ProgressMe is an interactive linguistic platform for online education providing solutions for private online classes, language marathons, and schools with support for more than 140 languages. We bring together more than 50,000 language teachers around the world and help improve the quality of online learning every day.

ProgressMe allows teach online using:
- Virtual Classrooms;
- Course Constructor;
- Integrated Video communication system;
- Automatic check of students' answers;
- Personal accounts for each user with their own schedule;
- Full synchronization with the student;
- Library of interactive materials;
- Blended learning mode;
- ProgressMe Academy with educational content.
Progressme / Live-classes
1 minute to prepare for the lesson
Use of the ready-made interactive materials with info tips for teaching process and answer for each exercise.
Exercises auto check
A teacher sees the students’ answers and mistakes in real-time mode and has the opportunity to indicate and comment on them.
The student is satisfied as the learning process is convenient
The level of the lessons is like in major online schools and even better. The student feels the presence of the teacher during the lesson.

Progressme / Marathon
30 + exercise templates
There are lots of interesting interactive exercise templates for language learning.
All in one platform
Marathon participants can translate a word or phrase highlighting the text, listen to pronunciation, for vocabulary and learn the words in a playful way
Auto check
There can be marathons containing only exercises with an auto check. So the platform will do everything itself, a teacher just should add the students.

ProgressMe / LMS
It’s a win-win for students
The learning process has become convenient and engaging. “I don’t need to search for something else. I am in tune with the teacher, I will recommend the school to my friends!”
$1 per student and 30 min to start
Interactive ready-made materials with info tips on learning process and answers for each exercise can be used
Ready-made materials for lessons
We collaborate with popular publishing companies and transfer their coursebook into an interactive format. All the materials from our base can be legally used for lessons.

- Website: https://progressme.ru/