This is What I Learned from my Online TEFL Training

The most widely used language throughout the world is English. Some countries use English as an official language. English is a major subject In China. Most of the Chinese students start to learn English from primary school or middle school. In recent years, more and more students start to learn English from kindergarten. They put a lot of time and effort into learning English. The majority of Chinese students learn English for over 10 years. But there is a strange situation. They still can't speak English fluently, even though some simple English conversations. But they can get high scores in the exam. Why is it? Because Chinese students are too stupid? Or not hard-working? No!!! The biggest cause is that teaching English methods is wrong. That's why I am learning a TEFL course. It's necessary if I want to be an English teacher.
Table of Contents
I found something wrong in the past teaching English progress.
Theories, methods and techniques
Coursebooks and lesson materials
Reluctant to participate in the class
Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course!
This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Elaine L. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.
I found something wrong in the past teaching English progress.
We always pay more attention to reading and writing, however, we ignore listening and speaking. On the other hand, because of the Chinese culture, people are generally shy. People will make fun of them if they make mistakes in speaking. Most people are afraid of speaking English. That's why adults are more difficult to learn English than kids. Adults should break their traditional views. However, Kids don't care too much. They only copy English like their mother tongue. Until recent years, people realize that English is a communication tool, not an exam tool. Now more and more young parents are trying to speak English with their children in daily life.
I learn a lot from completing the TEFL course, such as teaching method, grammar, pronunciation, practical activities, and the relationship between the teacher and the students, etc.
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Teachers and Learners
A good teacher should make a good relationship between the teacher and the students. They will play different roles, such as manager or controller, organizer, assessor, prompter, and monitor. The role that we employ is largely going to depend on the type of activity and we wish the students to achieve.A good learner should always ask the teacher questions when unsure. The relationship between the teachers and the students is a very important and complex issue. A" good teacher" will most likely have "good students"ï¼
Theories, methods and techniques
There are some methods in the Engageï¼Study and Activate stage. The Engage phase should warm up students to speak in English. In the Study phaseï¼students should focus on the construction and exercises of the language. The activate phase should focus more on fluency than accuracy.At the end of the contentï¼teachers should correct when the students have finished speaking, not interrupting them.
Also Read: Comparing English Language to Chinese Language
Teaching receptive skills & teaching productive skills
There are four basic skills in any languageï¼receptive skills-reading and listeningï¼and productive skills-speaking and writing.The basic keys to successful receptive skill lessons areï¼choose material that interests/ motivates the studentsï¼pre-teach complex vocabulary or structures if necessaryï¼but don't overdo it.Fluency activities focus on the student producing creative language. For example,role-play, debate,and communication game ,the activities are more focused on fluency. Pair work, group work, giving students time to think and plan before commencing an activity would usually encourage student interaction.
Coursebooks and lesson materials
These materials can be divided into 2 groups: authentic materials and created materials.authentic materials are something a native speaker would hear or read can be described as authentic-programs, magazines, newspapers, songs, poems, brochures, menus, films on video. They are not graded for level,and so should be selected carefully.Created materials are graded to the level of the students. Common created materials include crossword, word search puzzles, role-play cards, flashcards,gap-fill activities, picture stories.Using authentic materials are usually more topical and interesting than created materials. They provide a wide range of topics to appeal to students. They typically provide students with more confidence to tackle real-life material.The use of course books:Teachers should adapt the materials to the needs of their students.Teachers should replace unsuitable activities with similar, more relevant ideas.A good teacher will supplement the coursebook with extra material to reinforce understanding.
Also Read: What are the Cultural Implications of Having English as a Global Language?
Teaching a special group
Teaching beginners: Make your lessons as visual as possible. Ensure you always give clear and simple instructions. Frequently review previously covered material.Teaching individual students: There are some suitable activities, such as A student and teacher discussion. Teaching language functions such as telephoning and negotiating.Teaching children: Teachers need to give clear demonstrations/instructions. The teacher should be prepared to make fun of themselves. Keep activities short and vary them as often as possible.Business English/ English for specific purposes(ESP): Not all business English students are highly motivated. Class age can vary tremendously. Attendance of your students can often be irregular.Conducting a needs analysis with a business English class is to give the teacher the information required to teach future lessons, to identify the students' interests and requirements, and to identify what the students feel are their strengths and weaknesses within the English language.
some of the most common problem situations that teachers can encounter in the classroom and also suggest ways of dealing with them.First lessons:In the first class, the teacher should establish rapport,find out the students' needs and desires for English language learning, and find out the English language level of each student. A pass the ball game is a suitable activity for establishing rapport.Warmers:A game of hangman, playing Pictionary, and a memory game are used as a warmer activity.Different levels:Pair strong and weaker students together can a teacher use to help the class when faced with a mixed ability group
Reluctant to participate in the class
Using role-plays when you can. Insisting that the students must participate. Using pairwork.All of the above usually help a class of students who are reluctant to participate in the class.
Do you want to teach English abroad? Take a TEFL course!
Thank you for the TEFL course. I have learned plenty of knowledge, methods, and experiences. It's very useful for me. I am going to make a combination of theoretical and practical training. I can become a wonderful English teacher to help Chinese students learn English effectively.
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