A Sample Lesson Plan to Present New Grammar to Young Students

Lesson Plan
- Language point: Connection of previous lesson vocabulary and grammar to bring out a new lesson grammar.
- Teaching aids A computer, CD, a whiteboard, colorful pens, flashcards, activity materials, magnetic fruits(apples, bananas, watermelon...), index cards, puppets, and worksheets.
- Learning objects: Students will be able to talk/write about fruits and to ask/answer questions about some fruits they like.
- Personal aims: Students will be able to talk about their opinions of various fruits.
- Anticipated problems for students: Students may not understand that "don't" is a contraction for do not and have difficulties pronouncing don't.
- Solutions for students: Explain that "don't" is a contraction for do not and drill its pronunciation.
- Anticipated problems for the teacher: I might use words that they can't read, write, or understand in the study stage.
- Solutions for the teacher: I have prepared fun trace and color experiences for them. I will also explain with gestures for visualization.
This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Charos H. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.
Table of Contents
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I've designed this lesson for beginner students in the ESL new language class. There are 6 students in a small group classroom. The students are between 6-7 years old. My goal is to provide opportunities to explore and personalize a new language. I chose the "Straight Arrow" ESA methodology to teach the topic, Do you like Fruit?
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Engage Stage (10 minutes):
I will start to play the "Do you like Broccoli Ice Cream?" Kid's song. We will sing and dance together. I'm sure they will like it and follow along actively. After the song, I will use the brainstorming method to review food and fruit vocabulary from previous lessons. My students are young learners and their level is basic. Therefore, I will ask questions about what we learned in the last units: what's this? What are these? What color is this fruit? Is it (a/an)...? Are they...?
Then I will add new questions which start with another auxiliary verb, Do, as in, Do you like...? No matter if their answers are correct or not in the engage stage, I will know if they are familiar or not with "Do".
Study Stage (22 minutes):
I've chosen two puppets to introduce a new language presentation. I'll start to play a dialogue between puppets asking and answering questions for each other: * Doggy: Do you like apples? * Kitty: Yes, I do. I like apples.* Doggy: Do you like grapes? * Kitty: No, I don't. I don't like grapes.
Before the class starts, I will prepare a whiteboard. The board will display the question "Do you like ...?". I will draw faces to emote yummy and yucky. I will explain each word and stick different magnetic fruits such as apples on the blank in the question. I will go to yummy face and I will write, "Yes, I do. I like apples." with a blue marker. Then I will repeat the same question. I will point yucky face and I will write, "No, I don't. I don't like apples."
Next step, I will explain that "don't" is a contraction of "do not" and point out that do/ don't is used with the subject, I/they/you(we will learn does/doesn't next class). I will also give examples with us/they/you. After that, I'll point out the whiteboard phrases and ask students to repeat after me. We'll drill pronunciation with attention to the "nt" sound in "don't".
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For practice time, I will give each student a worksheet. In this worksheet, they should look at the pictures and then complete the questions and answers. We will do the first item together and then students will complete the remainder of the worksheet independently. I will assist as needed when individuals have trouble. We will review the answers as a group with the whole class. I will ask volunteers to read each item aloud. The next worksheet is about listening and coloring. They will listen to an audio CD and color a fruit on the picture based on what they hear. I'll play the audio and students will complete the coloring part of the activity independently. If necessary, I'll pause audio and help my students with each item. After they finish the worksheet, we will review the answers and check if students correctly colored the right fruits.
Active stage (28 minutes):
Before starting the first Activity Stage, I'll give each student an index card with a green and red marker. I will let students write "Yes, I do", with a green marker on the front of the card and "No, I don't" with the red marker on the back. We will sit in a circle, and I will hold up flashcards with an image such as watermelon and ask: Do you like watermelon? My students vote by holding their card turned with their answer facing the group. Students who voted, yes, stand and say in unison: Yes, I do, followed by those who say no, then stand and say in unison: No, I don't. Students who vote similarly will say sentences: We like watermelon. They don't like watermelon and vice versa.
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Then next activity is roleplaying about an orchard market. We need magnetic fruits, baskets and paper money. We will choose students to play a seller and a customer. The seller asks: "Do you like...?" And the customer will answer: "Yes, I do. I like..." or "No, I don't. I don't like...". Customers pretend to pay, take one of the magnetic fruits and sit down. While my students are acting, I will listen for their proper pronunciation, appropriate intonation, and correct use of language.
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Finally, I will give them each some fruit seeds to plant and water as a homework assignment and encourage them to tell in English about the fruit they are planting. They can see how the seeds germinate and grow. This homework will help my students to love nature and take care of trees.
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