Zareena Younis
Zareena is a TEFL Instructor based in Sulimaniyah, Kurdistan, Iraq. She enjoys motivating students in authentic ways and to inspire others to have optimism.
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Nepotism in the Education Sector | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Nepotism, known as “wasta” in the workplace, is common in the Middle East, especially in the private sector. Personally, this area of common practice was unknown and unheard of to me as I come from a system of being recruited through the normal steps of applying for a job, being selected for an interview, and then being hired based on my experience knowledge, and skills.
Read moreTeacher vs. Student-Centered Approach in the Middle East | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Teachers in the Middle East are used to the traditional method of teaching, the teacher-centered approach, because this way is easier to manage the class, and it is what they are used to. However, over the last few years, there has been a greater shift towards the student-centered approach, which is still new for both teachers and students.
Read moreThe Increasing Need for Continuous Professional Development in the Middle East | ITTT | TEFL Blog
This article focuses on ESL in particular, whereby ESL is a specialized area in itself. However, this is not recognized in the Middle East, and heavy recognition is given to the qualification gained rather than the development of practical skills in that field.
Read moreLove What You Do - A Passion for Teaching | ITTT | TEFL Blog
What does teaching mean to you? Do you have a great passion for it? This post is to all the great teachers out there making a difference in their students' lives.
Read more10 Reasons Why Sulaymaniyah is a Great Place to Teach English Abroad | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Here are 10 reasons why the city of Sulaymaniyah in the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq is an exciting place to teach English.
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