How are in-class TEFL courses affected by COVID-19?

Our courses have been running wherever possible during COVID-19. Training centers in many countries re-opened several months ago. If you are already in the country where the course is taking place then you should be fine, but the main problem with most locations seems to be incoming flight restrictions.

The main effect on in-class courses came earlier in the year when schools and group gatherings weren't permitted by local governments. Students were able to switch to later dates, other locations, or they completed the observed teaching practice online with the assistance of our TEFL trainers.

The main difficulty facing anyone looking to take a course is their eligibility to travel and the current quarantine procedures. It's business as usual in many countries with the exception of border closures in some countries for non-essential travel.

Table of Contents

If you are planning on booking an in-class TEFL/TESOL course

If you were already booked on an in-class TEFL/TESOL course

If you are planning on booking an in-class TEFL/TESOL course

Please apply for any course that you are interested in. Before confirming your place on the course, please contact the embassy/consulate of any country that you intend to visit. You should check for any travel restrictions that would affect you and to find out relevant information about quarantine procedures.

If your choice of in-class location is currently unavailable, you can still enroll in any of our Combined TEFL courses, which would entail completing the online part of the course before travelling anywhere. This would delay the need to travel. You can enroll without choosing a date or location then make your selection later once restrictions have eased. Alternatively you could opt for the course with live practicum, which would not require any travel as the teaching practice is conducted via Zoom.

If you were already booked on an in-class TEFL/TESOL course

If you are unable to attend an in-class course after making a deposit, you can switch to any of our other available courses, or transfer the deposit to an online course. Officially deposits are valid for one year, but under the current circumstances we can extend that deadline for as long as is needed. Please let us know at your earliest convenience if you are unable to attend so we can assist you.