Georgia Payne
Georgia is a music and history teacher from Australia who has been teaching English in Japan for the past 1.5 years. She loves to travel and share her travel experiences and tips on her blog. Next year, she hopes to take her TEFL skills to Europe and take on some new challenges.
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A Day in the Life of an ALT on the JET (Japan Exchange and Teaching) Programme | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Are you interested in teaching English in Japan? ✅ Here's what a day in the life of an ALT on the JET (Japan Exchange and Teaching) Programme looks like!
Read moreAccommodation Options in Tokyo for English Teachers in Japan | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Are you looking to teach English in Japan? ✅ A JET teacher in Japan wrote up this perfect guide on how to find the perfect teacher apartment in Tokyo.
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