Guide for Teachers Lacking Confidence to Develop It

Teachers are under increasing pressures due to today's dynamic teaching environment. Their workload has increased so significantly that teachers constantly complain about not having sufficient time to do their jobs properly. And the amount of stress they're under has a lot to do with all of the demands placed upon them, particularly the widening of their role. A TEFL teacher, for instance, has nine different, equally important roles in the classroom.
Table of Contents
Responsibilities in the Classroom
Causes of the Lack of Confidence
Are you ready to become a TEFL teacher?
This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Olivia L. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.
Responsibilities in the Classroom
Among others, the teacher has to be a manager and controller, in which case she is expected to take charge of the class and the activities. In this role, she normally stands in front of the class giving instruction and or reading out loud. The teacher is also an organizer, which is one of the most important roles that she has to assume. Here, she has to organize students in an appropriate manner for various class activities, give instructions, initiate activities, end activities and organize feedback.
Now considering how indispensable teachers are to our societies and the significant influence they are expected to have on those we consider, the most precious members of our communities, it is in our best interest to recognize that they too have needs that should be fulfilled. One of the most pressing of those needs is the need for self-confidence. It is thus considered because a teacher without self-confidence, should under no circumstances, be expected to be able to teach students self-confidence, which they usually require in order to be academically successful.
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Definition of Confidence
So what is confidence? Well, it is said to be one of the most powerful qualities to possess and was defined as follows by the psychiatrist, philosopher, and writer, Neel Burton M.D.: "The trust in oneself and, in particular, in one's ability or aptitude to engage successfully or at least adequately with the world." Dr. Burton claims further that "a self-confident person is ready to rise to new challenges, seize opportunities, deal with difficult situations, and take responsibility if and when things go awry". The word stems from the Latin "fire"âto trust (Burton N. 2015).
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Causes of the Lack of Confidence
Lack of confidence in teachers leads to a decrease in students' motivation, a negative classroom atmosphere, and boredom. A fearful, shy or doubtful teacher would not be able to maintain a good learning atmosphere because they would lack the confidence necessary for imparting discipline, which is particularly important when teaching young learners. All of the above have underlined the paramount importance of confidence in the teaching field but we have to face the fact that not all teachers, qualified or not, are automatically confident. And this begs the question: How are teachers, who lack self-confidence be helped to assume the role of manager, controller or organizer in the classroom?
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Lesson Plan
And the response is that, while confidence can be learned, it would not be realistic to expect all schools to invest the resources necessary to teach their lacking teachers confidence. The good news, however, is that this is not necessary at all, as increasing confidence can easily be achieved by showing teachers recognition and praising their good work. The strategy cost next to nothing and is an effective means of fostering teachers' trust in their abilities. School organizations should, therefore, see to it that their teachers are shown appreciation. In addition to this, teachers should be supported with the resources necessary to facilitate teaching. They should be encouraged from the outset to plan their lessons and to have the needed aids and materials at hand so that their lessons could run as smoothly as possible. Proper lesson planning and familiarity with the material to be taught, encourage confidence by increasing certainty and significantly lessening the possibility of errors and embarrassment.
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