Using speaking cards is a great way to encourage conversations among ESL learners. The cards act as guides to give the students a direction in their conversations. Below you will find conversation cards about books and reading for your ESL classroom.

Conversation Cards about Books
Let's take a look at all of the questions and possible answers.
1. What is the best book you have read recently? What is it about? Why did you like it?
Possible answer: I recently finished reading the first book of the Outlander series. It's a fantastic book about an English woman from 1945 who travels back in time to Scotland in 1745. The story is very compelling and the characters' personalities are very well thought-through.
2. What book, or author, has influenced you the most? Explain how.
Possible answer: One of my favorite books is "The Da Vinci Code" written by Dan Brown. Even though it is a fictional story, Dan Brown's writing and interesting plot makes you question things and see a different perspective on things in the world. This has defiitely been true for me and impacted my life a lot.
3. What is your favorite genre and why? Have your tastes in reading changed over time?
Possible answer: I really enjoy reading fiction novels because it lets me escape into new worlds and places different from real life. I have actually always liked fiction stories, even as a child. The first fiction book I read was Harry Potter and I absolutely devoured those books!
4. What do you think of autobiographies? Have you read any? If not, whose would you like to read?
Possible answer: Autobiographies can be very interesting to read when you want to know more about a specific person's life. However, they can also be very one-sided as you onlhy get to hear the perspective of the writer. I have not read an autobiography yet but would very much like to read Michelle Obama's "Becoming".
5. Do you think that e-books should be cheaper than other books? Why or why not?
Possible answer: I agree that e-books should be cheaper than other books because it is more expensive to produce a paperback book compared to an e-book. That's why I think e-books should be cheaper than other books.
6. If a book has been made into a film, do you think it is better to read the book first or see the film first? Explain.
Possible answer: People usually say that the book is better than the movie. That's why I would prefer to watch the movie first and then read the book. If you read the book first and then watch the movie, you might feel disappointed because the book was so much better.
7. What do you think about this proverb? You can't tell a book by its cover.
Possible answer: I like this proverb a lot and think it's true. This usually refers to the fact that many people judge others by their appearance and make assumptions about them before actually knowing anything about them.
8. How important is the cover of a book? Can you recall a particularly attractive book cover?
Possible answer: To me, the cover of a book is very important. If the cover is appealing, it entices me to purchase the book and read the story. With so many books getting published every year, it's also very important to have a unique cover to stand out of the crowd.
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