English Grammar Corner - General Grammar Tips

Table of Contents

Word Categories: Nouns, Adjectives, and Verbs
Plurals of Words Ending in Y
7 MORE Great Ideas for Teaching ESL
7 Ideas For Teaching ESL
Use a Word Board Game
Plural of Nouns Board Game
Do or Does ESL Worksheet
Reported Speech Worksheet
Examples of Direct and Indirect Speech in English
100 Prepositions List in English
Adjectives and Adverbs Grammar Quiz
Indefinite Pronouns - Grammar Quiz
The WH Questions in English
Types of Determiners in English
Prepositions of Place - Where are the mice?
Some or Any Interactive Worksheet
ESL Articles Board Game
WH Questions Words
Noun Types in English Grammar
Changing Nouns from Singular to Plural
The Articles - A, An and The
Descriptive Words: A Huge List of Descriptive Adjectives, Verbs & Adverbs
Quantifiers in English | A Lot Of, A Few, A Little, A Bit…
Types of Articles: Definite Article & Indefinite Articles
Parts of Speech in English Grammar
How to Use Many, Much, A lot of, and Lots of
Irregular Plural Nouns You Have To Know
The Prepositions of Time: At, On & In
Figures of Speech
Complete List of Prepositional Phrase Examples in English
The Most Important Opposite Words in English
The Most Common English Homophones You Need To Know


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Grammar corner 7 Ideas For Teaching ESL

7 Ideas For Teaching ESL
Ideas for teaching ESL students in the classroom starting with structure and listing out what they will be doing....

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Grammar corner Use a Word Board Game

Use a Word Board Game
This is a fun board game where the students have to make a sentence with the word they land on....

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Grammar corner Reported Speech Worksheet

Reported Speech Worksheet
This is a worksheet to practice reported speech (or indirect speech) focusing on the verbs and the change in the time words. Students need to be aware of what each tense changes into and the changes that must be made to the time words. ...

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Grammar corner 100 Prepositions List in English

100 Prepositions List in English
Prepositions are one of the most important parts of English grammar. Here is a list of the 100 most important prepositions in English....

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Grammar corner The WH Questions in English

The WH Questions in English
This is an activity to present some of the WH Questions in a simple recognizable way. You can use them as flashcards, show them and make your students create a sentence with that question word....

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Grammar corner Some or Any Interactive Worksheet

Some or Any Interactive Worksheet
Here is a great worksheet to practice the difference between some and any. You can do the exercises online or print out the worksheet for your in-class students....

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Grammar corner ESL Articles Board Game

ESL Articles Board Game
In this fun articles board game, students review 'a', 'an' and 'the' by completing true or false statements and talking about various topics for 30 seconds....

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Grammar corner WH Questions Words

WH Questions Words
Wh question words are a vital part of English grammar. In the image below, we showcase the 8 basic wh question words in English with usage and example sentences to help you master your English grammar....

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Grammar corner Noun Types in English Grammar

Noun Types in English Grammar
Nouns are naming words which make up the most common category of words in the English language. Within this category there are several different types of nouns with specific roles to play. ...

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Grammar corner Changing Nouns from Singular to Plural

Changing Nouns from Singular to Plural
The majority of singular nouns are made plural simply by adding an S on to the end of the word. However, there are many different rules depending on what letter the word ends in. ...

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Grammar corner Parts of Speech in English Grammar

Parts of Speech in English Grammar
The parts of speech explain how a word is used in a sentence. There are 8 parts of speech (also known as word classes): nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interjections. Let's take a look at them below....

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Grammar corner How to Use Many, Much, A lot of, and Lots of

How to Use Many, Much, A lot of, and Lots of
The four expressions "many", "much", "a lot of" and "lots of" are widely used but often confused. Let's take a look at their differences and when to use which expression correctly....

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Grammar corner Irregular Plural Nouns You Have To Know

Irregular Plural Nouns You Have To Know
Irregular plural nouns are nouns that do not become plural by adding -s or -es, as most nouns in the English language do. Let's take a look at some of the most common irregular plural nouns you have to know....

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Grammar corner The Prepositions of Time: At, On & In

The Prepositions of Time: At, On & In
The prepositions of time, "at", "on" and "in", describe when something happens, happened or will happen. What exactly is the different between these three prepositions? Let's have a look below....

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Grammar corner Figures of Speech

Figures of Speech
A figure of speech refers to a word or phrase used in a non-literal sense for rhetorical or vivid effect. Below, we will take a look at the 10 most common figures of speech in English....

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Grammar corner The Most Important Opposite Words in English

The Most Important Opposite Words in English
Studying words in pairs of opposites is a great way to build vocabulary quickly. Every teacher should have this list of the most important opposite words in English in their teaching materials....

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Grammar corner The Most Common English Homophones You Need To Know

The Most Common English Homophones You Need To Know
Homophones describes one of two or more words with the same pronunciation but different spellings and/or meanings (for example weak and week). English learners will sooner or later face homophones, so it's essential for the EFL teacher to be aware of homophones and how to teach them. ...

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