Why Classroom Management is Essential for a Good Learning Environment

Many teachers walk into a classroom and have no idea how to manage their classroom, be it the style, layout, or even the students. Teachers learn how to teach, but not the fundamentals of how important classroom management is.
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This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Khailobekov S. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.
Children's backgrounds
Children come from many different backgrounds and this can influence their behavior in the classroom as they tend to clash at times. It is therefore essential that the teacher provides a good learning environment, not only to benefit the students but the teacher himself/herself. The teacher can take the first few weeks to assess the children and the classroom environment and make changes as the learning takes place. The teacher can then observe which strategy in terms of how the environment was set out best suited the students. It is a good idea to introduce new ideas or order subtly. If students do not realize a big change is happening, their behavior will stay neutral and they will be positive.
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The teacher can also pair students together according to abilities or mix the students around so that they can help each other and feed off of each other. Most times, grouping students according to strength can play a vital role in bullying others who are not as strong in a certain area as the others. The teacher can have different stations for the students to go to where they feel more comfortable when learning and doing an activity. Teachers can also have a rotation seating chart set up so that the students get to work with everyone in the classroom and mingle.
Reasons to plan
A classroom with an effective management plan can lessen the time spent on discipline and this will allow all learners to be seen to and be provided with the necessary attention and education they deserve.
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Engaging students
A teacher should also not speak too much and allow the student's ample opportunities to communicate in the classroom. This will allow the students to feel as if they do have a voice and are not being pushed aside and just forced to learn. Engaging the students in everything you do in the classroom is an essential part of the learning process.
Rewarding students
Students should also be rewarded for the work that they are doing according to their level as each student is different. When students see that they are being praised for their hard work and effort put into a task, it boosts their self-esteem which then lessons attention seeking which is linked to behavioral problems at present and in the future.
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The teacher needs to set basic ground rules from the beginning which will allow for mutual understanding and respect. Once respect is earned from both sides, classroom management can run smoothly. If each student feels safe in the classroom, they will feel that they belong and will engage and want to learn and most importantly have fun with other students and their teacher. A bond between a teacher and a student is vital for good educational growth. The relationship will be an everlasting one and students tend to not forget who helped them along their way.
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