Lessons Authorized TEFL

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This is how our TEFL graduates feel they have gained from their course, and how they plan to put into action what they learned:

C.W. - U.S.A. said:
Multiple IntelligenceTeaching English as a Second Language in America today outside the University presents its own set of problems. The students are mostly immigrants from Mexico with a small representation of students from various Asian countries. The students come from all different backgrounds. The majority comes from rural areas and few have finished high school. Some come from cities and usually have finished high school. This does not however reflect their ability to learn. Many of those who have finished high school still have a low literacy level and have poor spelling and writing skills in their native language. Some students are recent arrivals and others have lived here for years and can communicate easily, however with mistakes that have become habits. Others have learned little or no English outside being able to understand simple directions related to their work. Starting at the Literacy level often becomes a necessity. Although most know the alphabet, they are not proficient at it and of course need to learn correct pronunciation. Teaching the alphabet can be made fun through song, games, and role-play. The need for being able to correctly say the letters is shown through interview situations where the student is asked to spell their name or the name of their street. The need to correctly write the letters becomes clear as they learn to fill out forms and job applications. This simple written work can often take more time then one would anticipate because many simply do not have writing experience. Even copying from the board can be time consuming so handouts with completion exercises are a better choice for the teacher to use. Introductory classes are necessary for the students to learn how to underline, circle, complete, match, etc. before many tasks can be done. Many of the techniques that are useful for memorizing vocabulary or correcting pronunciation may seem juvenile and silly to an adult especially one who has not been in a classroom for years. The teacher has to be willing to look silly or act silly to help create a relaxed environment. Games that require repetition of certain phrases and other memory games are a good way to stimulate the brain for memory work. In the classroom, the students who are bettered skilled can be paired with slower learners for some activities. Most students are eager to help but care should be taken that they do not end up dominating and doing the work for the partner. Faster learners will often finish first and work ahead so extra worksheets or tasks like writing answers on the board can be assigned. This helps them to reinforce what they have learned and avoid boredom. The teacher can spend the time assisting the slower students. With work or childcare schedules always pressing, adult students have little time to study at home. Rather that is what they think. Daily review of vocabulary, using sticky notes to label things around they house, watching TV in English, reading signs and labels, using the mirror and acoustics in the car or bathroom are all ways that the students can learn outside the classroom. All these activities and more should be constantly encouraged and given as homework. students can be asked to bring in to class something they read or heard to share. The environment can be a rich teacher but many have to be taught to how to take advantage of it. The adult ESL student in America is a diverse group. Many have lived in America for years without learning any English at all as few possess skills that enable them to pick up the language through daily living even though they work, shop, and their children learn English at school. Others have acquired reasonable speaking skills but writing is a challenge. Curriculum has to be carefully developed to be useful and taught so as to help them acquire learning skills and tools to enable them to learn in the classroom and outside as well. The classroom dynamics usually involve pairing weak students with strong and developing strong group rapport. The approach needs always to be respectful of each student?s situation and background with varying levels of expectation.
