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Sample ESA lesson: Patchwork ESA

Sample ESA lesson: Patchwork ESA | ITTT | TEFL Blog

When using the ESA methodology, there are a number of lesson formats available. In the third of this series we look at a Patchwork lesson. What does a Patchwork lesson look like and for what level of student is it most appropriate?

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Lesson aim: For the students to be able to discuss holidays using vocabulary and conducting a role-play.Student Level: Intermediate (Due to the complexity of Patchwork lessons they should only be used for Intermediate level and above)

We start by reminding ourselves of the form of a Patchwork ESA lesson.

 Engage  ( A mix of E's S's and A's )  Activate

We start with an engage as always and we will finish with an activate and there will be some combination of E, S and A within the brackets.

Starting with the engage, (E1) the students are going to look at holiday photos and talk about what they like and don't like from what they see. Some useful information in terms of vocabulary and phrases can be boarded. No teaching takes place and no correction is needed.

From there we are going to move directly into an activate phase (A1) and what the students are going to do is to try to act out a role play between a travel agent and a customer. No clues as to the language required are given. As this activity is taking place the teacher will be moving around and looking for gaps in knowledge in terms of their vocabulary and their grammar.

The things we noted are then going to be covered in the first study (S1). So in the board work phase of this study activity the teacher will cover any gaps in knowledge indicated by that first activate activity. This boardwork study phase will be followed by study activities, such as worksheets. The teacher will feedback and correct on those worksheets.

Then the students are then going to do a second activate (A2) and here they're going to use the information from the study activity and they're going to try to create their own travel brochure.

Once the students have created that travel brochure we're going to move into the next phase which is going to be another engage (E2) this time about a slightly different topic.This time the students are going to be asked what they like about particular radio or TV adverts and we will get the students to tell us which particular advertisements they like and why, also we can ask which ones they find amusing. Useful information in terms of vocabulary and phrases can be boarded. No teaching takes place and no correction is needed.

From this we will move into another study phase (S2) where the teacher is going to cover the types of language that is generated by those types of adverts. This boardwork study phase will be followed by study activities, such as worksheets. The teacher will feedback and correct on those worksheets.

To finish the lesson off the students will complete a final activate activity (A3) where hopefully we are going to bring everything that has been covered so far in the lesson together. The students should create their own TV advert and they will then present it to the rest of the class.

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