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Participating in Children’s School Life: The Role of the Parents in Education

Participating in Children’s School Life: The Role of the Parents in Education | ITTT | TEFL Blog

Education is the key to everything good in the world. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, "education is the process of teaching or learning." This process of teaching and learning should not only be at school, college or university. The process of teaching and learning should first start in the home. This is where the parents come in. Their role in the education of their children is very important from the onset because they are the foundation of learning for their children.

Table of Contents

First steps in education

Taking part in children's' school live

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This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Melissa W. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.

First steps in education

Parents are the first educators of their children, this is so because children normally learn their first words at home, including learning to count and saying the letters of the alphabet with their parents. So, it is safe to say that parents are their children's first teachers. Therefore, the role of the parents in their child's education starts very early. As a parent, one must value education and this must be shown to your child. So that they too may have high regard for it and recognize that it is important to have and just how exciting and meaningful learning can be. Research has shown that children who are from families that value education have a high success rate in school. This is because they have constant parental support at home coupled with the sustenance and guidance from their teachers. Parental support, encouragement, and engagement in learning activities can also go a far way in helping your child to achieve academic success. Some examples of these outcomes are your child behavior and attitude changes for the better in regards to school and education they now have a positive outlook, they enjoy school and is eager to learn, your child grades improved or they get a higher score on their tests or examinations and last but not least they have shown improvement in punctuality or attendance.


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Taking part in children's' school live

The best way to ensure that your child achieves academic excellence or continued success is to constantly play an active role in their education. There are many ways in which parents can be a part of their child's education. They can get involved in the Parents Teacher's Associations, get updates about their child's performance, interact with your child's teachers regularly. Keeping in touch with the teacher will keep you updated on class schedules and the events that are happening and likely changes in the schedule. Parents can also advise on subject choices and career paths. Talk with your child about school, find out what is going on, what they have learned and what they did during the day, basically practice what your child learns at school in the home. You can also set aside some time for reading. Finally, discuss school reports with them, assessing their strengths and weaknesses and what they can do better and what they need to work on and find out how you can assist to make it better or what needs to be done going forward.

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To conclude, when parents support their children's education their learning evolves and they excel in school, as most children look to their parents for guidance, support, and acceptance. So, parents, your role in your child's education is very important as it is a lifelong investment that will enable your child to contribute positively to society.

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