Their and they’re sound the same in English and it is a common mistake to mix them up, even for native English speakers. However they have very different meanings.

THEY’RE – Basic Explanation
They’re is a contraction of they are.
- They’re sad. (They’re here means they are … they are sad)
- They’re playing golf.
- They’re in that house.
THEIR – Basic Explanation
THEIR = a possessive adjective. It shows possession, that something belongs to some people you are not talking to right now.
Examples of other possessive adjectives are MY, YOUR, HIS, and HER:
My car, your car, his car, her car, their car.
- They have books. Their books are new.
- These are not my books, they are their books.
THEIR is also used for a group of two or more people that are not with you right now.
- David and Jane are married. Their car is blue.
- John and Brian are brothers. Their mother speaks Italian.
- Their hair is long.
- Their teacher is very tall.
The noun after their can refer to a thing (or person) that these people have.
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