How to Make Up a Strategy For Your Lesson

Generally, anything planned well in advance comes out much better and well organized as compared to something that is just done anyhow in any manner without any planning. As a teacher, it is important to know what you want to teach, why you want to teach and most importantly how you intend to teach. All these questions can only be answered when Lesson planning is done.
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This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Lucia F. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.
Teaching Goal
In trying to answer the questions raised above it is clear that the teacher will know what he/she wants to teach. There is needed to know what you to achieve by teaching the chosen topic as well how, in this case, we are talking about steps to follow and things to do in order to achieve the set objectives. Planning your lesson will give the teacher time to prepare teaching aids needed to make sure the lesson becomes a success. Planning ahead will allow the teacher time to think of the different students in his/her class and preparing teaching aids to suit the needs of all learners.
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Students' Age
When dealing with young learners such as kindergarten kids, it is important for the teacher to prepare enough games and activities that will allow movement since this age group is easily bored if kept sitting for a long time. This means that the teacher has to be creative and come up with songs, colorful pictures, and diagrams and a lot more. These kids learn more by doing, touching or feeling at the same time seeing. All these should be put in mind as the teacher plans for a lesson.
When dealing with older students like adults the teacher has to put into consideration the fact that these are adults who are more private when it comes to certain topics and activities. Because adult learners usually know what they want to learn it is important for the teacher to plan the lesson according to the needs of the learners. At the same time, the activities involved should be enough to accommodate all learners and make sure no student feels left out to avoid bruising their ego.
Lesson Stages
At the same time during the Engage stage of a lesson with adult learners, it is important for the teacher to carefully choose an activity that will not undermine or talk bad about a particular group of people because this will put off the affected student will not enjoy the lesson from the word go. This also applies to young learners.
Knowing the number of learners you are planning for is important and always have two or so extra copies in case one student who was meant to be absent decides to show up or in case one paper gets spoiled or something like that. A responsible teacher should always be prepared. As a teacher, you should avoid large groups during group work so that all learners get a chance to speak during group work. This is only possible if the teacher prepares enough material from the lesson.
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Learners' Level
A well-planned lesson should consider fast learners who will finish their work well before time and having prepared extension work on the side will help maintain order in class. If the fast students finish and find themselves with nothing to do they will resort to making noise and disrupting the class.
A well-planned lesson will be able to motivate learners and will help the teacher and avoid getting stuck with nothing to do in the middle of the lesson. This also applies with testing of machinery to be used in the lesson to avoid embarrassment in front of the learners. A responsible teacher always plans ahead.
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