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Teachers and Their Roles and Responsibilities in an ESL Setting

Teachers and Their Roles and Responsibilities in an ESL Setting | ITTT | TEFL Blog

From my own experiences of living and working in Vietnam, I have gained a great passion for loving my job as an ESL teacher. That passion and love have helped me to better myself in teaching-learning and most importantly gaining the knowledge and experience to understand my vital and very significant role as a teacher. In this short essay, I will discuss the impact and importance of owning and presenting a professional role as a teacher.

Table of Contents

The first and foremost responsibility of a teacher is teaching.

Next, I will convey the quality that in my opinion make a great teacher as well as being important to have.

When is a good teacher with these stated qualities, results can be seen in every aspect of life?

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This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Nicholas G. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.

The first and foremost responsibility of a teacher is teaching.

In this paragraph, I will discuss the main teaching points that I feel a teacher must perform to be called a teacher and have the dignity to claim that title. A teacher's job is very important and impactful and should not be overlooked. Something I feel that is one of the most significant but certainly not the only responsibility is teaching your students life skills to become a respectable member of society. Teaching life skills will have a profound impact on learners, especially young ones. Think of it this way, a teacher is known to the world and to students as a person to obtain knowledge and skills from, whereas parents are there to parent. So with that being said, if the teacher sets examples and helps with troubles that students might be facing then it can make a world of difference on the ones who are said to be futures. Creating the foundation of self-thinking will tie into life skills and is a flower that should be watered by a teacher's questions; thus, creating innovative and brilliant minds changing the world. Doing this small action and claiming them as your responsibility is something that will make and flourish healthy participants in society.

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Next, I will convey the quality that in my opinion make a great teacher as well as being important to have.

Some of these qualities include being a genuine teacher and that takes skills of having good virtues, being fun, being loving, and caring. Being fun creates a healthy relationship with the children and learners. Not the most important but a very vital aspect is being creative, having the creativity to create absorption and cohesion when teaching is a very important skill to have. Loving and caring can impact children especially when they might have a broken or unstructured home life. Creating the senses for children can open up their minds and have profound effects on their lives.

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When is a good teacher with these stated qualities, results can be seen in every aspect of life?

Holding your responsibility can make it easier and more respectable knowledge to be had from your lessons. The virtues of being fun, loving, caring, and responsible can make an extraordinary teacher. Setting instances to students can be tiring but if you truly love teaching then it will not get dull or boring to do these things. When being a good specimen, it will teach children great advances that can pass down to their children.

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In conclusion and overall, a teacher's role should always be completed, performed, and demonstrated with the utmost professionalism and care. Through my two-month process of completing this TESOL course, I have also gained a lot of knowledge, re-enlightenment, experiences, and understanding of my role and responsibilities as a teacher. This course has also given me great classroom tips and experience that I have used in both private and public school settings here in Vietnam. Certainly, knowing your role as a teacher can make your job more enjoyable and feel less like work. Thank you to all teachers and academic professionals who may read this, also remember to never stop doing your best role as a teacher and role model for the sake of the students and the future.

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