will provide you with lists of potential employers, unadvertised job postings, consultations on resumes and interviews and even support for any mock lessons you may need to teach in order to land the job.

Register now & get certified to teach english abroad!
We have courses running nearly every month, so be sure to check out our start dates in order to find a course to suit your own schedule.
TEFL Tokyo
Our TEFL courses in Japan are delivered in the hi-tech, hi-energy metropolis of Tokyo. We have chosen this location because it offers easy access from all points across the globe. It also offers the most post-course opportunities for teaching EFL in Japan.
Tokyo is a city that everyone should get to experience at least once in their life time. Situated on the very edge of Asia, the popular image and actual realities of Tokyo are often very different. A city that is fast paced and futuristic on the surface, yet behind the façade you will find a culture that has developed over hundreds of years and remains one of the most fascinating in the world. Curious yet knowledgeable, innocent yet experienced, the real Tokyo is a place of many contrasts.
Whatever your reasons for choosing Tokyo as the destination for your TEFL training, you will find that the city will stimulate your senses unlike anywhere else on earth.
TEFL Courses Tokyo TEFL Courses Nagoya