The Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is one of the true wonders of the natural world that stretches for 2,300 km from north to south, covering a total area roughly the size of Japan.
All along the Queensland Coast you will find options for scuba diving, snorkeling and sailing amongst the 2,900 individual reefs that make up the Barrier.
Another popular option is to head to one of the 600 islands in the region where you will find a wide range of activities on offer.
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This natural phenomenon is a must-see attraction for most visitors to Australia and there are many ways in which to enjoy it.
If you prefer to stay off the water, you can also get a bird’s eye view of the reef by plane or helicopter.

SOURCE: www . queensland . stfi . re/destination%20information/great-barrier-reef?redirect=www . queenslandholidays . com . au/experiences/great-barrier-reef/great-barrier-reef-fast-facts/the-greatest-reef-on-earth_home . cfm&sf=jelbjlk

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