Here is a list of the 15 most common confusing verbs in English any English teachers needs!

This handy infographic is ideal for explaining the 15 most common confusing verbs in English to your students.
This verb is used when creating a physical object, an action/reaction, a sound/speech or food.
For example:
My dad likes to make furniture.
"Do" on the other hand, is used for jobs or activities, with "anything" or "something", and it also indicated generic actions.
For example:
I need to do housework.
This verb is used to decline to accept/give something and indicates an unwillingness.
For example:
I refuse to argue with you.
This verb is used for declaring untruth, disagreement, to withhold or disown something and to reject or contradict.
For example:
Most deny that the sky is orange.
The word "say" is usually used without an object.
For example:
She knew what to say.
The word "tell" is used to inform or intruct.
For example:
Tell your brother to make his bed.
These two words are interchangeable in most cases. Both words have also developed unique idiomatic uses.
For example:
Don't stay out late!
Though the team lost, fans remain loyal.
"Sit" is the action of sitting down. It is a verb.
For example:
Most prefer to sit when they eat.
"Seat" refers to an object that we can sit on.
For example:
Please find a seat.
The word "seated" is a verb in the passive form and is also usually used in this way.
For example:
Please wait to be seated.
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