Capital city
Typical TEFL teacher salary
250,000 – 300,000 yen / month
Major TEFL locations
The Country
Opportunities for teaching English in Japan are excellent for anyone who holds internationally accredited and recognized TEFL/TESOL certificates such as those offered by ITTT and TEFL International. In Tokyo and other cities, there are usually more English teaching positions than there are teachers, while all over Japan employment prospects remain favorable. With the help of our lifetime assistance finding jobs, the chances of getting hired as a TEFL teacher in Japan are terrific.
Teachers are highly respected throughout Japanese society, and students are generally highly motivated and willing to learn. You will need a BA or BSc degree in order to obtain a work permit, so employment prospects are usually limited to university graduates. Teachers' salaries are good and you can expect to save approximately 70,000 yen per month—depending on your lifestyle of course. More income can be generated by arranging private students.
Many large corporations employ a huge amount of teachers. Opinions vary on each organization so always do some research first and ask questions that are important to you before signing a contract. Questions to ask potential employers include: Can I see a copy of the contract? What are my exact teaching hours and is there a degree of flexibility? Are lesson plans provided or can I introduce my own materials? Is housing or housing assistance provided? Is health insurance included in the package?
Schools in Japan like their teachers to be fun and energetic, with a good sense of humor. A Far East experience of a lifetime awaits anyone who comes to teach English in Japan.
TEFL Courses in Tokyo