Correlation Between Good Classroom Management and Learning Atmosphere

The English language is becoming a global language, and many people are aspiring to learn the language for different reasons such as to gain work opportunities, for school, to communicate with friends and many more. From my experience, the best way to learn the English language is to go to classes whether they are regular or special classes. Learning English in the classroom is a fulfilling thing, especially to students whose English is not their first language. They get to learn the fundamentals of the language so that they have a better experience in their later years. However, teachers face an uphill task in managing the classroom so that they can provide a conducive learning environment for students to learn.
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This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Ibrahim A. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.
What is classroom management?
Classroom management is a term that is used to imply the smooth running of lessons by the teacher in the classroom without any disruptive behavior from the students. Evertson and Weinstein (2006) characterize classroom management as the actions that are taken by teachers to create an environment that supports and facilitates academic and social-emotional learning. Classroom management is crucial because it facilitates the delivery of ample and efficient execution of the planned lesson by the teacher as well as provide the students with better learning experiences. In this essay, I will provide some of the ways teachers can manage ESL classes to achieve these goals.
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Lesson Planning
First and foremost, it is important that teachers put more effort into planning and preparing for their lessons. Teachers should include in their preparation things such as objectives of the lesson, different tasks students will undertake and how long each will last, equipment's to be used (DVDs, Camera, projector), extra activities or games in case you have spare time left. If the teacher is prepared, it will help boost his/her confidence and reduce boredom among students which might be a catalyst for class disruption. A well-planned lesson will attract student's attention and increase their curiosity towards learning the English language.
Rapport Building
Second, teachers should build a relationship among and with students to foster better communication. The best way teachers can do this is to show their ESL students they care about them. Teachers can take the initiative to learn more about their students, what they like doing their free time, what sports they like and so on. Another way is to sit next to different students in class each time and ask them if they have understood everything or if they have questions. It is difficult for students to misbehave in class if teachers have built a relationship with them.
Set of Directions
Third, establish clear rules and regulations on the first day of class. The best way teachers can come up with better rules and guidelines is to invite the students to help with creating them. This approach will develop students to be part of the process and be content with the rules instead of the teachers, telling them what not to do. Once the teacher and the students have created the rules, they should follow with the consequences of breaking the rule. The consequences should be fair and consistent among all the students without any favoritism. Finally, the teacher should document the rules and consequences agreed upon and hang it in the classroom where every student can see. This will help deal with any misbehaviors in the classroom as it was a consensus effort between the teacher and the students.
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Fourth, teachers should control the learning environment. A significant way teachers can do this is to establish a seating arrangement that fosters better classroom experience. Seating those students who disrupt classroom learning at the front of the class so that teachers can monitor their activities. Pair strong students with weak students to help them master difficult lessons.
Another major thing that disrupts the learning environment is the transition from one activity to another. Without smooth transitioning in class can lead to the breakdown of the learning process. Teachers need to come up with creative strategies that will foster smooth transitioning from one task to another. Teachers can come up with signs such as raising the hand or showing a picture to show that the class needs to move to the next task. Whatever routine, the teacher decides to use should be consistent.
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Last but not least, teachers should deal with behavioral problems immediately before they get out of hand. Because it is easier and sets precedence for other students not to attempt to do the same thing. Also, teachers teaching ESL students should be aware of the culture of their students in regards to providing A better learning experience in the classroom and enhancing rapport with students. Teachers can learn more about the culture by asking and consulting with their native colleagues.
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